Facebook Will Show Which Russian Election Troll Accounts You Followed


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Facebook has announced a portal to enable people to find out which Russian troll pages or Instagram accounts they liked or followed between January 2015 and August 2017. Their reason for doing this is to increase transparency and also to appease Congress as they investigate the issues from the 2016 election cycle. Look for this at the end of this year all of you Facebook and Instagram users. I bet you find some interesting information once it's out in the wild.

It is important that people understand how foreign actors tried to sow division and mistrust using Facebook before and after the 2016 US election. That’s why as we have discovered information, we have continually come forward to share it publicly and have provided it to congressional investigators. And it’s also why we’re building the tool we are announcing today.
As if the intended audience of this information is going to care anyway. You dont need to manipulate the cattle when their only reason for voting is to say a big "fuck you" to the other side.

Correct. Most people who fell for this crap have no idea that Russia was meddling in their feeds in the first place, and wouldn't care if they did know.
As if the intended audience of this information is going to care anyway. You dont need to manipulate the cattle when their only reason for voting is to say a big "fuck you" to the other side.

Is this information more likely to be intended for the left as a form of virtue signalling "RUSSIANS!" who are voting to say fuck you to the right. Or are you saying this is intended for the right who Facebook is saying were "manipulated" in to changing their votes after liking and following groups named "Being Patriotic", "Hearts of Texas", etc and subsequently saying fuck you to the left?

I'm not so sure that really works well with either, but the former seems to be a more likely intended audience with a fb blog post like this.
The people who fell for this will Never believe it; it's Fake News.

I watched Trump turn an entire R&D group into Nazis... it's easier than people think.

Who follows random accounts, especially ones that spout propaganda, fake or otherwise? Every person on my friends list I have some personal connection with, and those few pages I do follow are those of popular figures or works.

I guess I'm still using Facebook as it was intended at its inception, not the global aggregate for everything that it has become.
How many accounts I followed: 0

Helps when you don't have a Facebook account. #wakeupsheeple

I don't do Facebook, twitter or ANY other social things...UNLESS the [H] counts. ... Also, Ad blockers are great!
The people who fell for this will Never believe it; it's Fake News.

I watched Trump turn an entire R&D group into Nazis... it's easier than people think.

I rented a car a couple of years ago that was pre-tuned to some rightwing AM hate radio station. I decided to listen for a bit out of curiosity. Nothing but a bunch of ranting how scientists and their highfalutin degrees think they're better than "us" and thus we need to just do the opposite of whatever they say because fuck them, thats why. Kinda depressing honestly...
"Facebook Blames The Russians". Sounds like the title of a good childrens story. Funny, because Facebook continues to be the ultimate socialist platform: Get as many people as you can who 'just want to belong and not feel so isolated' and manipulate the shit out of their feelings until they are so desperate to be part of the big-picture that they behave in a predictable manner. Get them to willingly give up as much info about themselves as they can, expose their deepest fears, lost loves, ambitions and regrets, and then convince them that believing what everyone else believes (through the use of social pressure, aka: THE LIKE BUTTON) is greater than any decision they might make on your own, with their flawed, insecure little minds. I mean, how can I say I don't like that idea if ALL my friends like it? They might defriend me!

Pretty sure that's also how Scientology works.
Considering that there were about 80,000 bot/troll accounts, out of the millions of followers that Trump and Clinton had, and seeing as how they were mostly being followed by those that already agreed with the points of view they were espousing, I just don't see how big a difference this makes. I really wish they'd put numbers in perspective when they report this stuff. Trump had, if I remember, 8 million facebook followers during the election. 80,000 is 1% of that. And they were just echoing opinions that were alread held
As if the intended audience of this information is going to care anyway. You don't need to manipulate the cattle when their only reason for voting is to say a big "fuck you" to the other side.

We'll see. Even the cattle noticed the weird stuff going on in social media before the election. Remember the creepy clown scare?

I just don't see how big a difference this makes. I really wish they'd put numbers in perspective when they report this stuff.

This was a very close election. I think it's undeniable that targeted meddling on the scale being reported had some effect.
Well I'm glad the dems have figured out that evil Russian hackers are responsible for their loss not running a campaign based purely on identity and utterly abandoning the working class. Luckily for them the repubs are a bunch of cuck losers who only attack their own side, desperately don't want fulfill any of their own campaign promises, and also want to fuck the working class.

But muh Russia hackers stole the election or something. Really important news there.
This was a very close election. I think it's undeniable that targeted meddling on the scale being reported had some effect.

It seems that most people that deny the Russian meddling miss this point. If they even got one person to vote that wouldn't have otherwise (after getting them worked up through shared BS on Facebook or Twitter), then the meddling is a fair accusation to make against the Russians. No matter if the person was swayed Red or Blue.
No mention that the Russian ads on Facebook were all actually anti-Trump. That simply doesn't match the media narrative. Now label everything funded by Soros and the DNC. Cue full libtard denial.

Proof? Show me where all the ads were anti-Trump.... It sounds like you probably believed them...
We'll see. Even the cattle noticed the weird stuff going on in social media before the election. Remember the creepy clown scare?

This was a very close election. I think it's undeniable that targeted meddling on the scale being reported had some effect.
I don't deny that there was SOME effect. It's just that we are never given any figures to put that effect into perspective. The Stanford study done on fake news and it's impact done back in January showed that the only way the 30 million fake news shares could have swayed the election in Trump's favor would be if they were 36 times as effective as regular tv adds in terms of votes changed per view. It's POSSIBLE that Russia swayed the election, but still highly unlikely.

I look at it like a football game. If you lose a game based on one shaky call by a ref, then the game was too close to say that you "deserved" to win. It would be dumb to throw a hissy fit over such a loss.
No mention that the Russian ads on Facebook were all actually anti-Trump. That simply doesn't match the media narrative. Now label everything funded by Soros and the DNC. Cue full libtard denial.
This is not true. Most of the adds never mentioned a candidate, but there were more pro Trump than anti Trump.
It's comical to listen to you leftists whine about propaganda when you wrote the playbook. Every election is preceeded by the news and entertainment industry flooding the masses with bullshit that's favorable to the democrat candidate, it's not even subtle. Before Obama, race related (specifically African American) stories and movies went gangbusters. Before Hillary, we got inundated by women's empowerment and imaginary wage gap hysteria. Every news outlet aside from fox and some talk radio skews heavily to the left. Hollywood skews heavily to the left. Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc were absolutely overrun with liberal shills and bots that would push anything pro-Hillary and kill anything to the contrary, and continue to still push anything anti-Trump. I'm not excusing the Russians, but the outrage from the left is so disengenuous and hypocritical. You're just mad someone else took a play out of your own book.
It's a problem.

When we had the Brexit vote 18 months ago if you posted up a pro remain/anti-Brexit comment you would get 20+ Brexit comments denouncing you as a traitor and that you should get behind Brexit and it will be the best thing for Britain etc.

Now on those same forums if you post an anti-Brexit comment.....nothing. Now either one of two things happened.

1. The Brexit folks have now realised they were sold a flaming heap of dung and are keeping their heads down.

2. Most of the comments were from bots that are now switched off as the damage has been done.

Someone somewhere is fucking with peoples' heads for some reason.
Now on those same forums if you post an anti-Brexit comment.....nothing. Now either one of two things happened.
Or having won the vote, they've moved on since they've realized that its pointless to engage in discussion with Remainers still bitter about the outcome since nobody is ever going to change their mind.
Or having won the vote, they've moved on since they've realized that its pointless to engage in discussion with Remainers still bitter about the outcome since nobody is ever going to change their mind.

Oh I doubt that if you look at the papers...
I've said it before and I say it again:
If the entirety of Hollywood, including multiple ad campaigns where specific actors offer to do nude scenes in exchange for a vote
and young kids shouting expletives into a camera,
as well as the a majority of the music industry (where specific musicians offered to literally suck your dick for a vote),
as well as every major talk show spouting endless hypocritical chud (such as insulting Trump's ancestral heritage),
as well as blanket propaganda on a majority of typically politically-neutral publications,
as well as well documented and self admitted multi-m*illion dollar internet shill-posting campaigns,
as well as multiple documented sites like facebook and google specifically changing their own algorithms to assist you,
WASN'T ENOUGH to convince/fool America that your candidate is the best choice;
and instead the claim stands that an unknown amount of money spent on some facebook ads by "russians"
and "the hacker known as 4chan" was in fact more influential....

perhaps you should start looking at your methods, your policies, the corruption you deny, your own candidate. maybe. just a thought.
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It's a problem.

When we had the Brexit vote 18 months ago if you posted up a pro remain/anti-Brexit comment you would get 20+ Brexit comments denouncing you as a traitor and that you should get behind Brexit and it will be the best thing for Britain etc.

Now on those same forums if you post an anti-Brexit comment.....nothing. Now either one of two things happened.

1. The Brexit folks have now realised they were sold a flaming heap of dung and are keeping their heads down.

2. Most of the comments were from bots that are now switched off as the damage has been done.

Someone somewhere is fucking with peoples' heads for some reason.

I'm guessing that 2 things have happened:

1. Confident Brexit people are satisfied, and have no need to post further. They got what they wanted, they won. No point arguing further as if Brexit still needed to be secured

2. Non-confident Brexit people aren't as strong-headed on Brexit anymore, and aren't going to argue its pros, since they're in a state of contemplation and re-considering. In addition, they know that there's no point to arguing for Brexit anymore, since it is accomplished.

The people still making noise are probably those who are upset by Brexit, and those who are not yet fully accepting that Brexit is happening. The people who are for Brexit don't really need to argue it anymore.

Both Theresa May and Boris Johnson (two strident Russophobes) have claimed in the previous 1 - 2 weeks that there has been no evidence of Russia having interfered with Brexit, while at the same time hyping the idea that Russia is a threat due to alleged actions in other countries.

It's comical to listen to you leftists whine about propaganda when you wrote the playbook. Every election is preceeded by the news and entertainment industry flooding the masses with bullshit that's favorable to the democrat candidate, it's not even subtle. Before Obama, race related (specifically African American) stories and movies went gangbusters. Before Hillary, we got inundated by women's empowerment and imaginary wage gap hysteria. Every news outlet aside from fox and some talk radio skews heavily to the left. Hollywood skews heavily to the left. Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc were absolutely overrun with liberal shills and bots that would push anything pro-Hillary and kill anything to the contrary, and continue to still push anything anti-Trump. I'm not excusing the Russians, but the outrage from the left is so disengenuous and hypocritical. You're just mad someone else took a play out of your own book.

Spot on...
Facebook will show us pretty much just whatever furthers their own political and financial agenda when it comes to this. If the so called real news networks are for entertainment only and do not have to be accurate, what incentive does facebook have to be thorough and honest?
People are so used to the Russians being the bad guys in films and game that it's not surprising the leap for them to blame their disappointment on them is so easy

Fucking Ruskie commie basterds. amirite!?!?!1?
It's a problem.

When we had the Brexit vote 18 months ago if you posted up a pro remain/anti-Brexit comment you would get 20+ Brexit comments denouncing you as a traitor and that you should get behind Brexit and it will be the best thing for Britain etc.

Now on those same forums if you post an anti-Brexit comment.....nothing. Now either one of two things happened.

1. The Brexit folks have now realised they were sold a flaming heap of dung and are keeping their heads down.

2. Most of the comments were from bots that are now switched off as the damage has been done.

Someone somewhere is fucking with peoples' heads for some reason.
Considering that nobody has ever been able to confirm any meddling in the brexit campaign, I'm going to call your anecdote a load of shit. Also, there was a lot of foreign meddling in the remain camp. The US government and several governments in the EU kept a constant wave of anti brexit shit flowing. You people are just sad.
...You people are just sad.

This, this shit right here is why you can't talk to people about politics on the internet. You jumped straight to a comment like this, because you're mad. Why are you mad? What EXACTLY is even pissing you off? The way someone feels about something you have literally zero stake in?
This, this shit right here is why you can't talk to people about politics on the internet. You jumped straight to a comment like this, because you're mad. Why are you mad? What EXACTLY is even pissing you off? The way someone feels about something you have literally zero stake in?
It does get a bit old hearing the pot call the kettle black. The US sponsored anti brexit bull shit, and Russian maybe sponsored pro brexit bull shit. Yet, daglesi chose to only mention the one. Sort of like how some expect Facebook will treat outing "troll" accounts.

No side even seems willing to hear the other these days. So we end up with intolerant people calling other people intolerant.
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