What a horrific experience

Jun 27, 2004
I would like to preface my post by saying that I am a huge horror genre buff and have been ever since I was a boy. Lately I find that years of watching the stuff has pretty much desensitized me to the point where I think myself odd when I fail to react to certain things the way people around me do. That said... what I just watched made me twinge and jump out of my seat more in those 10 minutes than I have in the last 10 years.


I came across this while trying to see (for myself) how easy Ivy's IHS can be removed to improve performance. All I know after watching this is:

  • I do not think I will be able to sleep tonight
  • My faith in mankind is at an all time low
  • I feel dirty

Needless to say that I will not give the possibility of removing my IHS another thought. Much respect to those of you who have -and- have done with a bit more... finesse. While his CPU may actually still be working, if that is how much force is required then I think I will pass.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
that guy is an idiot!! who just throws their processors around like that?? if he had used a good fresh razor blade he could have cut the adhesive with much more precision and removed it fairly easily..
I would hope so but I... I just don't know anymore. I just don't know. That or this guy is trying to create the next Blair Witch. It has all the makings of a horror movie (geared towards PC enthusiasts).

1. A knife
2. A hammer
3. Heavy mouth breathing
4. Bad music (even for my standards)
5. Rape (lets be honest, he raped that poor little 3570K)
6. Murder (I doubt it worked after what he did)
7. Shaky camera work
8. Bad lighting
The best part when he was bashing on the blade and the blade wasn't moving because it had impacted the die.
LMAO on the geeksquad video, this guy is doing all of this work just to play farmville with 1-2fps increase - you know it!
Wow who in the hell uses a pocket knife to open up a cpu.. About made me sick when he started beating it with somthing..I was like WTF..
Is the hardware enthusiast community big enough now that "not wanting that guy in it" is a viable choice?
I hope he doesn't plan on RMA'ing that CPU in the future; he seems like the type that would set the CPU voltage to the maximum voltage the motherboard supports without regard for the actual processor's tolerances.
I hope he doesn't plan on RMA'ing that CPU in the future; he seems like the type that would set the CPU voltage to the maximum voltage the motherboard supports without regard for the actual processor's tolerances.
But but.. that's how you go BIG with overclocks!

Anyone notice his channel's name? The Faith Channel. This is helping me solidify that I'm losing faith in humanity. :p
i thought it was pretty funny at first till he started banging on his ‘swiss army knife’ like an enraged autistic kid trying to force a square block thru a round hole.

was it wrong that i was waiting for him to slip with that knife and lop off his thumb?
i thought it was pretty funny at first till he started banging on his ‘swiss army knife’ like an enraged autistic kid trying to force a square block thru a round hole.

was it wrong that i was waiting for him to slip with that knife and lop off his thumb?

I was waiting for this.. "Oh yes, there will be blood...."
I couldn't believe the guy powered on the cpu with no kind of heatsink or fan.throwing the cpu around what a loser. I believe the guy is real but to show the world what an idiot he is, it's just priceless.:eek:
I don't know if this guy is simply an idiot doesn't care, or both. That said, this doesn't bother me much. His money, his chip.
What a retard, that whole video was a train wreck. The whole retarded IHS removal aside, the idiots intalling the cpu with the motherboard powered and turning the pc on with no heatsink. Thats just so many different levels of retarded.