Heard About Nazis Lately?

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
If you want your chance to get some of your frustration out on real digital Nazis, this is your chance. And this one even comes with popups to interrupt your game-flow and get you killed a bit quicker. You don't get to punch a Nazi, but you do get to shoot them.

Based on id's open source HTML 5 port of Wolfenstein. Source available in the download. Best on Chrome, buggy on Safari.

Art, sound, and music Copyright © 2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Taken from their freely available online game. Usage here should qualify as fair use.
I still have a copy of my original game disk for Wolf3d (the original wound up with too many bad sectors over a decade ago) on my rig, so I can rock on in DOSBox every now and then.

Sure brings back memories.
For those that don't get it, there's recent controversy because of many liberals that say its OK to physically assault Trump supporters after the string of numerous recent attacks, because they are "literally Nazis", and nothing is better than "punching Nazis".

The endorsement of brown-shirt style politically motivated violence by many in the left is seen as quite hypocritical by most, so this little game's popups is supposed to be a humorous way of justifying the violence because you can't just reason with Nazis/Trump supporters, and if you don't kill them, they'll kill you. Can't argue with that logic!
For those that don't get it, there's recent controversy because of many liberals that say its OK to physically assault Trump supporters after the string of numerous recent attacks, because they are "literally Nazis", and nothing is better than "punching Nazis".

The endorsement of brown-shirt style politically motivated violence by many in the left is seen as quite hypocritical by most, so this little game's popups is supposed to be a humorous way of justifying the violence because you can't just reason with Nazis/Trump supporters, and if you don't kill them, they'll kill you. Can't argue with that logic!

Yeah, not to make this political or anything (takes off news poster hat), but I believe this is all referring back to this incident.

Now, I'm not defending violence or anything. I'm fundamentally against it, but if you had to punch someone, I guess you could make a worse choice than a literal Nazi leading a Nazi salute, who is on the record wanting to exterminate the black and Jewish races.
I believe that's what sparked the meme, but its grown far beyond that, with Berkeley assaults and many other incidents around the country where the justification is that "its OK to punch Nazis".

I'm not sure what Hitler would say about a flamboyantly gay Jewish man that's dating a black guy like Milo being labeled a Nazi. I have a feeling Milo would not be invited to Nazi parties, but that's just me.
but if you had to punch someone, I guess you could make a worse choice than a literal Nazi leading a Nazi salute, who is on the record wanting to exterminate the black and Jewish races.
Didn't happen, so wrong. Carry on though CNN.

I'm one. Someone punch me so I can shoot them dead on the spot.
Then just go back to being a White male that voted for Trump.
Didn't happen, so wrong. Carry on though CNN.
I don't know who this Richard Spencer guy is, but in a quick google search I found he says Hitler is despicable and says he's not a Nazi, so how can he be a Nazi? That'd be like calling someone a Muslim who says they aren't Muslim and thinks the prophet Muhammad is despicable and denounces the Islamic faith. Nazis are proud of being Nazis and love Hitler, that's kind of their thing.

I don't know anything about the guy, but I know that no Nazi would berate Hitler, as that just doesn't make sense since the cult revolves around Hitler worship.
Wonder how this would run on a tablet (as there are no keys). I guess you could use an external keyboard.
I don't know who this Richard Spencer guy is, but in a quick google search I found he says Hitler is despicable and says he's not a Nazi, so how can he be a Nazi?
Easy, he's not one. Real ones would hurt him. Stupid people just watch too much MSM and parrot everything said. He's also against violence, go figure.
I believe that's what sparked the meme, but its grown far beyond that, with Berkeley assaults and many other incidents around the country where the justification is that "its OK to punch Nazis".

I'm not sure what Hitler would say about a flamboyantly gay Jewish man that's dating a black guy like Milo being labeled a Nazi. I have a feeling Milo would not be invited to Nazi parties, but that's just me.

Nazi is the fill in for "evil doer."

The majority of people who use the word like this don't know the history or rationale for what the Nazi's stood for.

So it's safe to simply swap in "villian." E.g. if they say "Trump supporters are literally Nazi's" (factually incorrect, as their is no registered National Socialists party in the US), they're really saying"Trump supporters are literally villian's, and I need a hug."
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