Star Wars - The Old Republic Test Weekend. Anyone else playing?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 5, 2004
conflicting answers on the official SWTOR forums as to if the NDA is lifted or not. Until then. Post deleted. Rather be safe than sorry.
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If something is labeled as star wars and Ralph McQuarrie isn't involved you can assume it isn't star wars. 90% of the original star wars trilogy was designed and plotted by Ralph. He hasn't worked on any of it since.
It's still under NDA as far as Im aware. I think it's pretty standard fair in terms of gameplay. Voice overs are neat, but detract after awhile in most cases. Very few of the story lines are interesting, less are funny. Flashpoints are a neat idea, but the group interaction makes them take ages.

Beyond that I'd have to get too specific to make my point.

I will not be buying and I've already told some friends to not bother with it if they were considering it, too much of the same to keep me or them interested for more than 2-3 months at a slow pace.
Enjoyed my run with the Sith Inquisitor for about 12 levels.

Playing a BH right now, enjoying that more.
My Fiance and I got invited into closed Beta last February. We both played together for about a week, then stopped. It was simply...well, boring. I understand it was early beta, but the game play, and more importantly, the maps were boring.

As you progress farther in the game, here is your general time spent. Pick up a Quest. Fight your way through endless NPC's down an obnoxiously large linear map. Complete the objective, then fight your way back through all the re-spawned NPCs. Rinse and repeat over and over, with slightly different looking areas and slightly different looking NPCs.

The sheer amount of time spent running from the Quest giver to the objective and back again is frustrating and annoying. The flashpoint system was also annoying. What the game feels like is a single player Star Wars game, that just so happens to have other players also playing their single player game...If that makes sense.

Long story short, we both quit, and got bombarded with further invites, but never wanted to play again. Which is unfortunate because we're both MMO and Star Wars fans.
It's single player wow with a Starwars wrapper on it. If you're bored of that MMO style, unless you're a die-hard SW nut then you will get bored very quickly with this.
I got into the weekend test.

Is it cutting edge? Or heck even just plain SOTA?

Not really.

Nothing you haven't seen before somewhere else. Plus the cartoonish graphics may rub people the wrong way - especially since the test opened up to alot of people on the same day that they got their hands on Skyrim - which is graphically AMAZING.

What the game does excel in is being "Star Wars-ie" Do you like the story of the Evil Empire or the crazy Jedi powers? Did you ever wish you could be / play one? That is what is going to draw people.

Despite my issues with the game from a technical snobbery standpoint I am having a blast actually playing the game. Getting your first lightsaber is one helluva accomplishment.

The important thing is that this game does what the 1st Star Wars mmo didn't - it actually has the "Star Wars" feel to it. You didn't have to wait before they decided to add Jedi to the game like last time (Star Wars with no Jedi, who ever thought that idea was good?).

My bottom line so far - try it out, especially if you are a Star Wars fan. It's stupid fun plus it's not WOW.
This game will fail hard.

My thoughts exactly. The beta was extremely boring and felt like the ultimate chore; I haven't touched it in months. It's almost entirely based off of WoW and adds very little new and innovative features.

I refuse to play another MMO unless it plays and feels significantly different than WoW.
What the game feels like is a single player Star Wars game, that just so happens to have other players also playing their single player game...If that makes sense.

This is exactly how i felt, been in the closed beta a while, after the last wipe I didnt bother re installing.
I have been in beta since December 2010 and still enjoy the game. Is it for everyone? no But neither was WoW. The game will be a success and most likely the "elite" in the mmo community will hate it like they do WoW and will continue playing EvE.
Would have been nice if they at least TRIED to be a little different than WoW, and updated their gfx engine a bit too.

Right now it's just bland, the story/gameplay is tediously boring, and there's nothing new to look forward too.

It's quite sad really, but more of the same that I am expecting from Bioware recently. They have really gone down hill.
My biggest complaint about SWTOR would be that you realize they spent all this time changing up their ideas. IE Companions didn't exist in their info a year or so back, they advertised you could change your role to fill in gaps with most if not all classes basically at the push of a button. But realizing they went through these massive changes to their systems, and then voicing over everything and creating the story....and how much that had to cost. Then end up with something that isn't much different than other offerings on the market when it comes to pure gameplay (which is going to be the staying factor as it always is in these games, you can't expect them to add story faster than you can consume it).

I think they simply could have wiped a lot of voice work and made a new MMO built on the same engine with different IP and did something new to the genre...and they probably could have had 2 or 3 MMOs for the same investment where at least one challenged or changed concepts currently held in the MMO genre.

It bugs me that the small guys have to revolutionize and be all buggy in the process, while the big guys scoop up their ideas and incorporate them. While the big guys with the cash funds put it into one "pretty much like the others" game. Then ruin the market by scaring away investors when that huge investment doesn't pay off and it kills off the MMO genre momentum for a good 2-3 years and everyone goes back to "tried and true" game formulas for nearly in development game...and you're stuck with nothing "new" for 5 years. It's my big belief why WoW has been so successful, no one else tried to break the mold in significant ways that WoW couldn't adopt and improve.
I refuse to play another MMO unless it plays and feels significantly different than WoW.

I think innovation in MMO's is in the past. What else can they do that somebody else hasn't already done? Back in the late 90's I played EverQuest, which at it's time was a revolutionary game. It had an incredible feel to it because there was simply never anything like it up until that point. Even to this day the EQ music makes me feel good because of the memories of excitement that drudge up.

I think everything has already been done before. Nothing new can be done effectively. The MMO era has passed, now I'd like to see more games like Baldur's Gate come up again.
tried it. nothing new here except light swords and pew pew lasers. boring. pass.
I've been playing the beta this weekend, and I'm actually enjoying it, and I usually do not play MMO's

(Tried WoW, Conan, Guild Wars and all) and quite frankly all the other ones were a boring grinding chore.

I think anyone that has played the KOTOR's will enjoy this game. If you have not played KOTOR or did not enjoy KOTOR then you will probably hate this.
Does the game have ship combat? Can you fly to a ship, infiltrate it and fight the soldiers on it? Pilot vehicles?
The game definitely has better elements than other MMOs, lightside and darkside points are a great addition to an MMO for a simple example.
Game so far feels like a well done wow mod.

I'm at level 6 right now. The single player mixed with the multiplayer is kind of interesting but Its like the instanced questing cataclysm did.

At this point, after playing this and all of the other recent games that came out it seems like wow killed mmo's.
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played for about two hours last night and I haven't been overly impressed....
feeling a little better about cancelling my pre-order now
I have sooo much to say, but I will wait until the NDA lifts. On a completely unrelated note, did you know you can vomit AND sob with disappointment at the same time? :(
Sounds like another game like Rift or Asherons Call 2 that will be tossed onto the trash heap of history.
I thought it was gonna be WoW with a SW skin...I was wrong.
It's actually a worse product than WoW with a SW skin.
The game is so bad IMO, I think it made me lose faith in MMOs altogether.

But then there is last hope...
My gf forced me to play it with her some more. I have to say ... I dunno, I'm having 2nd thoughts... I actually had fun. Gets really interesting at level 10+.
Most of my issues have been from incompatibilities with ATI drivers, I had to roll back to 11.7 to make it work and even after that it was torture to play with broken textures, game lock ups and blue screens. However, now that I have the settings in place and I am using 11.10 again things went much better. I only got to level 12, but it was....ok. Not great, but ok. I never got to the space combat or advanced level/ pvp stuff though. But at least its not the horrible buggy eyesore that I first thought it was.
I played the beta a while ago. Just another MMO that ultimately requires you to wait...and wait...and wait...until you get a party together so you can take down that quest you so desperately need. And then you have to hope that your varying quest lines don't bug each other so that you can't complete the raid after spending 3 hours going through it. Pointless, and most definitely NOT KOTOR. Very disappointing.
I played the beta a while ago. Just another MMO that ultimately requires you to wait...and wait...and wait...until you get a party together so you can take down that quest you so desperately need. And then you have to hope that your varying quest lines don't bug each other so that you can't complete the raid after spending 3 hours going through it. Pointless, and most definitely NOT KOTOR. Very disappointing.

While the game certainly isn't what I expect...err, strike that.... what i WANT from a Star Wars game, all those issues are perfectly understandable and expected in a beta.
I played the beta a while ago. Just another MMO that ultimately requires you to wait...and wait...and wait...until you get a party together so you can take down that quest you so desperately need. And then you have to hope that your varying quest lines don't bug each other so that you can't complete the raid after spending 3 hours going through it. Pointless, and most definitely NOT KOTOR. Very disappointing.

I didn't come away with that at all. I was able to solo most of the quest with no problems. If it was a heroic quest I had to come back a level or two later but I had plenty of other quest to do so it never felt like a chore or that I was missing out somehow.

I only did the first flashpoint but had a group within 5 or 10 mins. I only grouped for that or when someone invited me who was in the same area as I was. As with any of these kinds of games I think who you are playing with will make a big difference.

I thought the various stories were very much kotor like.
I didn't come away with that at all. I was able to solo most of the quest with no problems. If it was a heroic quest I had to come back a level or two later but I had plenty of other quest to do so it never felt like a chore or that I was missing out somehow.

I only did the first flashpoint but had a group within 5 or 10 mins. I only grouped for that or when someone invited me who was in the same area as I was. As with any of these kinds of games I think who you are playing with will make a big difference.

I thought the various stories were very much kotor like.

I agree with this ^^. Been following the game casually and got the invite this past weekend. I guess I'm not as MMO jaded as some, but I thought it was a blast! Storyline of the characters I tried on both sides of the coin were very interesting.

As I don't hammer though quest collection I enjoyed the voice work and the group conversations on the flashpoint were very fun! I think the amount a player is willing to RP increases said enjoyment so my sentiments probably wouldn't match those of someone who sees quests simply as level grinding XP generators.
The hate is strong in these posts.

I had a great time participating in the beta test this past weekend. The game felt like a Star Wars game. I'll admit that it stuck the standard MMO mold more then I would like, but it's understandable. However, the spoken dialog, especially in the flashpoints, was outstanding. I don't think I will ever play another game that isn't fully voiced.
The hate is strong in these posts.


I dont hate it, I just felt like I was playing a single player game. I enjoyed it as a single player game. I got my sith marauder up to lvl 26 before the last wipe.

the interaction with your companion and having it as a support class is pretty cool. I just wasnt impressed with the MMO side of it.
It doesn't feel like a game i'd really want to spend a monthly fee on. Everything is instanced and there is instances inside of the instances. It's a bunch of small areas connected to each other (Too linear?).
It doesn't feel like a game i'd really want to spend a monthly fee on. Everything is instanced and there is instances inside of the instances. It's a bunch of small areas connected to each other (Too linear?).

Yeah I agree. I only hit lvl10ish so I did not get very far but up to that point the areas were just too damn small honestly. And of those areas everything was on a single path imo. There was not much in terms of map variety. Instead of playing a spread out map it was just a path to another path. The instances were not really that bad, I did like the ones that required (suggested) a certain number to group. Overall, unless it gets better I dont t hink I can play it.

I am spoiled though. Have not been able to play anything since DAoC.