The Navy Bought 59,000 Fake Chinese Microchips

Hey, US Congress, I got an idea. Protect U.S. industries so we can remain competitive with nations like China that have almost zero labour rights.
And how would do the protection?
1) Tariffs will make costs of input goods higher, such as natural resources and components that can be made more cheaply there.
2) Having the Fed print up money to lower the value of the dollar will have the same effect
3) Establishing limits on goods that can be imported will also raise prices

The immediate effects of any protectionism will be to make goods for consumers cost more. The secondary effects you desire to see in terms of an increase in local industry will not take place, as you will encourage a trade war whereby demand from foreign countries goes down more than your internal purchases can go up. In a recession like we have now, this will have the same effect it had when Herbert Hoover the "free market Republican" signed Smoot-Hawley into law.

Hey, US citizens, I got an idea. Stop voting for free-market Republicans. They're selling us out to China.
Hey Thug Esquire, I got an idea. Why not search the internet for "free market" and read the top 4 links and find that the Republicans intervene quite a bit more than you might be aware. During Reagan/Bush we had more regulations, not less. The major deregulation of airlines and telecom was done under Carter, a Democrat. Sarbannes-Oxley was signed by Bush.

The myth of Republicans being for the free market is unfortunately pervasive, so you aren't alone in needing to read on this matter. Just a thought. How can Republicans be free market when they support the biggest monstrosities in government, specifically the military and the drug war? How much do these interfere in our every day lives and the lives of those whose countries were invaded?
It's like telling people that John Jay, at one point, was President. You just end up with goofy looks.

Actually you get that look because John Jay was not president of the United States of America. He was president of the Continental Congress and that is not the same thing as President of the United States of America (which did not exist until a decade after he held to post of "president" of the Continental Congress).

Though this recent fascination with presidents of the Continental Congress being the secret dark presidents of the United States of America, that supposedly no one knows about except the person posting, is a fascinating phenomena.
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Hey, US Congress, I got an idea. Protect U.S. industries so we can remain competitive with nations like China that have almost zero labour rights.

Hey, US citizens, I got an idea. Stop voting for free-market Republicans. They're selling us out to China.

A vote for a Democrat is like a vote for a Republican. They are both the same party.
This article makes me want to bang my head against brick walls until there's no skull left.

What fuckwad in the US military decided it was okay to buy chips from the Chinese Communist to arm our fucking missiles? He should be thrown in Leavenworth to rot!

More like what government official decided it. The military use what politicians decide.
Why can't we make our own missles and equipment in the good ol' U.S. of A ? Who care's if it cost more. We just print more money when we run out anyways... Stimulate our own economy vs the Chinese who fvck us every way they can.
To all you people bashing the government over this.

The chips were fakes...that means the Navy thought they were buying real USA made ones, and they were duped.

Want to get mad at it for the right mom once told me, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. :)
Battle is lost, business is global.
Military budget cuts and vendor rules abound. What the regulations cannot control is people finding a way to scam.
If you buy a refurbished starter or alternator expect it to be refurbished overseas. Chips..