AMD Ryzen 7 1800X On Sale


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
This is a sweet CPU at a sweet price. The Ryzen 7 1800X is less than $40 a core today at Amazon. Hover Hound says that is a sweet price for 2018!

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If only I had a crystal ball to tell me whether or not the 2700 will beat this in terms of performance/price...
We likeses our 1800x.

The whole platform has shaped up nicely.

I have the same 2 dimms I started with. I could get it one step over 2400 with my DDR4 speeds with my first bios. As of this most recent I can hit 3000+ w/o increasing voltage or doing anything other then change the speed in bios.

Pretty awesome.
I am actually pretty excited for Ryzen 2 coming out in 2019 at which point I'm sure they will have 4.5ghz and vastly improved single core performance.

My GF has the 1700 and she loves it. Think we have a 3.7ghz OC on it with no issues.
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It looks like the R7 1700 is also on sale too. $240? Damn, that's potentially cheaper than 16GB of ram.

The only difference between R7 1700 and R7 1800x is the base/boost clock speed, right?
They overclock to similar levels, from what I recall.

I don't know about most others, but my 1700X would only overclock to 3.7GHz, barely equal to an 1800X without the boost. AMD CPUs are heavily binned for quality. The ones lower on the price list are there for good reason most of the time. It's not so easy to overclock the 1700 to 1800X levels.
I'm still lovin' my 1600x, seems to run my memory at 3200 just fine. Best thing is I only paid... oh wait, I won that here on a HardOCP drawing!!! (Thanks once again Kyle!). It chugs along just fine, no issues that I can recall. Both Windows 10 and Devuan Linux are running perfectly.
Yeah. Huge fan of what AMD has done with Ryzen and have both a 1700 and 1600 based system. Calling these ‘Ryzen 2’ bothers me because it’s a refresh and not a sequel. Great to see more refined silicone and better clocks of course. But Ryzen+ Maybe doesn’t market as well?

Still may get a 2600(?) if it’s as fast as my 1600 oc’d and less power hungry. It’s in a sff box.

Still great to be back on team Red again!
I'm going to build a Ryzen-based rig in the next several months...if RAM comes down. Otherwise, I'd be sitting on hardware, slowly getting obsolete, while I wait for the price drop.

I blame profiteers.

And miners.

Always gotta blame the miners.
I might get one, split my 32GB from my 8700k and send the Ryzen mining. That thing will pay itself in no time.

Stop whining about miners, buy what you need and mine yourself the extra dollar back to your wallet, that easy it is.

It's what I am doing and it works, better than I thought it would.

Just stop bitching about miners, you can do the same and help yourself.
I might get one, split my 32GB from my 8700k and send the Ryzen mining. That thing will pay itself in no time.

Stop whining about miners, buy what you need and mine yourself the extra dollar back to your wallet, that easy it is.

It's what I am doing and it works, better than I thought it would.

Just stop bitching about miners, you can do the same and help yourself.

I wouldn't say "no time," but probably at least a year factoring in electricity.
I wouldn't say "no time," but probably at least a year factoring in electricity.

That actually depends on how your rig is being used, mine runs 24/7/365 anyway and the extra wattage for cryptonight algo is real LOW, I mean so low I have to dig for it, maybe 25 watts on my 8700k @ 5.2GHz. In this very moment my CPU uses 31.5 watts, mining CPU and GPU, many tabs, tons of apps open...25watt may even be too high.

It wont pay if you need the whole PC turned on JUST for CPU mining, that wont pay off if you pay a high price for electricity as I do, 0.30 €/kWh. That is like 4x times as much as Kyle pays in Texas, yeah.

I recently benched our office-bitch 1600x on cryptonight, she outperforms my 8700k by 50%. 300Hs/sec vs 200Hs/sec. take 2 more cores and you hit 400Hs/sec, that is TWICE the 8700k's hashpower, TWICE ! Pure MHz plays not a big roole here, rather the 2 C's, Cores & Cache.

Man, I am tempted to shell out my mined BTC for one of those...even a 1700x was fine I assume.
Yeah. Huge fan of what AMD has done with Ryzen and have both a 1700 and 1600 based system. Calling these ‘Ryzen 2’ bothers me because it’s a refresh and not a sequel. Great to see more refined silicone and better clocks of course. But Ryzen+ Maybe doesn’t market as well?

Still may get a 2600(?) if it’s as fast as my 1600 oc’d and less power hungry. It’s in a sff box.

Still great to be back on team Red again!

Well in this case (the cpu) you're back on team green again. gpu (Radeon) is team red. nvidia is team green in gpu. intel is team blue in cpu.
I got a 1700X on black friday for ~$230, and Micro Center seems to be near these price points more regularly now. Sitting at 3.8 GHz, around 1.25v under a Noctua NH-D15, one of my best CPU purchases to date.
I recently benched our office-bitch 1600x on cryptonight, she outperforms my 8700k by 50%. 300Hs/sec vs 200Hs/sec. take 2 more cores and you hit 400Hs/sec, that is TWICE the 8700k's hashpower, TWICE ! Pure MHz plays not a big roole here, rather the 2 C's, Cores & Cache.

Both the 1600x and the 1800x have the same L3 cache, which is really what's critical for cryptonight -- clock-for-clock, you'll see a small boost for 8 threads on 8 logical cores vs 6+2 hyperthreaded, but the difference is marginal.

Now, get the 1800x for whatever other reason you like, but probably not to mine cryptonight.
Well in this case (the cpu) you're back on team green again. gpu (Radeon) is team red. nvidia is team green in gpu. intel is team blue in cpu.

Indeed. Forgot my Cpu history! Green on green then with AMD cpu and Nvidia Gpu currently ;)
Yeah. Huge fan of what AMD has done with Ryzen and have both a 1700 and 1600 based system. Calling these ‘Ryzen 2’ bothers me because it’s a refresh and not a sequel. Great to see more refined silicone and better clocks of course. But Ryzen+ Maybe doesn’t market as well?

Who is calling them Ryzen 2? Their internal name has always been Ryzen+ and the retail name we all now know is the "2000" series.
Ryzen 2 will probably be named "3000" series. Just a guess ;)
I've been living with a 2600K for a long time. It's served me well, but it's getting a bit crufty, and I've been thinking about replacements for a year.

I was pretty sweet on getting an 1800X and I almost jumped on this, but then I remembered that what I really needed was a video card. That made me a little melancholy since I get excited about building a new machine, but I got over it by taking my dog for a walk and letting him take a big dump on the grass at the local Wells Fargo. You should always take time to savor life's little pleasures.

P.S. Also I'm not buying a new processor until they come out with fresh silicon that is Meltdown / Spectre free without a patch or performance hit. The 2600K will soldier on. When this computer dies I'm going to make a little wooden longship, with little axes and shields and an old HP keyboard, and then give it a proper Norse burial on the local reservoir.
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My only draw would be a better chipset. I’m probably getting a TR because of this.
Who is calling them Ryzen 2? Their internal name has always been Ryzen+ and the retail name we all now know is the "2000" series.
Ryzen 2 will probably be named "3000" series. Just a guess ;)

Just the usual herd of tech tubers and such. I’m on the same page with ya on this.
It looks now that all the "2000" series will ship with an included HS/F, unlike the "1000" series X models. As far as the new chipset goes, we can hope for faster RAM speeds, and CPU OC ability. Bootable NVMe RAID ability is a nice option for some.
I found it interesting that the X370 boards can do XFR2, but only with a "2000" series CPU. And the Precision Boost Overdrive on the X470/B450 chipset's only works on the "X" model CPU's. I believe this is the first time a non "X" CPU has been feature limited?
I was hoping that the chipset pci-e lanes would be upgraded to pci- 3.0. If they're still going to be pci-e 2.0, then one should stick with x370.

I thought they said a while back that they upgraded them to PCIe 3.0 with the 4XX chipsets.

NOTHING is "official" until AMD releases them, pure and simple as that, otherwise one might as well place "theories as gospel" and of course, if the "leaks" turn out to be mostly "true" the putzes will slap themselves on the back for a "job well done"

IMHO at least from what I have noticed (with rare exception) a "new generation" generally bumps "modest clock speeds" ~300-500Mhz, has been this way for many years, the "turbo clock" that is a relatively new thing however.

surprised juanrga has not stepped in here yet ^.^

Who is calling them Ryzen 2? Their internal name has always been Ryzen+ and the retail name we all now know is the "2000" series.
Ryzen 2 will probably be named "3000" series. Just a guess ;)

Oh only about 20 different "clickbait websites" over the last couple of months at least.

WCCFtech of course number 1 (likely allied to many other sites who always crossclaim info from them or they cite "credible info from a source that does not want to be identified" respectively)

the inquirer, pc games N, pcgamehardware, techradar, fudzilla, forbes among others, and of course the ones that seem most vehement on BS information, one cannot post anything on their page, so they just "might" attempt to not misguide readers/investors (which can and has caused damage..expect at V speed for X price and only see Y speed at Z price i.e much less than one would have expected type deal)

No matter how many times you tell them, it is NOT Ryzen 2 (meaning actual 2nd generation) not Ryzen+ which is on 12nm they still keep posting away.

Raven Ridge was held back from 14nm and pushed to 12nm instead, tweaked Ryzen, yes, true 2nd generation product, nope, not according to AMD, they could not "slot in" to the 1xxx naming or they would have

odd AMD did not make sure would work on the x3xx generation more thoroughly right off the bat (2200-2400G) seeing as a great many boards shipped with the video out on the backpanel awaiting them. still many folks needed to get in touch with AMD to get a "free" chip shipped to them (unless they were luckky enough to manage such on their own) to update their bios to use them, not a good thing (they jumped to action quickly which is good though, just me being me if it was Intel, likely would not have done quite the same "we will help you" as AMD did in this regard) AMD probably could have "easily" avoided, not sure why it was allowed to happen as did? ^.^

Ryzen 2 (not Ryzen+ on 12nm) always was (and to best of my knowledge will be) on 7nm AMD has not changed this, so the ones due out in a few weeks time are a "refresh" I am sure AMD marketing could have done better on their slides to not confuse the poor sheep however :D
I recently benched our office-bitch 1600x on cryptonight, she outperforms my 8700k by 50%. 300Hs/sec vs 200Hs/sec. take 2 more cores and you hit 400Hs/sec, that is TWICE the 8700k's hashpower, TWICE ! Pure MHz plays not a big roole here, rather the 2 C's, Cores & Cache.
Cryptonight is very sensitive to tuning parameters used on the miner, other applications running and sacrifices to various gods.

The 8700K (at 5GHz) when everything is just right, can reach nearly 500 h/s with 6 threads. However this only seems to occur once in a blue moon and typically you get better scores with 5 threads with a hash rate of over 400 H/s. The 8 core Ryzens usually still beat it though.
Cryptonight is very sensitive to tuning parameters used on the miner, other applications running and sacrifices to various gods.

The 8700K (at 5GHz) when everything is just right, can reach nearly 500 h/s with 6 threads. However this only seems to occur once in a blue moon and typically you get better scores with 5 threads with a hash rate of over 400 H/s. The 8 core Ryzens usually still beat it though.

My 1600x and 1700 both hit in the 440-480 range at stock just using the Nicehash benchmark config. Of course, right now profitability is in the toilet, that's maybe $0.50-0.60 a day. Also, that's at far less power than a 5Ghz 8700k. My 7820X did 440, but at 160W.
On a funny note, I looked at the item in Amazon. Check out the section "Compare with similar items" specifically item weight. This thing is a monster at 5.3 pounds! :wideyed: