League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

Been playing a lot of Fiddlesticks, Ezreal, & a bit of Karthus lately. Think I found my preferred playstyle. :)
Just bought Riven with IP, gonna give her a few games.

If she had a little more mobility (her combo went farther, her dash had a little more range, like say Graves type range, nothing crazy) she'd be awesome. As is? Don't really see any reason to run her over other melee fighters. Yi is probably a better choice, Xin or Jarvan almost certainly better choices. Lots of potential, poorly realized.
Shyvana is a lot of fun. Kind of a glass cannon though. If focused in team fights, you don't really have much survivability.... even as dragon.
Anybody been playing the new champion, Shaco, or Graves since the patch? If so, any opinions?
GP is pretty bad early game, but later game, he is the squish killer.

Not very good against tanks though, and quite squishy himself.
I played 4 games yesterday with Heimer and won them all. I tried a different strat of going defensive with him instead of offensive.

Chalice (30mr)
Merc Treads (25mr)
Rylai's Crystal Scepter (500hp, 80ap)
Hourglass (50armor, 100ap)
(random item)

I'm going to try that next time I play (it's been a while). Heimer is by far my favorite character, but there are sooooo many shitty Heimers that people always bitch in the character select when you grab him.

On the flip side, because of all the shit Heims, opponents tend to underestimate you BIG time. And that's what you can just DESTROY them.
Farm farm farm the IP. I want the dragon lady...

I'm going to try that next time I play (it's been a while). Heimer is by far my favorite character, but there are sooooo many shitty Heimers that people always bitch in the character select when you grab him.

On the flip side, because of all the shit Heims, opponents tend to underestimate you BIG time. And that's what you can just DESTROY them.

His potential for damage output is insane.
New update aren't working with MAC :(.

there's a dll fix out there if you look for it, friend of mine implemented it last night

I can't get to the link on the lol forums but it's that guy's site boomsomething.net...
Anybody been playing the new champion, Shaco, or Graves since the patch? If so, any opinions?

I'm pissed that they buffed shaco - people still do the one trick pony crap of puting 5 boxes in the bush and insta-gibbing champs early that walk into them. AP Shaco's still get a couple kills early and then are fairly useless the rest of the game unless they're really skilled. The buff does help is mid/late game 1v1 assassinations though I guess.

He's the only champ in the game that at level 1 can get blue buff in 3 seconds without any help.

Graves still seems pretty powerful, his buckshot up close and ulti dmg combined is pretty sick.
I played AD shaco, he's real fun, you really are an assassin compared to the other champions out there.

I did great with Shaco, i'm gonna start playing him more often.

I go AD shaco, cause AP is not really viable if the enemy team refuses to go into the brush.
I played AD shaco, he's real fun, you really are an assassin compared to the other champions out there.

I did great with Shaco, i'm gonna start playing him more often.

I go AD shaco, cause AP is not really viable if the enemy team refuses to go into the brush.

Just played against a really good ad Shaco the other night. His buff on the jack in the box activation time really kills in team fight and even solo. Gives him just that little bit of time to kill you
I see Shaco's almost every other game now that they fixed him up. Most of them are actually really good, which sucks when they're on the other team...
I'm going to try that next time I play (it's been a while). Heimer is by far my favorite character, but there are sooooo many shitty Heimers that people always bitch in the character select when you grab him.

On the flip side, because of all the shit Heims, opponents tend to underestimate you BIG time. And that's what you can just DESTROY them.

Yeah I actually stopped playing him for a bit again because I can't stand the bitching. If your team loses the game for ANY reason, they'll blame Heimer.
Yeah, guys, do any of you tend to watch www.own3d.tv once in a while? I was reading somewhere that HotshotGG who has like 15k viewers, gets paid like $15 per ad per 1000 viewers, he had like 18k viewers earlier today when i was watching


that's some good bank
I picked up graves when he came out but haven't given him a full shot yet. I just finally found a build I like with him (similar to the ones mentioned earlier) and then my team sucks. Had a Mundo that literally couldn't do shit. 18/10/10 :( I shouldn't of died that much but my team bllllewww.
Yeah, guys, do any of you tend to watch www.own3d.tv once in a while? I was reading somewhere that HotshotGG who has like 15k viewers, gets paid like $15 per ad per 1000 viewers, he had like 18k viewers earlier today when i was watching


that's some good bank

Its part of the contract that Hotshot cant say how much he makes, but rumor has it that it is at least 60-70k a year.
The new OP top champion, TRUNDLE.

i think im 10 wins and 2 losses with him so far

But I owned my lane 1v1 and 1v2 everytime!

Using my jungle runes/masteries (except smite, use exhaust instead) and flash

Play defensively, then once in a while charge in with contaminate/bite. Through a pillar if you like.

Cloth + 5 hp pots starting, wriggles/merc treads, then i go frozen mallet/atma, magic resist

ROAR, you be rocking.
He is a very strong lane champ but most people either jungle with him or just don't pick him.

Only ones that will give him trouble really are Garen/Rumble/Irelia (if they are aggressive).
Garen/Irelia arent that bad. With the large amount of armor I start with (cloth + 5 hp pots/jungle runes/masteries), he isnt so bad. I can usually fight back. Even though he can heal better than I can due to his passive being stronger than my passive, its a pretty even match. I did lane against one garen and it was tough, but just gotta play nice and defensively and attack when his stuff is on cooldown.
Any of you wanna play this weekend? I will likely be online a good portion of Saturday.
So what does everyone think of the summoner spell changes in this announcement? No numbers yet, but general explanations at least.

I almost never take flash so that doesn't bother me, though I'm a little concerned about the CV changes. I don't have a problem with either change individually, but together this could be significant. Also "Surge" sounds kind of interesting, but if the mastery for it is in the same place as rally I don't think it'll see much use. Same probably applies for Promote given that it only works on cannon minions.
Well, the flash nerf is going to hurt A LOT of squishy players that have no escapes and those that use them to initate, etc. So now if you get ganked, you're fucked and have no way out if you don't play smart.

I see it not being used anymore, and people going back to Ghost instead as the escape. (I ALWAYS roll escape, even when ghost was the FOTM spell I used flash).

It already has a SMALL range, and making it smaller I doubt they will even let you go over walls, if you can't go over a wall with flash, what's the fucking point in it? Might as well take ghost instead, as it will actually let you escape.

ON top of this, it's going to REALLY hurt those players that relied on flash for some good team initation ults, like Galio/amumu/Rammus/vlad. Not being able to flash/ult combo will be a huge pain now. No more rammus flash/taunts ganking, or mumu flash into middle/ulting a whole team.

I predict it in the end, will do more harm then good. You'll turn the meta game right back to heavy Tanky teams, because playing a squishy with no escape (Ashe, Soraka, Sona, etc) will be a lot harder. So I predict we'll start seeing the old tanky dps stacked teams again, which imo were a huge pain.
Even if you reduce the range of Flash, it will still get used simply because it functions as a Blink. As for Clairvoyance, they should probably remove it completely.

I wasn't playing LoL when the whole tanky dps thing happened, so the only real extent of my awareness is that Ghost will probably be better because you can use it for a longer period of time and it allows you to cover a greater distance.

I use Annie a lot and rely on using Flash and Ignite to help me get kills.

Not having flash is gonna make it hard to initiate with my ult. I think that it really hurts characters that do well when they use flash to start team fights or to escape team fights.
I don't think Flash will go away completely, but it definitely becomes a lot more situational. With the shorter range I'm guessing most gap-closing skills will become stronger, especially on champs like Xin, Poppy, and Trynd. Assuming they get to melee range you're done... even if you flash away you won't get beyond their skill range so they can just jump right back on you. The only application I can really think of is dodging into a bush to break LOS (which wouldn't affect Trynd in my example), or jumping out of a bush the enemy hasn't warded. I think the most important element here, though, is that it isn't a must-have anymore. The fact that some people will stop taking it will make it comparatively more useful to those who do, I guess.

The CV nerfs instantly make wards more valuable, which hurts supports and tanks who will now have to buy even more while being expected to not farm. I'd throw junglers in there, too, but lately the ones I've seen don't put any down and complain when other people don't provide them.

And then there's that change to Cleanse. I'm guessing almost every Trynd out there will pack it now knowing he no longer needs to fear Ignite. Just the buff he needed, to be sure.
I don't think these changes will have the positive effect Riot thinks they will. Making the game more aggressive just instantly pushes a lot of squishies into the "worthless" category.
I agree, it'll be more about picking characters which can survive without flash and making the ones who rely on flash to be viable completely useless. But it could also have the opposite effect, they said they want to make it more action orientated, all it will do is make players much more cautious about when they initiate team fights and how team fights play out.

Teams will be less likely to pick fights they don't have a good chance of winning than ever before. Sometimes your team could go into a really bad team fight situation and still win because of well played usage of Flash. Now that Flash is going to be nerfed, it definitely changes things. I think picking champions with high survivability will be the new way of playing this game.

First champion that comes to mind is Lee Sin, this change makes him even BETTER than before, simply because he's tanky, deals damage, has life leech, has good mobility (Q and W, and his E slows and his ult kicks champions towards or away from the group).

Now what bout champions like Ashe or Caitlyn? Imagine an Ashe or Caitlyn player trying to escape with these new changes?
At least Caitlin's W will have some actual purpose now, especially if it has a range close to Flash's; It'll be Flash with a lower CD, some damage, and some CC if she lands it right and is ganked by... Udyr? Maybe Warwick?. Still outclassed by other gap closers, but better than nothing I guess. Makes her traps slightly better in a roundabout way, too.

I'd be more concerned about MF, as her passive can't be used as a reliable escape.
Well it also changes the low level dynamic as well. Think about how you nearly got someone dead at lvls 1-5, and they flash away to avoid that KB?

Well they can't do that anymore, but there's also the flip side, your use of Flash may have had you get them that low in the first place.
Eh, Exhaust has been the king of FB and the early levels, and the Flash changes are only going to compound that. I'm guessing I won't be seeing many more games where I'm one of the 2 or 3 players out of 10 that bring it. If they can't do damage for 2 seconds and can't chase, you don't really need to get instantaneous distance to survive.
I'm not really talking about the ones where you stand in the brush and then use Exhaust to pick up the kill. I'm talking about the Flash/Ignite kills.
So what are you guys thinking will be the ideal team composition along with the best summoner spells with these changes?