Windows 10 Internet Usage tips


[H]F Junkie
Mar 19, 2003
So everytime I log on to windows, I see a lot of internet activity, even if I am working offline. Can someone post a guide on all services/stupid phoning home bullshit that Windows 10 comes with as default. I already do not use One Drive or some upload your personal files on cloud bullshit but it keeps popping up everytime I log on. I also don't want to see suggested apps, adds, any other spyware nonsense that comes with it and am looking for a comprehensive guide to:

- Disable all marketing nonsense
- Disable all suggestions streamed from internet
- Disable all usage/data uploads to uncle sam
- Disable all unauthorized usage of my internet
- Disable onedrive or any other app that I didn't ask for
- Disable the internet lol

Ok last one was a joke.

Ideas/guide links etc. are welcome. I also don't want my browser (edge) to look like a tabloid. Also I don't want Windows Store to download crap I didn't ask for or updates without my authorization. I also want to disable a bunch of inbuilt apps like mail, calendar, television, fucking phone related nonsense.

Finally, I want the Windows 10 to look like Windows 7.

Thank you for listening.
does that program have to autostart each time windows starts and stay running in background? or is it run it once, adjust your settings, and close it and forgot about it?
Its just a tweak program, does all that removing of registry stuff & task scheduling in a simple gui
Recently started using spybot anti-beacon for win 10. Easy, free, and seems to be effective. Only had it about a week so far. Seems to handle most of what you are looking for.

It does however replace cortana with the office 98 bouncing paperclip with gilbert gottfried's voice.

Still preferable tho.

Any particular reason you can't just stop using that abortion of an operating system? Feature-wise 10 is a downgrade from 7 across the board anyway. If your hardware is supported you may be better off with 7 or 8.
Ive moved most everything over to linux, except my games..... i need my games!

Yeah, all my home machines are running Linux Mint except one legacy Windows 7 machine for games.

I have to say, native Linux gaming is actually not bad nowadays. With Civ V, Kerbal Space Program, Cities Skylines, Mount and Blade Warband, and all of Paradox Interactive's recent games I have plenty to keep me busy.
I only use Windows 10 for Forza Horizon 3 and Gears of War 4. Everytime I log on there are multiple GB of updates. Because of that I have not really played any games on Windows 10 thus far.
The internet usage nonsense is pissing me off.

I play 99% of my games on Windows 7.
So you want your computer to look, smell , taste and act like Windows 7. And you have to ask what you should do?
I use Startisback on my windows 10 install..looks just like 7..or just use classic shell..thats the free one..use one of thier start menu icons found in thier forums..its free.whatcha gotta lose.