Samsung Jumps into the Tracker Business


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Samsung is launching a new device called the Samsung Connect Tag. There are others already out there, Tile and the Orbit Card, to name a couple, but the Samsung Connect Tag is different because it is the first to utilize a narrow band design that combines GPS, Cell ID and Wi-Fi-based positioning systems. Additionally, the Connect Tag works in conjunction with the Samsung SmartThings ecosystem and allows you to setup a geo-fence feature that can notify your chosen smart devices you are approaching. Sounds like pretty nifty technology.

The Samsung Connect Tag will work with GPS, Wi-Fi-based positioning (WPS) and Cell ID, so it can receive accurate location information both indoors and outdoors for effortless location tracking. It can be attached to a young child’s backpack so his or her whereabouts can be tracked, clipped to a dog’s collar so it won’t go missing, and secured the keys so they are never lost. These tracking and notification abilities will minimize anxiety about the user’s favorite items or loved ones, offering an exciting way to use technology for increased family security and an enhanced lifestyle.
Sounds like more IOT junk someone right now is scheming how to use to use against us to spy on us and steal our information.
That's a FAIL for me. I didn't see a MSRP, but it didn't matter. It needs to be charged every 7 days (daze?). No thanks. My Tile lasts at least 12 months without charging!
That's a FAIL for me. I didn't see a MSRP, but it didn't matter. It needs to be charged every 7 days (daze?). No thanks. My Tile lasts at least 12 months without charging!

In case you missed it this Samsung device doesn't require less than 200ft to track it. One of it's selling points is to help keep track of your kids so... unless you're a helicopter parent this Samsung thing will work better.
I'm somewhat interested but I suspect the cost, particular with cellular tracking, will be somewhat high. I like the idea of tracking my younger kids ;-). 7 day battery life does mean it's something you have to charge and maintain though...
great for my dog when we go camping! 200ft is nothing.
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