Plextor m5p: Enabling AES encryption?

Dec 25, 2011
I just received my new m5p and I am trying to enabled the 256 AES encryption on it. I cannot find information on how to do it on Plextor's site. The PlexTools utility only displays ssd health information. I am running Windows 7 Pro x64. Does anyone know how to enable the encryption throught the ssd controller?
I suppose you have to enable the hard disk password in the bios.
the entered password will then (automatically) be used to decrypt some generated badass aes-256 encryption key and use this to encrypt/decrypt all your data.

there is just one problem, i dont know a non-notebook mainboard that let's you set the hdd-password. currently only notebooks (few exceptions?) seem to support this...
I have no idea but would think that this OptionROM-mechanism should work even under UEFI.