Twitter Added Zero Users Last Quarter


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
I have no idea how this is possible for such a popular social media platform, but Twitter did not, reportedly, gain a single user in three months’ time: they currently claim 328 million users, a figure that hasn’t changed since Q1. The microblogging service managed to rake in a revenue of $574 million, however, so it is not going anywhere.

…user growth…was their key. Twitter’s declining revenue has been blamed on the fact that the company had paltry user growth for almost two whole years — revenue was simply catching up. But after adding a surprising nine million new users last quarter, some hoped that was a sign Twitter’s business growth would eventually follow. Adding zero new users, though, is not what investors were looking for.
I have no idea how this is possible for such a popular social media platform, but Twitter did not, reportedly, gain a single user in three months’ time: they currently claim 328 million users, a figure that hasn’t changed since Q1. The microblogging service managed to rake in a revenue of $574 million, however, so it is not going anywhere.

…user growth…was their key. Twitter’s declining revenue has been blamed on the fact that the company had paltry user growth for almost two whole years — revenue was simply catching up. But after adding a surprising nine million new users last quarter, some hoped that was a sign Twitter’s business growth would eventually follow. Adding zero new users, though, is not what investors were looking for.

Can't wait for it to die.
To clarify, this is the net value of users added. They previously had a month where they had a negative user growth as well.
I can see a valid use for twitter, but so far, it's pretty much only used by self centered, egotistical assholes who feel the need to tell the rest of the world that they're taking a dump.
I think by "added zero new users" they mean that it's net zero, e.g. they're softening the blow that they likely lost more users than they gained.

I highly doubt there wasn't a single user that signed up.
I can see a valid use for twitter, but so far, it's pretty much only used by self centered, egotistical assholes who feel the need to tell the rest of the world that they're taking a dump.

I think you meant taking a trump
Holy shit. I wonder how they count new users as well; if they're net zero, no matter how good their filtering of bots is in user counts (if they even do so!), that has to be a good sized net outflow of real people when you consider how many there are on Twitter.
I would venture to say 15-30% of "users" are actually bots sold by providers to boost follower numbers. Their constant and inconsistent censoring of content has presented opportunities elsewhere. They are a dead company walking. I'm surprised Verizon hasn't try to buy them(snort.)
All of you saying social media needs to go away, you do understand that it has important uses, especially when it comes to sharing news and alerts and other things that are even faster then traditional media.

Not to mention communication in times of disaster, etc.
The only thing that I like more about Twitter, compared to say Instagram, is that is not censored.
They grow by selling data, probably doing that already anyway.

Noooo, they profit or increase revenues this way, but they don't grow their user base this way.

Unless of course they want to start selling a new type of account that allows customers to see other user's data. Expanding your service models is how they can grow.
All of you saying social media needs to go away, you do understand that it has important uses, especially when it comes to sharing news and alerts and other things that are even faster then traditional media.

Not to mention communication in times of disaster, etc.

The desire by some for social media to go away is based on the presumption that the only reason no one wants to talk to or otherwise socialize with them in real life is solely because social media is a giant attention sink. This may actually be true in at least a few cases, though I think it might be a good idea to stop and seriously consider the possibility that the reason no one wants to socialize with you is one wants to socialize with you.

I'm a textbook introvert surrounded by people who are quite active on social media at all times of the day. I've never had a problem socializing with the few people I want to socialize with.
All the kids are using snapchat these days. Only the older more establishment type are still using twitter.
The only thing that I like more about Twitter, compared to say Instagram, is that is not censored.
Wait, what? Twitter has been steadily banning people for having the wrong opinions. Sure, you can post a boob, as long as you don't go off the narrative.
This is so statically improbable, I'm more inclined to believe their tracking is bugged. Exactly zero new accounts is unreal. I can understand maybe three new accounts, but zero...
Wait, what? Twitter has been steadily banning people for having the wrong opinions. Sure, you can post a boob, as long as you don't go off the narrative.
You are right, I should had been clear, meant nudity.
Sorry guys. Its my fault. I still haven't made a twitter account yet. I almost did the other week but I was hungry instead and stopped halfway through.
join a community that will get you doxxed and harassed for having a differing opinion, oops i mean suffering form wrong think?

uh no.
As with all business, once you reach saturation, how else do you "grow"?

Oh, oh! I know!

You lay people off, cut pay, make your employee's pay more on their insurance, give higher ups bonuses with the "savings" and then call it "growth".
Twitter? Is that like Facebook?

Been using the internet since 1995 or so and still have never signed up for any of that garbage.