Logitech G700s - initial impressions


Nov 12, 2012
My Logitech G700s just arrived in the mail today. I have been using a G700 since it came out which was around 3 years ago.

There isn't much different from the G700. The sensor is slightly better and the left and right click are slightly better but neither are really noticeable.
The only really noticeable difference between the G700 and the G700s is the paint job on the top.

I did actually notice a big difference in accuracy right when I started using it though. It wasn't because it is an improvement over the G700, but an improvement over my G700's worn out feet. The new mouse glides much smoother and I'm able to make much more accurate movements and perfect circles.

From now on I think I am going to replace the feet on my mouse every year. It really makes a huge difference.

Everything that was rock solid about the G700 is still rock solid with the G700s. The wireless signal is flawless and doesn't get any interference even with other wireless mice, phone signals, wifi, and the works right next to it.

If you are looking for a new gaming wireless mouse this is the one to get, but there isn't much of a difference from the G700.
Its funny you mention wireless signals with this mouse. Mine started having huge connection issues after I moved my tower a bit. Its only 3-4 feet away but was dropping connection like crazy all the time, when I plugged it in I got solid gaming. I ended up putting the reciever into my g110's usb port and it works great now lol. I imagine it has to do with the metal desk and the router between the mouse and my tower causing it transmission issues.
I'm currently using the G700 but waiting for the performance mx successor.
Any improvements to the mouse wheel? On the original G700 I found it too easy to accidentally click it to the sides.
Can you remove the battery if you use the cord to make the mouse lighter? If you do does the balance feel weird?
What is going on with logitech doing all these refreshes lately? I just seen them do a refresh on the G19. Basically made it a little more flashy then before with some added features. But the problem still remains no game support for it hardly.

Moving on, How is the batter life compared to the regular G700 then? Mine ate them up when using gaming mode. But always kept spares charged up because of it.
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What is going on with logitech doing all these refreshes lately? I just seen them do a refresh on the G19. Basically made it a little more flashy then before with some added features. But the problem still remains no game support for it hardly.

Moving on, How is the batter life compared to the regular G700 then? Mine ate them up when using gaming mode. But always kept spares charged up because of it.

I have no idea, plus you'd think with their mechanical gaming keyboard out they'd refresh the G19 with Cherry MX switches and just make the ultimate high end board. At least make it worth while if you're making a $200 keyboard.

I'd assume the battery life is the same, but if they've made it a little more power efficient I might just move my old G700 to the laptop.

On that note, has anyone tried something like an Energizer Ultimate Lithium in it? I've been thinking about buying a pack for it.
Can you remove the battery if you use the cord to make the mouse lighter? If you do does the balance feel weird?

Yes you can. The balance feels weird to me, too front heavy, but that is mostly from the resistance caused by the cord.

What is going on with logitech doing all these refreshes lately? I just seen them do a refresh on the G19. Basically made it a little more flashy then before with some added features. But the problem still remains no game support for it hardly.

Moving on, How is the batter life compared to the regular G700 then? Mine ate them up when using gaming mode. But always kept spares charged up because of it.

I used the G700s for 20 hours on the included pre-charged 1900 mAh battery until it died.
I still use the same battery my regular G700 came with and it lasts 12 hours (it probably lasted 20 when it was new).
I always use Normal Gaming power mode. I turn it off and charge it at night.