PETA Goes After Nintendo's Mario

Potatoes fried in vegetable oil after being soaked in sugar contribute far more to obesity than anything made from, or with, meat.
I agree with this. Sugar and starches are far worse then meat by itself.
I think people who eat meat have a higher risk of mucosal plaque build-up in their intestines, which can lead to active rot.

Obviously vegans can have this issue too, especially those who eat lots of junk food.

I meant your soul. Why do you torture plants?
I fully support PETA, well the other PETA ( People for the Eating of Tasty Animals)
Gorillas have canines as well.

Not all vegans look sickly. only those who do not balance their diet appropriately. Then again, how many obese meat eaters traipse about your local Wal-Mart

You do realize there's a diet called Atkins, which puts the person on a meat and salad vegetable diet. MEAT and salad! MEAT!

Food likes carbs and sugars are the cause of obesity and diabetes, not meat. When was the last time you ever saw someone get diabetes from eating meat? Also, Atkins wants people to eat fat, and avoid fat free products. Cause we need fat to stay healthy. It's the trans fats that are bad. About 80 percent of trans fat in American's diet comes from factory-produced partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.

I just turned your world upside down, didn't I?
I do believe I said "most", not "all"

You chose to be vague? Most, as is some provable percentage?

Gorillas eat insects and small critters = Omnivore, which was my entire argument to begin with. We are meant to eat both, not one or the other, which is why the entire vegan argument is pointless.

Gorillas do not hunt, like chimpanzees. They do eat insects and grubs (more incidentally) however it does not reflect in their dentition (prominent canines). The diet of a species typically changes more abruptly dental evolution.

I think I will stick to eating what nature designed me to eat, a little bit of everything.

I fully respect your choice. Likewise, please respect mine for being a vegetarian (for over 27 years).

Obesity has nothing to do with eating meat, and everything to do with eating too much food, period, so that jab of yours is meaningless. Potatoes fried in vegetable oil after being soaked in sugar contribute far more to obesity than anything made from, or with, meat.

I was offering a counterpoint to your irrelevant comment about "most vegans". Point taken, however vegetarians are more likely to control their eating habits to avoid obesity.

pax vobiscum,
You do realize there's a diet called Atkins, which puts the person on a meat and salad vegetable diet. MEAT and salad! MEAT!

Food likes carbs and sugars are the cause of obesity and diabetes, not meat. When was the last time you ever saw someone get diabetes from eating meat? Also, Atkins wants people to eat fat, and avoid fat free products. Cause we need fat to stay healthy. It's the trans fats that are bad. About 80 percent of trans fat in American's diet comes from factory-produced partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.

I just turned your world upside down, didn't I?

The Atkin's plan has been shown to be a "yo-yo" diet. In my years of practice, I have never seen anyone stay on the said diet.* . Within a few months, carbs are consumed, the the seatocytes start to reload. Many still gained weight with the misconception that they could consume as much meat and dairy as they wanted (He had to make clear references to moderation) It is a pick your poison diet. Diabetes, no... High cholesterol, yes. Truth be told, health is had in a moderate diet and regular exercise.

I have already stated that veganism and vegetarianism are conscience choices.

*- yes, I have seen my share of vegetarians return to eating meat.

my aunt did atkins and stayed healthy after. my friend did atkins and was eating a pound of bacon and 6 eggs a day and was just as fat. i asked how is that different than your normal diet?

lol. atkins works for a handful of people and probably hurts the health of hundreds it fails for.

i always say this: if you ever eat meat, try killing your own animal (hunt) or slaughter (chicken). Then butcher it yourself.

if you can't do that, then you shouldn't have earned the right to eat meat as an adult. also don't be eating a cheeseburger and be telling me how cruel hunting is hypocrite.
my aunt did atkins and stayed healthy after. my friend did atkins and was eating a pound of bacon and 6 eggs a day and was just as fat. i asked how is that different than your normal diet?

lol. atkins works for a handful of people and probably hurts the health of hundreds it fails for.

i always say this: if you ever eat meat, try killing your own animal (hunt) or slaughter (chicken). Then butcher it yourself.

if you can't do that, then you shouldn't have earned the right to eat meat as an adult. also don't be eating a cheeseburger and be telling me how cruel hunting is hypocrite.

when i was a kid, I was fishing with my dad, we caught a fish and he let me whack in the head to kill it. Does that count? :p
my aunt did atkins and stayed healthy after. my friend did atkins and was eating a pound of bacon and 6 eggs a day and was just as fat. i asked how is that different than your normal diet?

lol. atkins works for a handful of people and probably hurts the health of hundreds it fails for.

Atkins and other such diet are designed for weight loss/ maintenance. Veg*nism (vegan/vegetarian) is typically an ethical choice.
Nothing can be more off putting that a blowhard with a foreign morality, so I do understand the disdain for the likes of Newkirk. By stirring indignation with their confrontational rhetoric, PETA has done as much to hurt those who share some of their perspectives than to sway those of divergent opinion.
Atkins and other such diet are designed for weight loss/ maintenance. Veg*nism (vegan/vegetarian) is typically an ethical choice.
Nothing can be more off putting that a blowhard with a foreign morality, so I do understand the disdain for the likes of Newkirk. By stirring indignation with their confrontational rhetoric, PETA has done as much to hurt those who share some of their perspectives than to sway those of divergent opinion.

Pretty much put it in a nutshell right there. Hypocrisy when one is screaming from the rooftops about "injustice" only ends up leading to disdain for your cause. That's where PETA has ended up with most sensible people.
I eat meat, sorry but I try to stay away from vegies. (And this is real I aint much of a veggie lover)
But I will eat em, but I hear the vegeies cry everytime I cut into one, or see one mutilated.

They can feel, they are alive. And we don't even put them out of their misery, sometimes we eat them like a cannibalism, raw and still alive.

Animals...are treated more humane.
my aunt did atkins and stayed healthy after. my friend did atkins and was eating a pound of bacon and 6 eggs a day and was just as fat. i asked how is that different than your normal diet?

lol. atkins works for a handful of people and probably hurts the health of hundreds it fails for.
If you fallow the rules to any diet, you'll lose the weight. If your friend didn't lose weight, then he's doing it wrong.

Also, if you're a diabetic then it's the best diet to be on. Simply cause you're cutting out the sugars. Most other diets are starting to adopt Atkins ideas, and becoming similar to Atkins.

Not quite true. Our dentition and digestive tract are far similar to that of vegetarians whose diet is supplemented by insects. This argument is irrelevant, since it is in conscience where people decide to be veg.
There's only 3 classifications. Omnivore, herbivore, and carnivore. We're not more or less of anything but a omnivore. Herbivore's can't chew or digest meat. Period. Some herbivore's have been known to eat insects, but I doubt they can digest a steak or bacon.

You have to be designed to eat meat and digest it.

The Atkin's plan has been shown to be a "yo-yo" diet. In my years of practice, I have never seen anyone stay on the said diet.* . Within a few months, carbs are consumed, the the seatocytes start to reload. Many still gained weight with the misconception that they could consume as much meat and dairy as they wanted (He had to make clear references to moderation) It is a pick your poison diet. Diabetes, no... High cholesterol, yes. Truth be told, health is had in a moderate diet and regular exercise.
If you consumed carbs then you're not on the atkins diet. There's a limit to everything you eat in any diet, including Atkins. Dairy products can contain sugar, and therefore are not allowed. Only certain cheeses are.

The point of mentioning the Atkins diet is to show that eating meat doesn't cause you to gain weight. There isn't a spaghetti diet, or a potato diet. So that big fat guy you see in WalMart isn't pigging out on meat to get that fat.
Honestly, I would have thought something like this would have been going too far. Even for PETA. Guess I was wrong. I swear they are some up the dumbest assholes on the face of this planet.
You chose to be vague? Most, as is some provable percentage?

Gorillas do not hunt, like chimpanzees. They do eat insects and grubs (more incidentally) however it does not reflect in their dentition (prominent canines). The diet of a species typically changes more abruptly dental evolution.

I fully respect your choice. Likewise, please respect mine for being a vegetarian (for over 27 years).

I was offering a counterpoint to your irrelevant comment about "most vegans". Point taken, however vegetarians are more likely to control their eating habits to avoid obesity.

pax vobiscum,

I was no more vague with my comment than you were yours. In my line of work, I meet quite a few vegans, most of whom look sickly and pale. Pardon me for using my life experiences to form opinions.

And we are closer to chimps than gorillas on an evolutionary scale, so thank you once again for proving my point.

I respect your choice just fine, just don't try to embellish it with bullshit to sell it to others, state it for what it actually is.

you are right, most vegans aren't porkers, most of the ones I come across look pale and sickly as i mentioned before. The aforementioned Atkins diet would be the counter-thesis to the vegan controlled diet. Both work well to control weight, however both are lacking. It takes both to maintain proper nutrition without supplements, and it's what our bodies were designed to do, which has been my point all along.
my aunt did atkins and stayed healthy after. my friend did atkins and was eating a pound of bacon and 6 eggs a day and was just as fat. i asked how is that different than your normal diet?

Your friend was undoubtedly doing it wrong, or he has some underlying abnormal medical condition. Atkins works as well as any other diet, in that it works based on how well you stick to it and follow it.
Atkins works as well as any other diet,

this is largely true. most diets don't work because they are just scams.

Atkins largely via ketosis, which most people who "claim" to have done Atkins have never even heard of. Many of them just think that they will only eat 100% meat and take no other factors into consideration. Unfortunately they are wrong.

There are a lot of BBs who cut on keto. Not really my thing, but more power to them.
As a Vegan myself, nutcases like the murderous trolls at PeTA make me sick to my stomach. The whole idea of animal rights is a cause I feel very strongly about, however, these sick fucks at PeTA do not represent me nor most real animal rights activists I'm close friends with.
had a quick go at the game on their website. I hope Nintendo sues their freak asses for copyright by using Mario's likeness and making a game outta it.
I'm thinking I need to throw a BBQ party across the street from the main office of PETA anyone wanna bring the beer?

Hmm I'll bring some steak and ribs! This is all bull shit complaining by a bull shit group complaining about bull shit reasons. I mean really? It's not like any ALIVE animals were harmed in the games.. They have pixel spirits but that's about it.
Oh this shit about Vegans being thin and pasty is a load of horse shit. Get fucked. I'm in mint condition, still in my plastic wrapping. I'd outlift and outrun 75% of you pussy whipped heffers (assuming a fair amount of you are actually in decent shape). I don't take 'suppliments' although I did briefly consider some omega-3. There's nothing in meat that you need, homosapien is a frugivore biologically, our bodies are not equipped for a meat diet. Our stomachs are small, our intestines are large, we have grinding teeth not tearing teeth, we have enzimes to digest plants. List goes on and on.
BTW in another note.. if we stuck a member of PETA and say a Dog or so in a cage. I wonder who would eat who first? I'm gonna bet the dog eats the peta member first. Just a thought.
wtf peta I call bs:

"Mario fans: Relax! PETA's game was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, a fun way to call attention to a serious issue, that raccoon dogs are skinned alive for their fur. We wish real-life tanukis could fly or swat enemies away with their tails and escape from those who profit from their skins. You can help them by never buying real fur."
rhone89: my friend was of course doing it wrong. he probably ate 3x the calories while reducing carbs. he is a big guy and loves food.

gaspah: wish i met more realistic vegans like you. as a buddhist i say its best to lead by example. when we try to "win people over" we end up sounding ignorant and arrogant which doesn't solve any problems.
Oh this shit about Vegans being thin and pasty is a load of horse shit. Get fucked. I'm in mint condition, still in my plastic wrapping. I'd outlift and outrun 75% of you pussy whipped heffers (assuming a fair amount of you are actually in decent shape). I don't take 'suppliments' although I did briefly consider some omega-3. There's nothing in meat that you need, homosapien is a frugivore biologically, our bodies are not equipped for a meat diet. Our stomachs are small, our intestines are large, we have grinding teeth not tearing teeth, we have enzimes to digest plants. List goes on and on.

You sound healthy, good enough for cookin'. Free range human.
There's nothing in meat that you need, homosapien is a frugivore biologically, our bodies are not equipped for a meat diet. Our stomachs are small, our intestines are large, we have grinding teeth not tearing teeth, we have enzimes to digest plants. List goes on and on.

We can live on either opportunistically. Inuits live on nothing but meat for a huuuuge portion of the year. As for enzymes, we don't have have cellulase. List goes on and on.
We can live on either opportunistically. Inuits live on nothing but meat for a huuuuge portion of the year. As for enzymes, we don't have have cellulase. List goes on and on.

hence why we're frugivores not herbivores. all herbivores 'CAN' eat meat but carnivores can't eat veges etc.
I was no more vague with my comment than you were yours.

You avoided being pinned to your opinion by using a "most". I disagree with your assessment. Perhaps I should have taken a better approach in this discussion

In my line of work, I meet quite a few vegans, most of whom look sickly and pale. Pardon me for using my life experiences to form opinions.

I cannot comment on the number or the effort these vegans you have met have put into balancing their diets. I understand that empiricisms might be your basis of judgement. Perhaps my background and the people I meet have offer me a different perspective.

And we are closer to chimps than gorillas on an evolutionary scale, so thank you once again for proving my point.

We are having a discussion, some points will be agreed upon.
However you did miss the point regarding diet and dentition. Canines, while helpful in tearing flesh, do not indicate that the species in question uses them for that purpose. Chimpanzees do hunt and consume meat, gorillas eat insects (incidental), however their diet is predominantly vegetarian. Other species fall into this catagory.

I respect your choice just fine, just don't try to embellish it with bullshit to sell it to others, state it for what it actually is.

How is it "bullshit"? It is a perfectly reasonable diet, and I was not selling it to others. Rather, I visit a tech web site and find a pair of attacks against PETA, which then include a demonizing of vegans. Perhaps the mistake is mine for be defensive. Still, I am troubled by your condemnation. Are you aware of the benefits of a vegetarian diet? Beyond health, there are substantial environmental and economic impacts to eating meat.

you are right, most vegans aren't porkers, most of the ones I come across look pale and sickly as i mentioned before. The aforementioned Atkins diet would be the counter-thesis to the vegan controlled diet. Both work well to control weight, however both are lacking. It takes both to maintain proper nutrition without supplements, and it's what our bodies were designed to do, which has been my point all along.

And concordance.
One difference being that their is an ethical point to being a vegan. Veganism eschews use of leather and other animal products. This particular component reinforces adherence to the regimen. The Atkins diet, while it can be effective in controlling weight control, it does so at the expense of enjoying carbs. Like I said, you pick your poison. Eating higher off the food chain and the medications pumped into the creatures should count as a detriment (Yes, organics are available, but that would be another discussion.). All diets require thought and planning to maintain proper nutrition. Exercise and moderated intake can make almost any regimen work.

I would like to make one personal point, I am not a vegan. Although I do my best to avoid animal products, some small amounts of dairy and eggs are on my plate. The effort to go fully vegan is beyond my abilities. Also, I find a number of vocal vegans rather misanthropic. Oddly, I do like people and put their concerns above animals.

At this point, I must bow out of this discussion.

pax vobiscum,