MSI N560GTX Ti Twin Frozr II OC Give-away!

It's totally dildos! Or something like that. That's what all the cool kids are saying these days, right?
It's not a bad pair of cards, but it will undoubtedly outclass my current single-card solution.
I'm in, MSI makes good stuff, the new cards should be great:)
nice, would be great to win a card, I went to ati thinking it would do 3d just like nvidia but ati just turn out to be a lame let other vendors do stuff.
/Signed in

One of the best cooling solutions on the market on one of the best cards on the market = WIN
Did anyone win it so far?
haha. lol with the wuss comments.
CRAP...I just found this thread. :D

I almost bought two if those and opted for the 570's but I would have been fine with the 560's in retrospect. :p
Running one now. Runs very cool. Would really like to get another one for SLI. At the price of all the other 560's, the MSI is the one to get.
It looks like i could stick my tongue into the fan and see if I enjoy it, if I do enjoy it there is a second fan to stick my tongue into.
Certainly does look good and a tempting choice over the competing 560 cards. I think i saw some good benchmakrs on toms too which certainly helps :cool:
This card does have some of the better styling I've seen on a dual-fan card. I've never owned an MSI card, but I really appreciate them keeping MSI Afterburner free for everybody.