Made the switch to Windows phone and have no regrets


Oct 28, 2001
MS got it right, it's simple and easy to use. Very responsive too. Some may need complication to feel like they got their moneys worth, I do not. Here's hoping WP will be around for a long time to come.
As long as you don't want to use apps it is great.
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Or 3rd party devices (watches, HR monitors, fitness bands, home automation, Nest, audio).
Nope, the only app I need is one to monitor my security cameras and Blue Isis has that covered.

I'm not saying that WP is right for everyone but it does have a place in the Smart Phone world.
Or 3rd party devices (watches, HR monitors, fitness bands, home automation, Nest, audio).

I'm developing home automation for WP8 right now, I haven't ran into any issues.

I also have a Heart Rate monitor that syncs up to WP's Health app just fine?

My UE Boombox connects to my phone also, again not sure what you are talking about?
I hope WP continues to have a place in the smart phone universe. We need more than just 2 behemoths dominating the market.
I made the switch back to twisted pair land line and have no regrets. Best connection ever.
Probably no virus written for Windows phone as well. Unlike Android
To date I've not heard of one exploit, jailbreak, virus or infection for Windows Phone.

("To date" being ever since the Nokia Lumia 1020 was released to the market in US :D)
Lack of apps and constant apps shutting down every week made me switch from my Icon to a Nexus 6. Don't get me wrong, I love the windows phone. I feel like the Icon has the best camera. But this last month has been bad.

No new flagship phone, or even rumors..
Lost MLB.TV support
Chase App and BoA closed
No support on Reddit apps
Lack of companion apps for games

Ill come crawling back when windows 10 for phones comes out.
Nope, the only app I need is one to monitor my security cameras and Blue Isis has that covered.

I'm not saying that WP is right for everyone but it does have a place in the Smart Phone world.

People often jump off WP when that "only app I need" becomes unsupported or was never even made for WP. The platform marketshare is going backwards which will mean even worse app support in the future.
You could buy a BB and say the same thing. In all honesty the newer BB devices are great.
To date I've not heard of one exploit, jailbreak, virus or infection for Windows Phone.

("To date" being ever since the Nokia Lumia 1020 was released to the market in US :D)

Well since only 6 people own Windows phone, there's not much in it for hackers to take the time to code a virus for it. :D;)
Waiting on a good WP8 on tmobile so I can ditch verizon after they screwed me out of my grandfathered unlimited plan.... They only have the m8 for full MSRP at almost 700$.... I'm not looking for a subsidized phone, but you can purchase unlocked phones for any other provider for like 3-400$ new, yet that seems impossible to do with tmobile win8 phones....
Still can't cast to chromecast or firestick using plex.../sigh
I have to agree on this one. I had a couple Nokia's and I liked them, but I couldn't find an app to do USB Tethering.

Windows Phone 8.x only supports WiFi tethering, at present.

Well since only 6 people own Windows phone, there's not much in it for hackers to take the time to code a virus for it. :D;)
Incorrect, it's actually just incredibly secure.

There are a couple exploits for Windows Phone 8.x that will let you run unsigned code, but they ONLY work on Samsung devices that have not been updated (Samsung left some gaping security holes open in their on-device testing application). Nobody has managed to crack any Lumia handsets without opening the device, soldering a custom header, and brute-force flashing with a hardware programming tool.
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Waiting on a good WP8 on tmobile so I can ditch verizon after they screwed me out of my grandfathered unlimited plan.... They only have the m8 for full MSRP at almost 700$.... I'm not looking for a subsidized phone, but you can purchase unlocked phones for any other provider for like 3-400$ new, yet that seems impossible to do with tmobile win8 phones....

Take a look at the Lumia 930. When I get a good signal (grumble) the phone is great. There's just a lack of towers in the area I would use my phone the most. However, the phones/os capability of connecting to free wifi is great.
Incorrect, it's actually just incredibly secure.

There are a couple exploits for Windows Phone 8.x that will let you run unsigned code, but they ONLY work on Samsung devices that have not been updated (Samsung left some gaping security holes open in their on-device testing application). Nobody has managed to crack any Lumia handsets without opening the device, soldering a custom header, and brute-force flashing with a hardware programming tool.

Umm, thanks for the serious response to my obviously not serious comment???:rolleyes:
Windows Phone 8.x only supports WiFi tethering, at present.

Incorrect, it's actually just incredibly secure.

There are a couple exploits for Windows Phone 8.x that will let you run unsigned code, but they ONLY work on Samsung devices that have not been updated (Samsung left some gaping security holes open in their on-device testing application). Nobody has managed to crack any Lumia handsets without opening the device, soldering a custom header, and brute-force flashing with a hardware programming tool.
*crickets chirping*

Anyone hear anything?

Oh, right, and that's why the Windows Phone world is avoided because it's so riddled with bugs with reports screaming so loud you can't even hear it over the Android exploits and iPhone issues -- it's beyond the hearable spectrum for humans!


i went from a wp8.1 928 to a cm11 gs4... i really miss wp8.1. i forgot how stable it was in comparison with android
Anyone with the denim update? does Cortana truly run in the background like how Moto X does with Google now.
as long as you ignore this guy here, you'll have no issues.....

Not really. Even though, granted, what he said was troll bait, the fact remains. Basic Chromecast support (iOS does reason Windows can't) and USB data tether are my two biggest issues. I can get by with just about everything else app wise, but those two are the reason I don't have a WP phone anymore. WP versions of Apps are also lacking compared to Android/iOS.
talk to Google, they are the ones holding it back...but you can use tube cast for $1.99

apps that I have

OBD Auto Doctor
Flight radar 24
Police Pro (scanner for local PD)
I Heart Radio
Amazon Kindle
Flight Aware
Flip Board
Lumia Here, Maps, Transit, City Lens, etc
Metro Tube
See Click Fix
Space Weather
Bank App for my bank
plus a TON of games
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Having a great time on my Lumia 930. Relatively cheap and does what I want. If you want the latest and greatest apps, or am buried in the google multiverse, this isn't the phone for you. If you're the majority, may find something you like.

Main problem with windows phone is there isn't a real killer feature to get people to consider trying a different platform. The camera is good, but not much much better than iPhone. Windows phone 10 desperately needs a stonking flagship phone to make things more interesting in the market. Something that users can show to their non-windows phone counterparts and rave about.
I've had a windows phone since 7.0. No issues or complaints. Nothing against apple or google, just personal preference. I love that there is another option other than those two. Simple and easy to use.
Take a look at the Lumia 930. When I get a good signal (grumble) the phone is great. There's just a lack of towers in the area I would use my phone the most. However, the phones/os capability of connecting to free wifi is great.

I have checked out the 930 (I would MUCH rather have a lumia for the camera than the HTC), but it looks like it's missing the major 4g bands tmobile is using (LTE 1700 off the top of my head, but I could be remembering wrong).
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I'd get a WP for my family if only there was some way to use Gmail/Hangouts. All of us use that and I'm not going to get everyone switched over to Outlook/Skype. And I can't get Android because its too bloody complex, its really a very sad state of affairs, as a result my parents don't have smartphones.
it took my 72 year old parents all of 5 seconds to figure out how to use windows phone 8 so it's not that hard to use... and this was their first exposure to a smart phone of any type.
I have checked out the 930 (I would MUCH rather have a lumia for the camera than the HTC), but it looks like it's missing the major 4g bands tmobile is using (LTE 1700 off the top of my head, but I could be remembering wrong).

That is correct. I've switched to Cricket for better cell coverage under ATT, but still get 3G. You know what though? That's working out fine. I can still stream music all the way to and from work in great quality, and I don't stream movies or anything. I've downloaded the map for California, so it uses minimal data when getting navigation directions.
People often jump off WP when that "only app I need" becomes unsupported or was never even made for WP. The platform marketshare is going backwards which will mean even worse app support in the future.

This right here. Chase dropped support for WP on March 22nd and since Internet Exploder on WP 7.x is ridiculously useless, now I'm phone shopping.

I've loved how stable my HTC Trophy has been. It let me use it as a WiFi hotspot and the Bing maps app has helped me criss-cross the US several times. It looks like in WP 8.x they use some other hocus pocus in the map so it sucks now. And a guy I work with has an Icon juiced with the WP10 preview and it's really no sexier than 8.x.

On Android or iPhone I'm not looking forward to the next 4 years of travel.
That is correct. I've switched to Cricket for better cell coverage under ATT, but still get 3G. You know what though? That's working out fine. I can still stream music all the way to and from work in great quality, and I don't stream movies or anything. I've downloaded the map for California, so it uses minimal data when getting navigation directions.

I went ahead and grabbed one of the South America model Lumia 830's since it has all the correct bands to get LTE on tmobile. Should be here today, and while it's not as good as the 930 I wanted, it should be good enough for me. I'm moving from an S3, so it should be equal/better in most aspects, especially the camera (what i use most).