Budget Cuts Release Date Announced


May 13, 2013
Upcoming VR game "Budget Cuts" by Neat Corporation has finally gotten a release date. The game looks like a mix of Portal, and the Stanley Parable all in one, but with knives. No price has been announced, but Budget Cuts will be available for the HTC Vive on May 16th from Steam.

Game looks like it could get very intense. And the release date of May 15th means you can use it to give your new Vive Pro a workout.
This game kicks ass, at least the demo did. Fun stuff.
This game was a day one demo, they really took their time with it. Excited for the finished game, hopefully it's not $60.

Edit: a quick google search states MSRP is $30
Awesome Demo! Took a long time for another too come close to it. I will buy it the day it arrives. I must say the video above is just the demo. I'd like to see the changes as well.
This looks like a killer app for me. Really digging the music. Might be time to invest in a Vive Pro.

Doh!!! +/- .01, Damn my laziness, typing in a flat $30!!! ;)

Fun fact about this game. I gave myself a mild concussion playing it. On my first play thru I got the the square hallway room with the robot that walk clockwise, after missing his back all 3 times with knives I ported into the room to try and pick up the knives before rushing around and trying to hit him in the back, as I was kneeling down trying to pick up the knives I knew he was about to round the corner and see me, as that happened an unthinking/instinctive part of me tried diving out into the empty hallway to the right, well, that ended up being on the corner of our futon couch in the computer room. As I layed failed in the game with the robot having caught me and an empty hall in front of me, it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to figure out I had hit something in real life. Since then I try not to get too immersed in VR.

Retail game might kill me!!
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This was my first VR experience at a mall kiosk. Played really well, that was almost 2 years go and I had forgotten the name, though I could describe it easily enough. With the price drop on the Vive and this coming out, I may finally pull the trigger on VR.
This demo was an amazing experience. Really looking forward to this release. I am old and fat and have bad knees, but this game had me crawling on the floor trying to look down through the ceiling tiles I was on. Fantastically immersive, even for VR.