Valve is Going to Start Shipping Games Again


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Gabe Newell has come out and stated that Valve is going to start shipping games again. The first one coming out is Artifact which is a Dota-themed digital card game. Who wants a card game? I don't know about anybody else (I do know) but I just want to see Half Life 3 and the world will be okay once again. Make it happen Gabe!

Speaking at the press presentation for Valve's latest, Artifact, Newell said: "Artifact is the first of several games that are going to be coming from us, so that’s sort of good news. Hurray! Valve is going to start shipping games again."
The DOTA lore/world isn't nearly as popular as Blizzards (or as in depth). I can't imagine it getting much attention.
What a hypocrite. Newell’s always touted the "we at Valve do what the majority feels like doing". So if they all felt like doing HL3, they would do it. Notice how that rationale has now changed to "and had a reasonable explanation for why". AKA you’re swimming in money and have no intention to use any of it for the very game and users who made you king of digital distribution in the first place.
Half Life 3 won't happen until we have some major breakthrough in gaming technology. As it stands today, there is so much hype behind that game that it would be impossible, no matter how incredible the team Valve hires, to come anywhere near matching the expectations of the game.
I want it as badly as anyone else, but I gave up on that hope years ago.
I love how they come with this after the last remaining staff member from the HL team leaves the company.

Even though I still harbour a grudge to Newell and Valve for blueballing us with the HL franchise and abandoning Portal, if they came out with a new interesting IP I would still probably give it a chance.

Don't care about digital card games though.
FU gabe, you fat piece of sh*t. Your fan base had been waiting of HL3 for over a decade now, and he'll, I'd be content with EP3 and a proper ending, but no! You leave us in the most dire of positions with no type of conclusion since EP2. You are scum, and you deserve none of the love the community gives you. Instead you've cozzied up to microtractions and charging devs for updates. You are a soul that has no passion and has been lost to greed.

(Takes a deep breath) ...ok...ok.Rant over...
Half Life 3 won't happen until we have some major breakthrough in gaming technology. As it stands today, there is so much hype behind that game that it would be impossible, no matter how incredible the team Valve hires, to come anywhere near matching the expectations of the game.
I want it as badly as anyone else, but I gave up on that hope years ago.

I'm so tired of this argument. It's absolute nonsense. There is no hyper-inflated expectation of HL3, this is no more than fan-forum self-wound up rhetoric. All HL fans want is closure to a story that's been on a cliffhanger for a decade. HL3 isn't some deity we must revere. It's just a frigging game. Replay it now, it's not even THAT amazing - it has a good story and great physics, came out at a time when this was an explosive combo. It's long been surpassed. HL3 doesn't need to be perfect, just needs to finish its story. Look at AC Origins: great game, great technology, well made. Apply those simple more-than-good-enough principles to HL3 and you have a success in your hands. Enough beating around the bush.
What a hypocrite. Newell’s always touted the "we at Valve do what the majority feels like doing". So if they all felt like doing HL3, they would do it. Notice how that rationale has now changed to "and had a reasonable explanation for why". AKA you’re swimming in money and have no intention to use any of it for the very game and users who made you king of digital distribution in the first place.

Can't sell booster packs in HL3. The amount of money Artifact is going to make them will be disgusting.
I'm so tired of this argument. It's absolute nonsense. There is no hyper-inflated expectation of HL3, this is no more than fan-forum self-wound up rhetoric. All HL fans want is closure to a story that's been on a cliffhanger for a decade. HL3 isn't some deity we must revere. It's just a frigging game. Replay it now, it's not even THAT amazing - it has a good story and great physics, came out at a time when this was an explosive combo. It's long been surpassed. HL3 doesn't need to be perfect, just needs to finish its story. Look at AC Origins: great game, great technology, well made. Apply those simple more-than-good-enough principles to HL3 and you have a success in your hands. Enough beating around the bush.

You and I agree on every point you made. I don't have extraordinary expectations of the game if it ever launched. I wouldn't put my hopes on it being the best game ever created. I'd love to see the game if it was a walking simulator just to have an ending to the story. Unfortunately, the vocal side of the internet disagrees with you and I.
Doubt they will be shipping anything substantial they don't even have a engine worthy of doing anything interesting. A mobile card game will be the first full fledged "source 2" game if that tells you anything.
Doubt they will be shipping anything substantial they don't even have a engine worthy of doing anything interesting. A mobile card game will be the first full fledged "source 2" game if that tells you anything.

DOTA 2 runs off the Source 2 engine. They transferred it from Source to Source when they launched the "DOTA 2 Reborn" update in Sept 2015. They have not, however, made a new game on Source 2, yet.
What a hypocrite. Newell’s always touted the "we at Valve do what the majority feels like doing". So if they all felt like doing HL3, they would do it. Notice how that rationale has now changed to "and had a reasonable explanation for why". AKA you’re swimming in money and have no intention to use any of it for the very game and users who made you king of digital distribution in the first place.
I think the fact that they are waiting to do HL3 when they are ready shows it's not about the money. If they wanted more money they would make HL3 now. If they don't care about the money and care more about doing it right, they will wait until the time is right.

No one knows what the majority of developers at Valve want. Maybe no one wants to do HL3? At least Gabe is not forcing them to make it when no one wants to. Who can imagine it turning out good if no one wants to make it?
DOTA 2 runs off the Source 2 engine. They transferred it from Source to Source when they launched the "DOTA 2 Reborn" update in Sept 2015. They have not, however, made a new game on Source 2, yet.
Only more proof that source 2 is nothing to get excited about. Doesn't give me much hope when EA now owns a more advanced version of the source engine then valve does.
Posts like this always make me laugh. Half Life 3 if announced would fucking blow up the internet, and would most definitely not tank. The people who say they wouldn't play it would cave and play it for sure.
Ok...get ready.....I never played any HL

BOOM...mind blown

This thread shocks me. Without Valve VR would be a facebook only operation. A bunch of whiny hypocrites in here .What the fuck have you produced in your life comparable to Steam? I use it every single day and have for well over a decade.
I think the fact that they are waiting to do HL3 when they are ready shows it's not about the money. If they wanted more money they would make HL3 now. If they don't care about the money and care more about doing it right, they will wait until the time is right.

No one knows what the majority of developers at Valve want. Maybe no one wants to do HL3? At least Gabe is not forcing them to make it when no one wants to. Who can imagine it turning out good if no one wants to make it?
Wrong. Valve HAS no real developers anymore, just a bunch of web codemonkies sitting around counting microtransactions and raking in the percentages off the games they schlep off the backs of real game programers.

Until the culture there changes, this won't change. At the moment, they're just fat lazy whores busy sucking dollars out of our pockets.
This thread shocks me. Without Valve VR would be a facebook only operation. A bunch of whiny hypocrites in here .What the fuck have you produced in your life comparable to Steam? I use it every single day and have for well over a decade.
VR is just a squirt of piss in the wind, it's a gimmick that's going to fall as flat on it's face as 3D TVs did.
If Valve came out with Portal 3, HL3, Left 4 Dead 3, and Team Fortress 3, but only sold them as physical boxes. They will still sell millions.

yeah, even if they made them steamOS only.

Also for the people wanting HL3 to "conclude" the story, didn't the writer already confirm that even if they made a HL3 or HL2 ep3 it would also end on a cliffhanger so they could make more games in that universe?
I like card games, just found a new one called Eternal, its pretty fun.
I'm so tired of this argument. It's absolute nonsense. There is no hyper-inflated expectation of HL3
i think theres a misconstruance here - the expectation is by the devs at valve, & it assuredly exists. they are the ones who feel immense pressure to deliver something monolithic, mind-blowing, & worthy to the legacy that HL & HL2 each created as technological & storytelling milestones in the genre. because of the flat office structure at valve itself, its up to dedicated individuals at the company to galvanize & amass a large enough portion of the other employees with the necessary skillsets to not only produce preproduction content beyond concept art & simple texture/prop assets, but to keep them from breaking off onto easier & simpler projects that are less daunting & lengthy.

its been hinted at multiple times by valve employees public statements or even gabes interviews that they basically dont even feel comfortable approaching HL3 until they have some kind of engine breakthrough...which is probably why theyve been fucking around with VR so much. the HL legacy is imposing & greater than the sum of its parts. its not public perception thats stopping HL3 from being made...valve has been literally scared to commit to it after the episodic gimmick fell flat.
Wrong. Valve HAS no real developers anymore, just a bunch of web codemonkies sitting around counting microtransactions and raking in the percentages off the games they schlep off the backs of real game programers.

Until the culture there changes, this won't change. At the moment, they're just fat lazy whores busy sucking dollars out of our pockets.
Steam sucks up microtransaction percentages, not Valve. Cause they are two different companies which a lot of people seem to forget.
Valve is the game company, Steam is the publishing platform company.
What a hypocrite. Newell’s always touted the "we at Valve do what the majority feels like doing". So if they all felt like doing HL3, they would do it. Notice how that rationale has now changed to "and had a reasonable explanation for why". AKA you’re swimming in money and have no intention to use any of it for the very game and users who made you king of digital distribution in the first place.

Well if you had that kind of money you wouldn't have a reason to hoard it. Unless you liked hoarding it as a hobby. If you had billions would you just let it sit around just to make more of it? Doubt it. Gabe has enough money to fund a AAA game with his own money, without pulling from Valve itself. At this point Valve and Gabe have so much profits to make some interesting projects. I'd imagine they'd get board if they didn't try to something semi productive.
Steam sucks up microtransaction percentages, not Valve. Cause they are two different companies which a lot of people seem to forget.
Valve is the game company, Steam is the publishing platform company.
And they're owned by the same bunch of leeches....