FCC Watchdog Looks Into Changes That Benefited Sinclair


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Sinclair Broadcasting purchased Tribune Media a few short weeks after new rules were passed by the FCC that allowed this action. As a result, an internal FCC watchdog is looking into whether or not the FCC chair improperly pushed for these rules to benefit Sinclair directly. If true this might cause trouble for Mr. Pai, but I'm not sure this wasn't anything but good lobbying on the part of Sinclair. Stay tuned. Thanks cageymaru.

Antitrust experts said this new investigation may complicate the reviews of the Sinclair-Tribune deal by the F.C.C. and the Justice Department. Even if the deal were approved, they said, any conclusions of improper conduct by Mr. Pai could give fuel to critics to challenge the review in courts.
Sinclair is a company I would love to see destroyed. If there ever was a thing as fake news, they are it, and they force those they gobble up into their monopoly to spew the BS in fake segments disguised as real news. Though we can't get this fixed with the current political climate, so I'll go with the runner up prize of seeing the corrupt FCC Chairman ousted by the FCC watchdog.

At this point any potential damage that Ajit Pai's removal of Net Neutrality could have caused is now dead. States like California, New Jersey, and New York insure that any ISP that had any plans to screw with the internet is long dead. Even if other states don't also implement Net Neutrality, that won't make it easy to abuse the states that haven't. It would be nice if Net Neutrality stayed but either way Ajit Pai has ensured that payed fast lanes are dead.
At this point any potential damage that Ajit Pai's removal of Net Neutrality could have caused is now dead. States like California, New Jersey, and New York insure that any ISP that had any plans to screw with the internet is long dead. Even if other states don't also implement Net Neutrality, that won't make it easy to abuse the states that haven't. It would be nice if Net Neutrality stayed but either way Ajit Pai has ensured that payed fast lanes are dead.

except for that fact that the federal government is saying those states can't do that and are ensuring that fast lanes can happen.