Exclusive RX Vega Interview with Chris Hook


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Exclusive RX Vega Interview with Chris Hook - We tracked Chris Hook down in the hotel lobby at Siggraph 2017 and talk availability, TDP, bundles, and RX Vega with Sr. Director, Global Marketing and Public Relations. Nothing Earth shattering, but it certainly sounds like RX Vega Nano is surely a consumer product to come!

Check out the interview.
Not much to say about this, other than seeing the name Chris Hook, reminded me of Brian Hook, who used to write some really cool articles/bloggish stuff while developing id Software engines. :D I miss those updates/articles. Just looked it up, it was the .Plan file. Ah... memories...

On topic, I do like to see these types of small cards (like the 970 mini, the Fury Nano, etc.) It's always fun to see what kind of performance one can squeeze out of a tiny device.
Oh look more talk, in the words of Samuel L. Jackson, benchmarks motherfuckers.

:D Well, he is a Sr. Marketing guy, so I guess that's to be expected. If they ran into the Chief Technical guy in the lobby, it may have been more interesting.
The video doesn't show the questions. Was one of the questions "Re:Vega marketing and launch, WTF?" ? If not, it should have been.
TGP?! They are failing so bad right now. They don't want to admit TBP, so now they're limiting it to select parts of the graphics card.

So much awful fail. So much cover up, so much diverting, so much alluding.... so much for Vega.
TGP, TBP, TDP... WTF does it all mean?

Chris Hook said there's 220 TGP for Vega 64. What can be deduced from that?
Totally Great Product quotient. That's a scale used to determine how amazing something is. 220 is the numerical score.

The marketing department sets the range, so in this case I think they set 220 as the maximum TGP value.

Thank you Kyle & HardOCP, nice to see additional info about Nano as well as launch day stock and revised power numbers.. not looking so bad as some would have us believe ("twice the power of 1080 for less performance")..
I think GPU+HBM2 is 220W max or average. Its actually not as horrible consumption as people think when you realize the GPU+HBM2 is doing that and somehow the board is taking it up to over 290W. AMD does include a lot of components in their reference design so that could be why. lots of phases at least. Vega 56 is just 165W with GPU+HBM2. its interesting information to have. better than just TDP/TBP when referencing the entire graphics card.

those components add to the power consumption. Some folks wont like this because it makes the GPU look more efficient than they want to believe.

what does TGP stand for? I am assuming it means memory and gpu power but whats the acronym stand for?

also you are wrong because they do say what the board power is. that should change with AIB custom boards tho. The bulk of it all should be HBM2 and GPU power consumption. not every little thing is shady.

Total Graphics Package (ie GPU+MEM .. ie anything on interposer)
Lol .. If your playing VR... "it's definitely gonna suck more"

Bad marketing guy right there haha Baaaaad choice of descriptive language.