Raspbian not responding well to my keyboard

May 22, 2010
It seems as though Raspbian won't respond correctly to my keyboards. For example if I type shift 2 I get ", so I press shift ' and I get the @ symbol instead of the ". If I type \ I get #, so If I type shift 3 I get f and if I type f I f or shift f I get F. Can I fix this myself and how? Someones help because it doesn't matter if I use a standard Logitech keyboard or my IR wireless keyboard.
I had this same thing happen recently.. except in windows.

Keyboard location was set to Canadian Multilingual French so I reset it to US English.

Not sure if there is a similar option setting for you...
Raspbian defaults to a UK keyboard layout. You can go in to the config settings and set the locale, timezone and keyboard layout the way you like.