How fast can you type using Smartphone Keyboard


Aug 24, 2006
With people using smartphones over laptops for regular interenet usage specially for chatting, IM, facebook twitters etc. I have'nt yet upgraded from my N900 is because of of QWERTY keyboard over onscreen keyboard.

While surfing internet, chatting or even while instantly noting something, I prefer my N900 over paper or pen. Despite having closer keys, auto-complete dictionary and word help you can't type as fast as you can with PC Keyboard

So how many of you type in your touchscreen smartphone (with QWERTY or On Screen keyboard) and how may of you use your smartphone for immediately noting something instead of pen and paper and are you able to type that fast as in the case of PC keyboard?
I am ok on my iPhone but I have almost mastered typing with one hand on my iPad.
I'll hold it with my left palm and type with my right hand.
i'm not sure how fast I type but on my samsung galaxy s II epic 4g touch (sprint version) I can type pretty quickly. It has a 4.5" screen though, so on screen keyboard keys are pretty large. I also use a 3rd party keyboard called "thumb keyboard 4" and I do not use autocorrect or auto complete. This latter matter is more due to my vocabulary and phone dictionaries just don't use words that I use so I turned them off.

I'm not sure how fast I type but probably in the area of 30wpm vs ya, about 90 on a mech keyboard at my pc
I used to swear by the keyboard on my Nokia E71 but after using swype I'm never going back to physical keys.
SSwiftkey on an SGS1. I used text from, but showed it on my browser, typed it into my phone, and timed myself. Over 5x1-minute samples I got an average of 45wpm.

Typing on a proper keyboard is around 80-120wpm, depending on text and how hard I try. Using pen and paper I can get about 15-20wpm.
Being a blackberry user I was a pretty good thumb typist, but since I started using swype, I'm much faster - and swype is easier. I was thinking about swapping to an iphone, but after using my fiance's iphone's keyboard the next phone I get will require swype. swyping fo me is faster - sliding from letter to letter across the virtual keyboard is very quick once you get the hang of it ( almost immediate)
I'm pretty quick on my iPhone. I'd say that I'm just as quick as typing on a regular keyboard (or close to it)... but I've also been using it since 07

The part that slows me down is only being able to read, at max, 2 previous lines of text since the keyboard takes up a significant portion of the screen. It's much easier on the iPad
Using Swiftkey and swype definitely made the transition from physical keyboard to touch screens. AFAIK swype actually has set the record for fastest text messaging.
How is swipe faster than Physical keyboards present in N900, Motorola DROID etc?

Because it currently holds the world record for typing speed?

I personally just use the ICS keyboard, and am quite a bit faster on it than I ever was on my Epic 4G's Qwerty.
The part that slows me down is only being able to read, at max, 2 previous lines of text since the keyboard takes up a significant portion of the screen. It's much easier on the iPad
I struggle with that too. Only being able to see a few lines is a pain in the ass.
i can apparently type faster than my DINC can recognize my keypresses... stupid old laggy phone!
I'm pretty good with Swype. Not sure what my wpm is or how to check, but I can bang out a forum post or lengthy email pretty quickly.
I use Swype almost exclusively. I do get a little annoyed with the error rate when trying to send verbose, technical emails, but I'd guess that even with corrections I'm in the 20-30wpm range, much slower than my laptop keyboard, but fast enough that I can get some productive work done. It's pretty rare now that I pull my laptop out of the bag until I hit a good landing point - office, client site, bar...
Pretty fast on a Pre2.

Friends are always surprised how quick I respond with quite long texts with no spelling mistakes.
I've been using touchscreen phones for years now and I still struggle. SwiftKey makes it a lot easier. Most of the time it predicts what I'm trying to write pretty accurately.
I suck incredibly. I'll be happy when voice to text works on more things on the phone. It is great for texting but I don't think Windows Phone uses it for email.
looks like I new some tutorials on SWIPE in which you can type without lifting your fingers. Thats fast.

How frequently do you guys use your smartphone for instantly noting down things instead of paper and pen in daily life including schools and institutions
I can go pretty fast, maybe around 35-40 wpm on my Atrix 2. The only time I fuck up is when I'm trying to swear or use slang...oh shittt, there it goes again. ;)
looks like I new some tutorials on SWIPE in which you can type without lifting your fingers. Thats fast.

How frequently do you guys use your smartphone for instantly noting down things instead of paper and pen in daily life including schools and institutions

I use my phone almost exclusivly for taking notes down and adding reminders for myself. The dictation is nice, although not always accurate (have to remind myself to speak slowly and clearly). The key part is that it automatically syncs with my iPad and other devices, so I can view said notes and reminders anywhere.
I can go pretty fast, maybe around 35-40 wpm on my Atrix 2. The only time I fuck up is when I'm trying to swear or use slang...oh shittt, there it goes again. ;)

I struggle with that on the iphone. I actually went as far as adding said cuss words in to the dictonary so stop it from autocorrecting. Although that has it's own set of problems (try typing puck, and it want's to auto-correct it to something else :D)

On iOS, the button that you have to press to cancel the auto-correct is tiny and I often miss it with my finger, which causes me to have to re-enter the word about 5 times before I finally hit the button to not correct it (either that or the phone realizes that I meant to type what I did, and stops asking)
I've really never found a touch screen keyboard setup that I like much from Swype to whatever. My favorite non-keyboard input method is the handwriting recognition in Windows, just more natural and fluid to me and the correction mechanism is fantastic.
i'd say swype is better than swiftkey.

MY swyping is pretty fast, but I reckon a blackberry keypad and both hands can bang out a txt/email better simply because there is less error thus its faster, with swype its faster but there is bound to be an error or two
Comming from an N900 to an sg2 with on screen KB I must say it was hard to readjust, at first i even hated texting as it was much slower(too slow even) however since i started using swype i have to say its as fast if not faster.

Getting used to swype was easy for me but my GF had a hell of a time, im guessing it was more due to the fingernails however.

Typping on a pc kb is still much faster tho....