Where is Tigger?


DC Moderator and [H]ard DCOTM x6
Staff member
Jun 15, 2005
What happened to Tigerbiten?

He has not had any significant points since he turned off his machine in April of 2011 before he went on vacation.


Using the search function here at [H], I noticed that he has not posted on the forums since April 1, 2011.

I know what you mean about the kinda bitter-sweet mowing of monuments. I went through the same on my way to the top.

I'm planning to be away on my Trice Q for around 14-15 weeks this year. First heading down towards Lands End then north untill I turn for home. I'll probably cover ~3k miles.

So an early congrats on the first spot ......... :D:mad::eek:

His last activity was April 6, 2011: http://hardforum.com/member.php?u=52829

Where oh Where has Tigger gone?
I've wondered this off and on and have mentioned him in a few posts.

I miss him around these parts and he was a part of the team for so long.

I hope we havent lost him or worse yet, that nothing has happened to him.....
I hope we havent lost him or worse yet, that nothing has happened to him.....

he's been posting on other forums recently. Found some posts written just last month by a tigerbiten on a cycling forum. When it's signed " .....Luck", you know its him.

he's been posting on other forums recently. Found some posts written just last month by a tigerbiten on a cycling forum. When it's signed " .....Luck", you know its him.

tell him to drop by and let us know hes ok,
Hard to forget good old Tigerbiten :) I hope he'll be back soon.

I'm feeling guilty myself for still having part of his old farm he sent me a few years ago packed up in boxes while I'm still trying to find a place to live.
Holy heck, Elledan has been brought out of the woodwork?! This is getting serious. ;)

But agreed, his posts were great fun!
Aslo~ How's times Elledan?
@Elledan, are you in the UK? If boxen need homes and feeding, I may be able to help the cause.
Holy heck, Elledan has been brought out of the woodwork?! This is getting serious. ;)

Aslo~ How's times Elledan?

Hi there :) Times are still very rough for me. I'm still technically homeless and desperately trying to make ends meet. Got some possible media attention coming up which may finally pull me out of this horrible situation... keeping my paws crossed right now.

@Elledan, are you in the UK? If boxen need homes and feeding, I may be able to help the cause.

I'm in the Netherlands at the moment. Might be a bit of an effort to ship them back to the UK again :)
slight bump for a shout out to Tiger!

Come give us an update on your life mate!
Looks like quite a few of the old timer's are waking up.

Welcome back Nitro and from the looks of Musky's FS thread AssM@n/ROC might even be tempted out of retirement, Apollo is silently folding away as well so a big welcome back to him too:)

I definately feel like a newb on this team
Damn, Elle, long time no see

I hope to see some of the guys and gals from when I first joined and before that as an anon lurker come back
Damn, Elle, long time no see

I hope to see some of the guys and gals from when I first joined and before that as an anon lurker come back

I'll be right back when I get my life back in order :) The Q6600 systems I have still packed up aren't very special any more now, but they will have to do when I hopefully get back to folding by next year.
Tigerbiten's last activity at [H]ard Forums: Last Activity: 04-06-2011 11:43 PM

EOC says no activity in a very long time: EOC stats link.

Tigger, come on out and play!

I hope you are okay! :)
I've been wondering about him as well. Actually looking at the top 100 on EOC there are a lot of names that I remember that are inactive. Hopefully everyone is well.

Also- Hi everyone!
I'll be right back when I get my life back in order :) The Q6600 systems I have still packed up aren't very special any more now, but they will have to do when I hopefully get back to folding by next year.

I've still got a Q6600 rig, gets 7 - 8K ppd on smp. IF those rigs have multiple PCI-E slots load 'em up with GPU's and they'll still crank out decent ppd. Hope it all falls into place for you soon. C'mon back when you can. C'mon back Tigger too.
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I've still got a Q6600 rig, gets 7 - 8K ppd on smp. IF those rigs have multiple PCI-E slots load 'em up with GPU's and they'll still crank out decent ppd. Hope it all falls into place for you soon. C'mon back when you can. C'mon back Tigger too.

I got kinda folding again on a single Q6600 and a 660 Ti, but it's hard to run it on what amounts to my workstation. After a BSOD and many other issues I had to cut my losses and stop folding for a while again until I can put dedicated systems together again :(

Also, these Q6600 systems I have are Tigger's old systems he used for F@H. Would like to get both of them folding again to maybe entice him to return to folding :D
Hi Peeps, long time no see ............ :D

I'm well but I stopped working when I switched off my boxen.
So my income is almost zero, therefore no spare cash to power the boxen.
Hi Peeps, long time no see ............ :D

I'm well but I stopped working when I switched off my boxen.
So my income is almost zero, therefore no spare cash to power the boxen.

Good to see you're still kickin', Tiger :D I hope you do have enough money for food and such :eek:

I still got the two Q6600 systems you sent me years ago in working condition, by the way :cool:
Hi Peeps, long time no see ............ :D

I'm well but I stopped working when I switched off my boxen.
So my income is almost zero, therefore no spare cash to power the boxen.

OMG am I seeing things?!? Nice to see you still around old timer! Regardless if your crunching WU's or not, you ought to drop in more often. Miss seeing you around... :D
OMG am I seeing things?!? Nice to see you still around old timer! Regardless if your crunching WU's or not, you ought to drop in more often. Miss seeing you around... :D

I have to agree.

BTW, where is the "luck" tag you always put on your posts?
Catch us up on your adventures, dude!

Nice to see you are alive and kickin!

You were missed around these parts!