Most and Least Respected Game Companies


Jul 25, 2005
Least: EA (self-explanatory)
Most: Valve and Nintendo.

Over the years my appreciation has grown for Valve and Nintendo. For Valve, I am a huge fan of Steam and the awesome game sales that constantly happen. I recall reading that, at some point, EA was trying to buy Valve. Gabe said something like they would shut down before letting that happen. Good call!

Huge Half Life fan. One of my all time favorite games was the Black Mesa project where they remade Half Life with the Half Life 2 engine. Awesome and free! I would definitely pay money for that one, the folks who did this deserve support.

For Nintendo, I started appreciating them after realizing how innovative they were with the DS and Wii. Initially I thought they were unwise to not match specs with Sony and Nintendo. But now I admire their commitment to innovation and game quality. It is interesting how games from the popular Nintendo franchises hold their value unlike other games. Often Mario and Zelda games are collectors items.

Who are your most and least respected game companies?
Least: EA (self-explanatory)
Most: Valve and Nintendo.

Over the years my appreciation has grown for Valve and Nintendo. For Valve, I am a huge fan of Steam and the awesome game sales that constantly happen. I recall reading that, at some point, EA was trying to buy Valve. Gabe said something like they would shut down before letting that happen. Good call!

Huge Half Life fan. One of my all time favorite games was the Black Mesa project where they remade Half Life with the Half Life 2 engine. Awesome and free! I would definitely pay money for that one, the folks who did this deserve support.

For Nintendo, I started appreciating them after realizing how innovative they were with the DS and Wii. Initially I thought they were unwise to not match specs with Sony and Nintendo. But now I admire their commitment to innovation and game quality. It is interesting how games from the popular Nintendo franchises hold their value unlike other games. Often Mario and Zelda games are collectors items.

Who are your most and least respected game companies?

Wow, imagine if EA had bought Valve. The world would be that much more dystopian a place.
Least Respected: EA followed by Ubi-"Assassin Creed: Unity"-Soft
Most Respected: CD Projekt RED

Sorry, Valve, we are still waiting for Half Life 3. And, sorry Gearbox, we have trouble forgiving you for Colonial Marines.
My least respected game company would be Actvision, they are only good at releasing rushed buggy titles and when it comes to fixing them, they are MIA, not to mention they overcharge useless DLC's.

Don't really have a respected game company at the moment.
Valve because they haven't produced a good cutting edge game in the last 4-5 years plus they have the money to blow away any game out there.
Unless you consider Steam a game within it'self
WOW those Trading Cards and Gems =)
Activision makes EA look like a hot chicks with big tits that's faithful and loves jesus.

Yeah I kind of have a boner for jesus chicks,
Least would be EA or Ubisoft. Not because they make bad games, but because they exercise poor judgment in regards to releasing games that aren't ready and follow with poor/slow post-release support.

Most would be CD Projekt Red. They make beautiful, engaging games. They prioritize PC. They are anti-DRM. They support their games extensively post-release with numerous patches, updates, new content, etc. and it's all 100% free. They are the proof that you don't need to try and nickle-dime your customers to make money.
Least Respected: EA followed by Ubi-"Assassin Creed: Unity"-Soft
Most Respected: CD Projekt RED

Sorry, Valve, we are still waiting for Half Life 3. And, sorry Gearbox, we have trouble forgiving you for Colonial Marines.


I saw Valve mentioned in the first post and I was going to post a similar response.

Valve because they haven't produced a good cutting edge game in the last 4-5 years plus they have the money to blow away any game out there.

I think your being generous. I'm not saying Valve hasn't released anything I would call cutting edge since Half-Life 2. That isn't to say Valve hasn't released any good games in the last 4 or 5 years, but nothing they've put out should be classified as "cutting edge". Half-Life 2 and that brief playable Half-Life 2 tech demo that came out were probably the last time Valve pushed the technology envelope at all. Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal and Portal 2 aren't what I'd call cutting edge.
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I saw Valve mentioned in the first post and I was going to post a similar response.

I guess it really depends how you interpenetrate "gaming companies" and how you look at Valve.

As a game developer, I'm pretty neutral about them. They have a lot of wonderful franchises that they aren't doing anything with. I've got no reason to dislike them, but I've reached a point where I'm not clamoring for Valve games anymore either. Better to not get excited over things that don't officially exist.

I would say though that Valve deserves tremendous respect for their influence over the state of PC gaming today though. Digital distribution, affording gaming by way of sales, ability to self-publish/surge in indie development, and trial programs like early access and green light have transformed the way we game on PC (for the better, IMO) and are things that I believe have lead to a resurgence in PC gaming. Valve gets the majority credit for making this happen, and I'm incredibly grateful for what they have done for our preferred gaming platform.
Least: ubi$oft (/insert lots of unpleasant adjectives)

Most: Nintendo (great, enjoyable, fun games)
Well that's kind of my point. It isn't that I don't respect Valve for what they've done in the past or what it has done for the gaming industry. Valve deserves a lot of credit for making digital distribution what it is today. Still I wouldn't put them on my most respected list, or even my least respected list. The lack of development on the Half-Life series and their inability to push technology forward in their "recent" games isn't doing them any favors.
I'd also add that I actually highly respect the creative teams and devs at Ubishaft and EA -- it's their project leads that rush incomplete code out the door and overly-monetize the environment. Assassin's Creed Unity is a great game if you iron out the bugs, optimize, and remove the money-grabbing in-app purchases. It's the suits and board that make a mess of things.
Valve recently released Dota 2 and CS:GO, and although they're not "new" games, they do count as games. Also, Valve does a TON of stuff for PC gaming in general that is very under-appreciated. All games they have are MODDABLE. They made Steam workshop, allowing people to use mods easily in all games if the dev wants it. They made broadcasting, which is actually pretty cool to watch a friend play a game easily. They made Steamworks, allowing devs easy cloud saves. Big Picture Mode, Source Film Maker. They actually do a lot of things considering they're a company of only 300ish people. People just whine about no HL3, when Valve is doing more things to move PC gaming forward than one game ever could.
Valve recently released Dota 2 and CS:GO, and although they're not "new" games, they do count as games. Also, Valve does a TON of stuff for PC gaming in general that is very under-appreciated. All games they have are MODDABLE. They made Steam workshop, allowing people to use mods easily in all games if the dev wants it. They made broadcasting, which is actually pretty cool to watch a friend play a game easily. They made Steamworks, allowing devs easy cloud saves. Big Picture Mode, Source Film Maker. They actually do a lot of things considering they're a company of only 300ish people. People just whine about no HL3, when Valve is doing more things to move PC gaming forward than one game ever could.

SDK's and toolkits for modding games have existed for other games before. Its awesome that Valve has made those things readily available but they are hardly the first. UT2003 or UT2004 (I can't recall which) shipped with that stuff in the Collector's Editions. When a game engine is licensed a developer gets access to the tools they need to use it. If they choose to write their own then that developer crafts all the software and tools they need to build its game. Cloud saves aren't really all that ground breaking either since that's just an extention of "cloud" data storage. Again I'm not saying Valve's past contributions are irrelevant but rehashes of old games and SDKs for dated games and dated game engines isn't pushing PC gaming forward.
Dennaton Games under Devolver Digital both respected dev and publisher



Blizzard (Yep, I know who owns them, but right now they seem to be keeping Activision at bay. They are on FIRE right now)
Blizzard (Yep, I know who owns them, but right now they seem to be keeping Activision at bay.


Least: EA, ActiBlizz
Not quite the least: Ubisoft, KS devs that don't deliver, mobile devs in general
Neutral: Gearbox, ID, Squeenix, KS devs that deliver the bare minimum
Slightly better than neutral: Valve, Nintendo
"Most": CD Projekt, KS devs that deliver a complete game (on time or close to it)

Nintendo and Valve are losing respect for edging closer and closer to that "greedy" mentality; Nintendo with their Hardware DLC (amiibos, which btw, are incredibly overpriced for how low quality they are) and Valve for their milking of existing/old franchises and not really delivering anything recently. CSGO operations are pretty sleazy, and even moreso now that recouping the cost of buying it by selling cases isn't feasible anymore.
Least :EA and SOE although I'm not sure if I should transfer my dislike to their new company
Molyneux and 22cans have really plunged in my opinion on them. That whole Godus scheme has left a poor taste in my mouth, and Molyneux's handling of it reminds me too much of politician spin.

Agree with CD Projekt, really impressed by them, even after becoming somewhat 'big' after their previous success with the Witcher series. Impressed so much, I actually went and preordered the Witcher 3 for PS4.


Least: EA, ActiBlizz
Not quite the least: Ubisoft, KS devs that don't deliver, mobile devs in general
Neutral: Gearbox, ID, Squeenix, KS devs that deliver the bare minimum
Slightly better than neutral: Valve, Nintendo
"Most": CD Projekt, KS devs that deliver a complete game (on time or close to it)

Nintendo and Valve are losing respect for edging closer and closer to that "greedy" mentality; Nintendo with their Hardware DLC (amiibos, which btw, are incredibly overpriced for how low quality they are) and Valve for their milking of existing/old franchises and not really delivering anything recently. CSGO operations are pretty sleazy, and even moreso now that recouping the cost of buying it by selling cases isn't feasible anymore.

You irrational hate for D3 vanilla (of which they took the steps to fix) makes you ill-informed on the subject. You constantly shit all over the D3 thread for what is actual YEARS now.

The quality of blizzards projects right now don't seem to have the activision bleed on them. Unless you are the type that thinks a gaming company trying to actually make a profit is some how bad.
I like most of what I've seen from Visceral Games, although BF:Hardline was pretty unimpressive.
I know people here really dislike EA, but a lot of the stuff I've been playing has been from the EA umbrella. The games themselves keep beckoning me to play and play again. Just got off my Mass Effect binge and am moving on to Dead Space. I've started up some Medal of Honor, which has been a blast in SP. Not a huge MP person, but Battlefield 3/4 have been pretty fun.

EA, for me, has all the video game crack. I know I'm the oddball here, but I really respect the games they've done. I'm not saying they don't have a shitty side, but they have started to change their tune.

Probably iD. They've coasted on Quake and Doom too long and while I enjoyed Quake 4 and Doom 3, they didn't stand out. Maybe the expectations were too high. I've played terrible FPS games before (Daikatana, anyone), and they weren't that bad, but they weren't exceptional. With Carmack gone, they need to have something more than a new Doom. It needs to be a good game, not just some FPS with a classic title.

My 2 cents
I agree with:

Least Respected: EA
Most Respected: CD Projekt RED

One is frantic scatter-brained mess that ruins potentially great games with a lame business model, while the other focused on simple delivery of high-quality quality games.
I don't really strongly dislike any company, although EA would probably be the one I find least appealing

For the good ones I am partial to Firaxis, Obsidian, and InXile
ActiBlizz are easily EA tier trash

LoL... no

Some of the stuff Activision has control over (CoD) yes

If you don't like the games that is fine but blizzard is making some of the best games out there right now. They actually learned from the mistakes they made with D3.

Again, just because a company makes you pay for shit and makes money doesn't make them trash.
Activision makes EA look like a hot chicks with big tits that's faithful and loves jesus.

Yeah I kind of have a boner for jesus chicks,

cant blame you there, i oftne give them my blessing when they call me by my true name, oh god!

Activision is defineity trying to become number one .

Valve has done a good bit right and very close to earning most respeected.. though i think they are beat by Nintendo.. Nintendo has proven track record.. How many years now and making good games? yes they faltered on hardware but software wise, they still can and are very strong.
Yeah, back on Nintendo, I used to be a big Sega fan back in the Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast days. I still like their games but not as much as before. But Nintendo has been remarkably consistent ever since the original NES. I also like the fact that their games are not as buggy as the consoles.
I'm actually kind of surprised by all the Nintendo love. Yeah they had a decent E3 and release schedule these last few months, but overall the Wii U still feels pretty poorly supported. I definitely wouldn't not say I "respect" nintendo I just don't hate them at the moment.

I guess I understand the respect for blizzard though it seems more like Rabid fandom to me. They made a generic mmo that ripped concepts from every previous mmo and then ran it through the lowest common denominator grinder. Same thing with Activision. I have a bunch of friends that are psychotically obsessed with Cod yet openly bitch about it nonstop given about a week and a half of every new games release.

Speaking of respect I kinda give props to rockstar for pushing back GTAV. I know it sucks for you folks that pre-ordered, but at least they're being open about not feeling good about the games current state. Unlike Capcom...

aaaah capcom, you got me once again. Your Resident Evil HD port was just wonderful and I thought "maaan everyones just whiners"...then I bought Resident Evil Revelations 2. Unplayable at launch due to stuttering. Fuck you capcom. Worst company ever.
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Gamestop they don't have shit for PC games or hardware.
Just think if Gamestop does went all out like a Microcenter does they could actually make money then.

Gamestop should sell Graphics Cards
CPUS memory and PC games at a discount like Microcenter does they would be a more profitable company.
They used to sell Movies so I don't see why not Just take down the Nintendo Wii console wall or the 360 wall and you have place to display.
Gamestop they don't have shit for PC games or hardware.
Just think if Gamestop does went all out like a Microcenter does they could actually make money then.

Gamestop should sell Graphics Cards
CPUS memory and PC games at a discount like Microcenter does they would be a more profitable company.
They used to sell Movies so I don't see why not Just take down the Nintendo Wii console wall or the 360 wall and you have place to display.

Funny you should say that. the Microcenter in denver doesn't really have a games section anymore. Its a wasteland. All platforms.
How does ANYONE mention valve for most respected? They havent released anything great recently aside from dota 2, and even in dota 2, their US servers are absolute GARBAGE. Just read reddit, their servers drop games and have disconnects multiple times a day for an entire half of the country. Its starting to affect overseas servers as well.

Not only that their speed in terms of porting heroes over and fixing bugs is terrible
How does ANYONE mention valve for most respected? They havent released anything great recently aside from dota 2, and even in dota 2, their US servers are absolute GARBAGE. Just read reddit, their servers drop games and have disconnects multiple times a day for an entire half of the country. Its starting to affect overseas servers as well.

Not only that their speed in terms of porting heroes over and fixing bugs is terrible

not to mention their communication on the matter is literally non-existent. Theyve been having server issues for literally months and have yet to make a single statement on it
Least Respected: Ubisoft, EA, Activision
Most Respected: Valve, CD Projeckt Red

It says something that I am a staunch supporter of DRM free games but at the same time respect Valve a lot. They do a lot for PC Gaming.

There are a lot of indie gaming studios that are garnering my respect but I wait until they have more of a history to really count them.
How does ANYONE mention valve for most respected? They havent released anything great recently aside from dota 2, and even in dota 2, their US servers are absolute GARBAGE.
As I recall, this thread is about Most and Least Respected Game Companies. That involves more than their games, but also their business practices and how they treat their customers. And, as I recall, I said the following:
Least Respected: EA followed by Ubi-"Assassin Creed: Unity"-Soft
Most Respected: CD Projekt RED

Sorry, Valve, we are still waiting for Half Life 3. And, sorry Gearbox, we have trouble forgiving you for Colonial Marines.
Mind you, I said that before I was aware of the DOTA issues. :) But the translation of what I said was that "sorry, Valve and Gearbox, you could have made the most respected list, BUT....." And, I enjoyed playing Borderlands a lot, but the Aliens: Colonial Marines debacle in what was promised and what was delivered still stings in many people's minds. And, sadly, since Half Life 3 seems to follow the Duke Nukem Forever path, I fear a similar result.

It's easy to convince people NOT to purchase your product. Convincing people to spend money on your product... now that's hard. It doesn't take a business administration major to explain that.
The quality of blizzards projects right now don't seem to have the activision bleed on them. Unless you are the type that thinks a gaming company trying to actually make a profit is some how bad.

The latest expansion pack for WoW had half its raid content cut and the most recent patch added twitter and "selfies".

I will stand by D3 being trash. If you have to pay twice to have the content that should have been there in the first place, there is a problem. Keep in mind all "new" content that is added to this game patch by patch is just the standard wow-power-creep. Every new item is just the same old item with another stat added. There was zero reason to have a "mistake" of having legendaries with no unique stats (and mostly worse than random rares) at release. ZERO. None. Any excuse whatsoever is absolute bullshit. Every other thing they "fixed" with the game in the expansion is similar.

Their P2W card game, their DoTA clone, their TF2 clone. Why exactly is this company still respected? Where isn't Activision's influence in Blizz games?


I had forgotten about Capcom. They are absolutely shameless with their DLC / Versions.
Most: CD Prokekt, Valve (though would be nice if they actually made games)
Just Short: Nintendo (youtube practices dropped them a peg), Rockstar, Telltale

Least: Ubisoft, EA
Slightly Better: Activision (at least they don't do microtransactions and online passes... yet), Konami (a company seemingly run by clowns)
The latest expansion pack for WoW had half its raid content cut and the most recent patch added twitter and "selfies".

I will stand by D3 being trash. If you have to pay twice to have the content that should have been there in the first place, there is a problem. Keep in mind all "new" content that is added to this game patch by patch is just the standard wow-power-creep. Every new item is just the same old item with another stat added. There was zero reason to have a "mistake" of having legendaries with no unique stats (and mostly worse than random rares) at release. ZERO. None. Any excuse whatsoever is absolute bullshit. Every other thing they "fixed" with the game in the expansion is similar.

Their P2W card game, their DoTA clone, their TF2 clone. Why exactly is this company still respected? Where isn't Activision's influence in Blizz games?


I had forgotten about Capcom. They are absolutely shameless with their DLC / Versions.

Most respected: Tie between Ubisoft, EA, Activision, and 2K
Least respected: Valve, CD Projekt Red
Valve has been screwing the Dota community over pretty hard in the last year, they have lost some points in my book.