Surfed porn on mom's work phone using Tor

this is why people can't take climate change seriously.
No.. people don't take climate change serious because, for what ever reason, they assume every Tom, Dick, and Harry posting on the web has legitimate opinions and nebulously assumes facts support it.

In the end this OP is trolling and doing a poor job of it. The story unraveled so much there's not enough to wipe his semen stained troll hands on.
+1 - would read again, and hopefully will with future updates!

But alas, I think this is Kyle drunk at work again...
Fuck yeah this is my new excuse!

"Sorry I missed my deadline random Chief Executive McFuckface, we're facing a climate based global extinction event, I'm just going to go home and chill with mom!".
I'm not really sure what's going on, but my apartment management needs to fix the left elevator. Soon.
This was all a troll thing, right? So I'm not any closer to getting my elevator fixed? Fuck.
This is like the jocks came over to see the nerd with his head stuck in the toilet.
We need to build a lock.