Amazing Bionic Hand

I keep getting dissapointed when it requires outside force to adjust the thumb. We're not at Deus Ex levels yet...

Of course, even if they did have a bionic hand that perfectly mimics a human hand without taking shortcuts, I'll start complaining about having no built in weapons. I can be a dick like that sometimes.
As prosthetic parts get better, will payouts for work-related injuries fall due to less impact on daily life?
I don't even want to imagine how much that thing would cost..
I volunteer to have my hand cut off Luke Skywalker style if I can get one of these.
As cool as that hand is, the limiting factor is still the interface between the user and the hand. I think direct neural connection is the only way to make a synthetic hand have all the functions of a real hand.
The main issue with prosthetic is lack of touch/feel. Many times you pick objects without looking by feel.
What I'd like to see is artificial limbs that are wired directly to nerves so they act and function the same as a real limb. All these really do is translate muscle twitches into preset commands to replicate most everyday human gestures.
This is extremely impressive to me. Think of how far the technology has come over the last 10 years
What I'd like to see is artificial limbs that are wired directly to nerves so they act and function the same as a real limb. All these really do is translate muscle twitches into preset commands to replicate most everyday human gestures.

Wouldn't technology that allowed that also solve nerve damage and fix parapalegics? I remember people betting that by the time we had fully functional artificial limbs, we'd be able to regrow organic ones anyway.

For me it's kinda like:

"We can clone and regrow any body part and implant them!"


"Now we don't need bionic and artificial limbs at all!"

"... awwww..."
Amazing. In 5+ years we will finally have truly science fiction accurate replacement arms and legs ..

Gotta love technology.
6 years from now Logitech will have one out with a USB plugin.
All I could think about is the scene from T2 where Arnold cuts his skin off.

From an article and another video I saw of this thing, there are only a few people testing these out right now, so the price is not set in stone... but the article seemed to think it would be somewhere around 20 or 30k I think? That seems really low to me though, as a bionic foot costs WAY more than that and although it has to work and react in a different way, it honestly doesn't have to move (or grasp) in all the ways that a hand like this does. I love seeing stuff like this though. Maybe 10 or 20 more years and this stuff will blow away our organic meat limbs and people will be thrilled to get their ghost in the shell style implants and replacements.
Wouldn't technology that allowed that also solve nerve damage and fix parapalegics? I remember people betting that by the time we had fully functional artificial limbs, we'd be able to regrow organic ones anyway.

For me it's kinda like:

"We can clone and regrow any body part and implant them!"


"Now we don't need bionic and artificial limbs at all!"

"... awwww..."

Better, Stronger, Faster. The promise of bionics is to eventually be an upgrade from stock meatbag parts. Already some bionic legs are achieving this in limited scope.
What I'd like to see is artificial limbs that are wired directly to nerves so they act and function the same as a real limb. All these really do is translate muscle twitches into preset commands to replicate most everyday human gestures.

Go beyond. Tap into the electrical impulses the brain sends to the muscles via the nerves and if you can accomplish that, then you can really sieze potential lifelike movements.
As awesome as that sound, I can see a lot of fucked up shit happening when things go wrong. People going braindead and such.
Seems cool but I'd like to see someone actually wearing it and controlling it. I know the technology already exists so I'm not doubting it, but it makes more of an impact to see the arm attached to a person rather than just an arm doing random things.
it amuses me that when given the choice of how we interact with things we go with what we know rather than what is better.

take for example the mouse, why not have a built in mouse as well? you could pop a small Bluetooth adaptor in the back or a usb cable even better would be the newer wireless USB standard.

if you wanted to you could have some form of movement based control but why not take it further and simply take electronic impulses that control the movement of fingers and apply them to mouse movements.

I realise that's a long way off but for things like this to be truly perfect we need to stop thinking human and start thinking computing.

there are practical limitations with many things but quite a few everyday objects could be converted to a much more efficient design if we stopped thinking of analogue input.