Test My WoW site

Not really much there other than a re-skinned Joomla installation with a few placeholder "test" blocks. Some menu links are broken. Other sidebar links redirect to a different url. Side bar links do change depending on what page you're on, but not in a way that opens new or logical navigation. Are frames only used to mask the true Joomla installation Url?

Just not really sure how to judge this...
There's no content. The design is really noisy.
http://oath.exodar.us is one a friend and I made.

We got a log of praise for it, so maybe you can take some ideas. Its not perfect, but we wanted a site that at least came close to the godly guild sites like Ensidia's. :p
Not much I can say about it, except it looks just like the same template used on countless thousands of other guild sites.
Are these guild sites hosted on home connections? They seem kind of slow...

Not bad though. Better than I could do.... for now.
In this thread: "Guys, look, I know how to install portal software!"
Are frames only used to mask the true Joomla installation Url?
I think he's doing it to mask the fact that he's using a domain re-direct service. This is problematic from a search engine indexing perspective. View "source" ... that is what the SEs see and that is what they'll index. So even if OP added a ton of great original content with relevant keywords, it won't get indexed in that frame.
The "search" function could be a little more obvious. it's a little hidden in the upper corner there.
thanks for all the feed back :p and its not look hey i can setup a joomla site its more i wanted to test out the piwik stats on the backend
looks great to me, i cant do anything like that, is Joomla worth looking into for a beginner who doesnt want to learn anything? i want a program i can use an existing template and simply edit to make my own without knowing anything about how it works....
Some good visual improvements. Navigation links generally work. I did get errors twice when I clicked "News" link; not sure how to repeat that now. Might want to adjust the header text color and sizes -- "Latest News" and "Popular" blend in too much with the background. On the recruiting section, you're better off showing only the classes that you *are* hiring. Not much actual substance and content, though.