Mental Illness As The Villian In Games Needs To Stop

There is no medical form of insanity.
Lack of education on mental illness is rampant around these parts it seems

What has that got to do with video games though?

Video games are fictional work, and that's where all politically correctness discussion should end. Video games are not meant to be an accurate representation of the real world we live in, they are alternate realities created by imaginations. They do not have to be accurate or politically correct.
All bad people have a mental issue.
sane people that do bad things without outside influence, weren't completely sane and had a slight mental issue.
Our world is so overly politically correct these days, I'm surprised we are still allowed to have fun. After all, having fun is discriminatory of people with manic depressive disorder, we really need to cease having fun immediately to be inclusive of those people!
But wait, we have to respect the diversity of nutjobs, whackos and fruitcakes! We can't lock them up or stigmitize them because they didn't choose this condition! (Unless the huffed, shot up, or drank/drink heavily- and then it's just as a reaction from not having enough hugs!)

In the new world, everyone is a victim and no one is responsible for anything they do. (Unless they're a guy and then *no* means no and even *yes* means *no*, and then you are wholly responsible).
I agree, that there should be more games where you play as the mentally ill hero.
I got my shtick from Gary Oldman from the professional.

The problem with mental illness are the medications themselves the side effects can really alter a persons life to the point of disability or even death. Drinking on Atypicals is the worse think you can do...
painting mental illness as a magical black box we can neither see into nor ever hope to understand

Howabout you come back to me and bitch some more when you have a medical field that grasps how it's medications actually work, and don't have a large portion of the ailments that are treated by just zombifying you and essentially putting you in chemical restraints until you are no longer to big of a hassle to deal with.
We should all get a medical field... of cannabis :D
Pac-Man has an eating disorder.
much more than that... paranoia and an addiction to pills that make his feel invincible and able to eat an onslaught of ghosts. I feel for the guy!
The stigma in society in general surrounding mental illness needs to stop.

Perhaps, but articles bitching about it in video games is going to do fuck-all. Shit, we still think ECT is a terrifying nightmarish torture procedure because of a 40 year old movie.

What I'd love to see is a video game where you suffer from mental illness, and keep searching for help, only to have pills thrown at you by every person you consult. Once the pills run out, you have to find more. It never ends. That would be a hell of a statement.
Let me guess.... You be an angry white male.
Stereotypes are cool if they help you do God's work.
Privileged people complaining about SJW really piss me off like nothing else.
All I heard theres was "How dare you question my control of you, that I deserve on behalf of God's Work"
Perhaps, but articles bitching about it in video games is going to do fuck-all. Shit, we still think ECT is a terrifying nightmarish torture procedure because of a 40 year old movie.

What I'd love to see is a video game where you suffer from mental illness, and keep searching for help, only to have pills thrown at you by every person you consult. Once the pills run out, you have to find more. It never ends. That would be a hell of a statement.

This sounds a lot like real life. Only difference is in real life, you don't have a mental illness and they throw pills at you.
But wait, we have to respect the diversity of nutjobs, whackos and fruitcakes! We can't lock them up or stigmitize them because they didn't choose this condition! (Unless the huffed, shot up, or drank/drink heavily- and then it's just as a reaction from not having enough hugs!)

In the new world, everyone is a victim and no one is responsible for anything they do. (Unless they're a guy and then *no* means no and even *yes* means *no*, and then you are wholly responsible).

Spoken like someone who knows nothing about mental illness. This right here is exactly the problem.
Ya sorry im tired of the omg lets coddle people mentality period. I dont care what the reason is to be a bad guy in a video game this crying is getting annoying. I have zero problems with a villian being a sociopath, its kind of cute really that game designers are coming up with a reason for someone to be a villian other then there are just some bad eggs out there.
MAIN-STREAM MEDIA perpetuate the societal disparity that breeds harmful stigma when they resort to generic, undefined, almost pseudo-mystical "insanity." It’s a brush-off and a hand-wave, painting mental illness as a magical black box we can neither see into nor ever hope to understand, rather than as a condition that real human people with brains and feelings and mortgages live with on a daily basis. There are few things that more clearly draw an "us and them" line in the sand.

Ah, that reads much better. :D
Human villains need to stop! As a human, the mere suggestion that some other human might be evil is insulting to me.