efficient indexing possible?


Apr 5, 2006
Is there a way for windows to display a list of hit results in a 'google' style fashion where it returns a line-item for each hit and a pulled section centering on the search term--like a search engine?

I have had good results with indexing and getting file names then opening each document and then double searching for each hit, but that is less efficient than what I'm proposing.
I'd rather not add bloat to my shell. Windows search 4.0 in Vista/7 is awesome.
Here is the solution I am going to use with commentary on other products I tried and did not work.

Copernic Desktop Search: This is the one I am going to use. It's lightweight and easy to configure. It's search database keyword algorithm is very fast and works great. It will search pdf files which have background scan images with transparent text on top. This is what I need this for and it works flawlessly. You can prioritize the cpu/memory weight via the taskbar and get detailed logs.

win7 indexing/win search: this is so bloated it's unbelievable. I probably did a crap job to my laptops core i7 thermal interface material. Indexing my library took a entire overnight timeframe with high 80s Celsius running during indexing. Plus the indexing only returns file names and not contents with drill-down and location. It works great for browser history and filenames.

google desktop search: very nice design, but does not handle scanned pdfs with transparent text and will only scan the first 10,000 words of a document. since I'm a author with some pdfs having 500,000+ words it's a nice gesture since it's free, but won't work

off I go to indexing land haha hehe ... lol :D