Cloudflare: DDoS Will Now Be "Something You Only Read about in History Books"


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
Cloudflare has announced that every customer (including those who only use its free services) will receive a new feature called Unmetered Mitigation, which protects against every DDoS attack, regardless of its size. The standard practice in the industry for some time has been to charge more if you come under attack, but CEO Matthew Prince wanted to change that.

Though illegal, groups like Anonymous and other hacktivists have argued DDoS attacks are a form of digital protest. Flooding a site with internet traffic, to them, is like filling a town square with people, or holding a sit-in. Knocking a website offline is seen as akin to physically preventing people from entering a building. DDoS attacks have been used to protest everything from a country's nuclear policy to the Church of Scientology.
What was that? I thought I heard something.... like a unified shout of "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED" around the world

They will regret such an arrogant comment.

"Dear Hackers - Go Eff yourselves. We're smarter than you. You can't touch us."

Yeah, this will end well for their customers... Instead of just quietly upgrading, they had to drop the gauntlet. When this adversely impacts their customers, I hope they drop CF or sue.
Oh yeah, because I love it when I see that "retry for a live version, no cached version available" page, of course odds are I don't want a cached version of the page I was trying to get to anyway.
Unless you're racist, of course. Then you must find alternative ddos protection. I look forward to the future where your smart toilet will refuse to flush if you make a racist comment on twitter.
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LOL that reminds me of the lifelock CEO parading around his SS... we know how that turned out