
Oct 31, 2007
My wife wants a 3DS for her birthday. Just wanted to see if its worth it and what people thought. I didn't see a official thread unless it got buried
The list of must have games is rather small, and umm, I dunno what your wife would be playing unless she likes Zelda, then I heard the new Zelda is great.

She also would probably like the upcoming Professor Layton: Mask of Miracle game.

Hundreds = everyone gets headaches :rolleyes:

Basically, what games does she want to play? The lineup right now is a lot like the DS was between launch and first holiday season in that there's just not really all that much out right now. It looks to be picking up for the holiday season though, so the fall game lineup should be pretty strong if things don't get delayed.

So far as what I think of it, I've enjoyed the games I've played for mine. Ocarina is Ocarina and Rayman 2 is Rayman 2. Ridge Racer is a pretty good take on the pretty standard formula, and the 3D is done pretty well for this one. Pilotwings was pretty fun, and would probably appeal to the more casual side if that's how she typically games.
My wife wants a 3DS for her birthday. Just wanted to see if its worth it and what people thought. I didn't see a official thread unless it got buried

Too expensive , not enough quality titles yet (maybe 3 total) .. 3D effect is also not tolerated by everyone. I tolerate it just fine and most people do but not everyone.

But making your wife happy is more important so if she simply wants it and isn't willing to reason go ahead and get it.

Video games in general cause seizures, so you should sell all your systems, since video gaming will cause you to die.
Is there nothing but haters left on this forum? Good grief, every damn 3DS thread... You people have nothing better to do? Fuck off, geez...

Back on topic,
Yes this system is great. I own Ridge Racer, Super Street Fighter 4, Dead or Alive and Zelda. I imagine your wife would like Nintendogs or something casual, but I have no idea since you haven't told us what she likes.
The system has a ton of built in software she my really like, Face Raiders is probably the most impressive, and the AR games is pretty cool. 3D photos are pretty cool, and they finally released the Netflix app today, which I'm assuming is going to be a big deal. (Yes there will be 3D movies on it (Haven't had the chance to try it out yet)

Excitebike 3D is freakin awesome, she can get that on the eShop. (It was free until July 7, so it will cost you $5.99 now)

Super Mario, Kid Icarus, Mario Kart and Paper Mario will all be out before the end of the year. All are brand new games. Starfox comes out in September, and supposedly Resident Evil Revelations in December if shes into that.

I'd try out the Netflix thing, but I'm not home yet. Its sounds pretty awesome.
Was looking at getting one a few weeks ago, but ended up getting a Kinect instead. Take that any way you want.
I have no doubt that the 3DS will succeed soon enough, but it's nothing special right now. I remember getting a launch DS and it was a paperweight for a while, too.
I think the 3DS will probably hit stride next Spring. For now, hopefully you're either a Zelda, Street Fighter, or Resident Evil fanatic.
Was looking at getting one a few weeks ago, but ended up getting a Kinect instead. Take that any way you want.
I have no doubt that the 3DS will succeed soon enough, but it's nothing special right now. I remember getting a launch DS and it was a paperweight for a while, too.
I think the 3DS will probably hit stride next Spring. For now, hopefully you're either a Zelda, Street Fighter, or Resident Evil fanatic.

I agree, it's not the system itself that's bad, just the selection is not that great right now.
Ty for the comments so far. She likes puzzle games like puzzle quest and picross. The main game she wanted with the 3ds was the street fighter.

If there isn't that many games right now i might tell her to wait.
I'll add to those who are saying that it is the softs that are lacking at the moment.

Puzzle Bobble Universe is a nice little puzzle game and Zelda is a must have. While waiting for Starfox and Paper Mario to come out I'm playing some of the nice DS games like Okamiden and Professor Layton...
I have a friend with one and he loves the ability to play online Street Fighter, put the game to sleep when he has to go, and then instantly pop back into the online matchmaker without having to boot everything back up and go through the menus and such. Seems like a nifty feature I wish consoles had at times :p
I have a friend with one and he loves the ability to play online Street Fighter, put the game to sleep when he has to go, and then instantly pop back into the online matchmaker without having to boot everything back up and go through the menus and such. Seems like a nifty feature I wish consoles had at times :p

The PSP has had that feature for years, that's really nothing new.
Don't forget the 3D picture-taking ability.....I've taken many 3D pictures on vacation and it's nice to look back at them and feel more like I'm actually there.
Was looking at getting one a few weeks ago, but ended up getting a Kinect instead. Take that any way you want.
I have no doubt that the 3DS will succeed soon enough, but it's nothing special right now. I remember getting a launch DS and it was a paperweight for a while, too.
I think the 3DS will probably hit stride next Spring. For now, hopefully you're either a Zelda, Street Fighter, or Resident Evil fanatic.

Kinect is just as bad if not worse on the games front tho. Speaks volumes that what is considered the best game (Dance Central) was a launch title. If it wasn't for my Mrs using it for exercise ours would be long gone. I had another go on a 3DS yesterday playing Pilotwings and whilst that game will get boring fast you cannot deny how good that screen is. When the better titles start coming out I'll be definitely jumping.
One thing you guys forget is the 3ds is fully backwards compatible with ds games.And if your wife missed out on the ds they are loads of fantastic games she can play until the 3ds library gets better.Oh netflix just droped for the 3ds and it actually works pretty well it's not the best but it get the job done.