How is Windows Vista Ultimate these days?


[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
My Windows 7 Academic license ran out. I purchased Windows 8, have used it for the last few months but hate it with a zealous passion. How is Windows Ultimate these days? Is it still relevant? I'm REALLY considering re-installing Vista Ultimate. When Windows 7 came out I couldn't even really tell the difference between Vista and 7. They really leaned up Vista in the latter days before 7.

I have an i7-4770K and 16GB of RAM - SSDs etc. Problems to expect before I install?
Keep windows 8 and load up one of the start menu apps that gives you the classic look and you should be good to go.

I meant - have they continued to update it like they did when windows 7 came out. When I transitioned from Windows Vista Ultimate to Windows 7, it was like the same operating system. Contrast that with the launch Vista and you can surely surmise they made a LOT of optimizations on Vista along the way.

I meant - have they continued to update it like they did when windows 7 came out. When I transitioned from Windows Vista Ultimate to Windows 7, it was like the same operating system. Contrast that with the launch Vista and you can surely surmise they made a LOT of optimizations on Vista along the way.
On high end hardware, Vista performs similarly to 7. They have not added many new features, though Vista does support DX11 with platform update.

I suggest that after you install the OS, download and install the stand alone service packs. Once complete, run compcln.exe from an elevated cmd prompt to remove backup SP software, making them permanent.

You will also want to tweak Vista by setting a static VSS size if you do not disable System Restore (since it uses percent by default). You may also want to change SuperFetch service from Automatic to Automatic (delayed).
I meant - have they continued to update it like they did when windows 7 came out. When I transitioned from Windows Vista Ultimate to Windows 7, it was like the same operating system. Contrast that with the launch Vista and you can surely surmise they made a LOT of optimizations on Vista along the way.

I don't imagine it's terrible or anything but unless they've fixed it somehow, the DWM in Windows Vista used up memory in a linear fashion with every open window. It was a freakin' hog and I hated it.
I ran Vista for a while. It ran well on my dual Opteron 285 machine with 4GB ram. Vista wasn't as bad as the masses say it is. The masses just didn't have the hardware for it. Throw a fast CPU (or 2 in my case) at it along with plenty of ram and it's a pretty nice OS. I liked it better than XP. XP64 was a pain in the ass and made Vista look polished, and XP32 didn't see half my ram.

That said, I'd just suck it up and buy Win7 OEM if you really can't stand 8 even with add-ons to fix up the UI. I'm still running 7, but if I had to spend money I'd just get 8.1. The problem with Vista isn't that the OS is so horrid, it's that it's not at all popular and isn't well supported. I've seen apps & games that list "XP, Win7 and Win8" as supported OSes along with a few that require Win7 or Win8.
I've never had a problem with Vista ..even on older single core setups with low amounts of ram running Vista RC's.. That being said .. I have 2 older Compaq CQ60-215DX laptops (AMD/Nvidia) running Vista 32-bit with 3GB of DDR2 ..the other running Windows 8 64-bit with 4GB of DDR2 .. though not an apples to apples comparison exactly .. Win8 is way snappier and boots way faster.

But .. on your hardware .. as stated .. everything should run pretty fast on it... and I haven't run into anything that works in 7 but not in Vista ..drivers included
Glad im not the only one! Still running Vista Business x64 and it works great for me....

2500K @ 4.8
R9 290
16GB Ram