No Arkham Knight Multi-GPU Support

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Trust me, I am as shocked as you are by this terrible news. It's so sad because PC development on Batman: Arkham Knight was going so well too. I just don't think anyone could have seen this coming. :rolleyes:

We’ve been working with our development and graphics driver partners over the last few months to investigate utilizing multi-GPU support within Batman: Arkham Knight. The result was that even the best case estimates for performance improvements turned out to be relatively small given the high risk of creating new issues for all players. As a result we’ve had to make the difficult decision to stop work on further multi-GPU support. We are disappointed that this was not practical and apologize to those who have been waiting for this feature.
Yup that stinks for people with more than one graphics card, but the impact is pretty small since there aren't that many computers that are impacted and most that are have relatively higher end GPUs anyhow. Since most computers out there have like one graphics processor and it's usually an Intel one, this isn't a big of a deal as some people will try to make it into.
what a pathetic company. in the future will not be buying an game from them. good thing i didnt buy the game.
Multi-GPU tech has been around for what, over a decade and then some now?

Worthless set of devs. I'd be ashamed to put them on my resume.
Yup that stinks for people with more than one graphics card, but the impact is pretty small since there aren't that many computers that are impacted and most that are have relatively higher end GPUs anyhow. Since most computers out there have like one graphics processor and it's usually an Intel one, this isn't a big of a deal as some people will try to make it into.

I completely agree. It certainly looks bad and I would have appreciated it for my aging GTX 680s o get some more performance but I've had no issues with this game using one card at 1080P and for a 3 year old card I'm pretty happy with the performance. However I think this is something that does get PC gamers into trouble.

On hand there just isn't any excuse for the problems the PC version had. On the other, when things don't go as well as they should with a game PC gamers can become hypercritical which I doubt is going to encourage more PC game development. It's like cursing out the waiter while he's serving you food. Maybe the service was bad. But going ballistic in that situation may not be wise.
Meh, I still think it's a good game because I am in the "lucky" group that didn't experience any problems. For those that did/do, this sucks. :(
I'll buy it for 5 bucks on Steam later. Sad. Paid full price for both Asylum and City.
Trust me, I am as shocked as you are by this terrible news. It's so sad because PC development on Batman: Arkham Knight was going so well too. I just don't think anyone could have seen this coming. :rolleyes:

We’ve been working with our development and graphics driver partners over the last few months to investigate utilizing multi-GPU support within Batman: Arkham Knight. The result was that even the best case estimates for performance improvements turned out to be relatively small given the high risk of creating new issues for all players. As a result we’ve had to make the difficult decision to stop work on further multi-GPU support. We are disappointed that this was not practical and apologize to those who have been waiting for this feature.

Man I almost missed the sarcasm :D:D
Isn't it using the Unreal Engine, which is a standardized set of tools?

Basically they're saying they have no idea what they're doing, and don't deserve to be in business because they can't manage f***-all.
I'm sure the 5 people out there with CrossFire/SLI setups are really disappointed. Won't stop AMD/Nvidia from making profiles for Arkham Knight.
Isn't it using the Unreal Engine, which is a standardized set of tools?

Basically they're saying they have no idea what they're doing, and don't deserve to be in business because they can't manage f***-all.

Multi-GPU is not part of the DX API itself. So either the developers take it upon themselves, and/or nvidia/AMD with with them to integrate it.

In this case apparently both Rocksteady & nvidia (Gameworks title) are giving their customers the big FU.
I wonder if DX12 really will help multi GPU as they said it would and how long it'll take for engines to switch over to it.

This game is not the only game that can't or won't do Multi-GPU; the id tech 5 engine can not do it either because of how it works. It isn't always possible. I had 660Ti's in SLI and it was.. okay. Most games just worked fine. But I will say, having swapped them for a single 970 made things a lot nicer even though the performance delta is not all that large in theory.

I don't really understand the bashing. Evidently some effort has been made to address this and it can't be reasonably done. They might be employing rendering techniques that prevent this from working, maybe something non-standard for the engine they use. At least they're willing to make a definite statement.
This is the first time in a LONG time that i've wanted a game really badly and didn't buy it because they fucked it up so epicly badly. I'm extremely disappointed in the dev team for this game, it's absolutely deplorable that the game was as bad as it was. Fuck these guys very much.
Fuck them, glad I got my refund. Will definitely know to steer clear and avoid future releases by them.
Can someone explain to me how many many many other Unreal engine games can do multi-GPU (isn't it built in the engine by now anyways) but some like these just "can't". Is it laziness? Is it some mysterious technical issue? Like, what's the fuckin problem?
There are always a few games that just dont work right.
Unfortunately they always seem to be ones you want to play the most.
This game seems graphically beautiful and no doubt would be fabulous in 4K using multiple GPUs.
It's really too bad that you can't force SLIAA mode in DX11.

In DX9 it generally worked on just about all titles, with or without SLI support, and at least then you could disable in-game AA and gain a LITTLE bit of framerate from multiple GPU's (while getting pretty awesome AA)

It also doesn't have the input lag issues of AFR.

I can think of several games I would use SLIAA in if I could only force it in DX11. Does anyone know why they stopped supporting this after DX9?
You can't get a 30 FPS "cinematic feel" if you have multiple GPUs though. It'll be too powerful. This is a feature, and you want it.
Well, I can't see this game running very well on my 2x Radeon 280x. So I'm not buying it. Gameworks + no Crossfire support = runs like crap on my hardware. Fallout 4 I can at least configure for 60FPS with most things on, but this one? Nah, pass.
We damn I must be on one the five actually waiting for this feature that will never come.
Perhaps a limitation of the way it was ported from the console version(s)?

Can't be. They did it with the previous games, and they were on the same engine. Hell, after the previous games, it should be plug and play (in that you know exactly what you have to do because you've done it twice before).

The ONLY explanation I can come up with is the new game uses some kind of new graphics setting or option that was coded completely incorrectly. Maybe the rain effects or something.
Why does it feel like game publishers don't want you to build an over-the-top gaming machine? What happened to the days when basic was good enough and more was better?
Just remember: Next gen consoles will make porting to PCs easier and trouble free.

Why does it feel like game publishers don't want you to build an over-the-top gaming machine? What happened to the days when basic was good enough and more was better?

Basic = 1024x768, low settings, which run fine. Its the high settings that everyone is complaining about. Just to put this in perspective.
So was this Rocksteady or the outsource house they farmed it too? I'm kinda curious if Rocksteady took it back and came to the conclusion that "we have no f-ing idea how to fix what these guys did without redoing the entire game".
I don't pre-order and I don't buy at retail prices.
Gaming is a fading hobby for me and it's the fault of the publishers.

My PC is a workstation now. I get more value making money with it, instead of wasting money on hardware to play broken games.
When games suck all other industries linked to it start to feel the downward effects.
Good gravy Steve, even the people up on the space station could see all that sarcasm! :cool:
The complete debacle with this game is a perfect example of why we can't have nice things. If companies actually gave a quality product for PC users, maybe we would support them.
I agree that this port is a disaster. But PC gaming as a whole is doing fabulously well. There has never been a better time to game on PC. Even mid-range rigs can run most games better than console. And game prices are amazing if you have patience to wait for Steam sales.