Thermaltake Core X2 mATX Cube Chassis Case Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Thermaltake Core X2 mATX Cube Chassis Case Review - While you may or may not be in the market for a mATX sized computer case, the Thermaltake Core X2 mATX Cube Chassis has some interesting features for those looking to do custom water cooling and wanting to have some easy ways to show it off. All that aside, just how good of an mATX case is it?
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If my Core V1 mITX case is anything to say, it's a damn good little unit... but the Core X2 is freaking huge! If you are looking for a ton or radiator mounting position than it's a good choice, but I think there are better looking and smaller mATX cases that can accommodate a custom h20 setup a little nicer.
Thanks for the great case review.

Where was this bad boy two years ago! Absolutely love the reversible side panels and front-panel I/O ports. Specifically this pic:

That would fit perfectly on my desk with the case to my left. Plus I/O on side instead of the top is nice too. I really like my "Define R4" but I think this case would have worked even better.
It's gigantic, why would you put a micro ATX board in a twelve car garage?

I'm not a genius or anything, but if I'm going to use a case that could house a mechanised division and a nuclear warhead, why wouldn't I use a full ATX motherboard and go for more features?
Just finished an m-ATX build with a Corsair Air 240, and I thought it was cavernous! Nice looking case.
I have two x9s for a build ill post soon. going to stack them and build a steel stand
Seems like a good case, but it's quite big to just house a mATX board. Not something I would use myself on a mATX build.
Guess if your Case Labs, you should be happy that a big case manufacturer is using your design philosophies to make mass market cases.
I love the idea of a stackable case. It's like you could have one host your home PC, one host a server or something. All in one convenient location.
I have two x9s for a build ill post soon. going to stack them and build a steel stand

Oh please do! I'd love to see this project!

I think Thermaltake's just sold me my next case.
Seems like a good case, but it's quite big to just house a mATX board. Not something I would use myself on a mATX build.

If you're looking at an air cooled setup? Then no. Probably not. The thing simply couldn't generate enough heat to worry about.

But if you're setting up a watercooled system, especially a multi-loop setup? Then the options these cases offer are just liberating.