Galaxy 7th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Every week from now to Christmas Galaxy will be giving away one of its video cards that covers almost its entire line of video cards. This week we start with the Galaxy 60XGH6HS3IMZ GeForce GTX 460 SLI Kit Video Card - 1024MB GDDR5. This could be the perfect card for any new DX11 gaming box!

You can check out the cards here.

To enter this week simply post in this thread ONCE and tell us why 2 video cards are better than one. Or if you want to puss out, just write something stupid like you you usually do when you post.

Good luck. We will draw a random winner next week and will notify you by PM. If you do not respond to the PM in 12 hours, we will move to our next winner. I highly suggest you turn on email notification for PMs if you are not going to be online Monday.

This drawing is open to USA residents only.
Still didn't win :(. hopefully 7th?? time is the charm!

2 Cards let me plug more monitors in :).
Its like being with 2 women. There Fun to play with. But Bring alot of heat.
I can run more games at max settings, especially those horrible console ports, like GTA IV. It also looks cooler, especially with water cooling.
Two cards = more heat = easier to stay warm during these chilly California December nights ;)
Two people ("heads") thinking together about a problem can solve it better than one person can alone. Example: "Come on, we can figure out a way to do this! Two heads are better than one."

Two cards are better than one because you can make your stuff look more $BLING$
I could totally use these since my gpu's are fried...
I can always use two cards to tighten the loose lips of that aging PCIe slot.

Because twins are always better to have: in the PC case, and between the sheets ;)
I prefer One great card to two. The gameplay always seems smoother overall, especially with AMD cards.
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