Galaxy 6 Weeks of Christmas GPU Giveaway! Week 5

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
The holiday season is fast approaching and all of us are excited to see another Galaxy Christmas giveaway at HardOCP this year.

We are continuing our 6 weeks of giveaways with the Galaxy GeForce GTX 670 GC 2GB Video Card (Dual Fan Version).


HardOCP Review of this card is HERE.

All you have to do to enter is tell us what you like about Galaxy and its Video Cards! Post ONLY ONCE in this thread to enter. Entries for USA shipping addresses ONLY.
Fantastic looking heatsink design. Galaxy has really done a lot to establish a good name and reputation lately.
No experience with Galaxy, but they seem to get good reviews. "Pick me, Monty!"
i like the cards that have the pic of the galaxy on them. i also like free cards regardless of what pic is on them... :bleh:
I love how Galaxy bucks the trends and offer creative and effective designs to their products
No personal experience with Galaxy but I'm loving their participation in the giveaway.
Good products at Fair price, it also helps that they support the community by doing things like this giveaway. I would happily display there logo in my machine :D
I believe Galaxy cards are the only ones on the market that are powered through magic and win. This in itself would be worthy of purchase but it is also my understanding they are handmade by supermodels to give them the unique odor of win and awesome.
i would love a new gpu, my current one is dying :( well the fan makes noise while idling still on the cpu.
Reliability, reputation, and not just sticking with cookie cutter oem designs.
Here's to another chance... I like Galaxy because of the oodles of cards they give out and that they support our community! That and they make some awesome cards.
I have no experience with Galaxy personally, but they've always seemed to produce solid reliable cards. They also use NVIDIA, so that's a plus right off the bat.
Good performance, good reputation, and good prices. What more could you want from a video card company?
Galaxy shares the namesake of my MLS team- the LA Galaxy.

I also like the GTX670- probably one of the best values on the market. :)
Galaxy's products are well engineered, deliver a high level of performance, and are sexy as hell. What's not to like?
Galaxy manages to get good reviews from HardOCP which is not easy to do. That obviously means they must be doing something very right.
I think the logo is prey awesome.
That and they have solid looking aftermarket cooling.
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