Why AI Does what it Does


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
While we hear that robots are coming to kill us all sooner or later, it seems that DARPA has taken notice of this too. Futurism is telling us that DARPA is giving $6.5M in funding to Oregon State University scientists for a 4-year project to develop a system that will allow AI to communicate with machine learning experts in hope of finding a way to actually understand the reasoning behind AI decisions.

In order to probe the AI mind, DARPA is funding research by Oregon State University that will try to understand the reasoning behind decisions made by AI systems. DARPA hopes that this will make AI more trustworthy.

“Nobody is going to use these emerging technologies for critical applications until we are able to build some level of trust, and having an explanation capability is one important way of building trust,” Fern said. Thankfully, this DARPA-OSU project isn’t the only one working on humanizing AI to make it more trustworthy.

Until we figure out how to keep robots from killing us all, let's remember that AI is already extremely efficient at DOOM deathmatch.
The sound is so satisfying. An AI bot running only on raw pixel data input, very cool. Edit: I really want to install ZDaemon again now, lol. Thanks Kyle.

Edit 2: Also, trustworthy AI? Emerging technologies? Critical applications? Humanizing AI? We all know where this is going. :cautious:
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I for one welcome our new AI overlords. May their reign be brief and bloody.
Its a significant one though. The AI's will just put us out of work after all.
Its a significant one though. The AI's will just put us out of work after all.

That'll be fine, as long as that then allows us to create, and be men and women of leisure.

(though we'll probably want to spend some of that time developing weapons to fight the AI and its machines when it all goes to hell again)
Why can't you have a second AI to document the 'thoughts' of the first, at the same speed ... one learns to do the thing, the other learns to document it.

Hell the document it could monitor human coders writing software and document it for them ... Oooo a Product!
Sometimes... Even with all the brain power behind AI can't help but think many dumb shit is going to come out of it, stuff that would have been better off with regular programming.., and it will takes us a long time to understand that.
Why can't you have a second AI to document the 'thoughts' of the first, at the same speed ... one learns to do the thing, the other learns to document it.

Hell the document it could monitor human coders writing software and document it for them ... Oooo a Product!

Wintermute and Neuromancer?