Google Street View Captures Fire Truck Hitting Old Lady

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Google Street View has captured car crashes, hookers, drug deals, medieval sword fights and UFOs but this is the first time they caught a hit and run in progress. The victim? Grandma. The culprit? A fire truck. Don’t worry, it looks like granny is okay, no thanks to the fire truck though. :mad:
How do you know it hit her? Couldn't she have just fell over? I don't see any proof of a hit and run from this picture.
Heh. She wasn't in the truck's path, making this a grandma-fell-over situation.
Hell i do that every time i try to ride my bike home from the bar.
Heh. She wasn't in the truck's path, making this a grandma-fell-over situation.

For some reason the fact Google still recognized her face sideways, and blurred it, seems to add a certain something extra to the picture IMO.
She's not exactly in the truck's path. It looks like she fell over herself to avoid getting in the truck's path.
She's not exactly in the truck's path. It looks like she fell over herself to avoid getting in the truck's path.

i think its more the fact that she tried to stop and when she finally stopped she fell over.. but does make a great photo and will be stuck on the internet for everyone to see..
afterwards you can see her talking with some old man (follow the fire truck 1 frame down the road then turn the camera around to the intersection)
She was eating the STOP that's for sure.Look how far the truck is in the Intersection. She wanted the street for herself, realized she had messed up. Forgot to land a foot on the floor and bang: Gramma going down.
Either she lightly touched the truck and fell, or fell by herself.
There is no deviation from her projected route nor was she pushed in another direction.
It was a clean self splat by the looks of it.
Check it out, bro! Screencaps from a leaked copy of Grand Theft Auto 5!


On a more serious note... the front wheel of the fallen bicycle still looks straight and true. I'm with those who think she done fell over on her own.
Probably as a kicker the firemen and the google person just passed and didn't help the old lady.
Was she issued a ticket for failure to yield to an emergency vehicle?:rolleyes:
Help! I've fallen and I can't get.........

That's just so wrong.......
"Grand Ma got run over by a firetruck." Doesn't have the same ring to it as the original song.. :p

She wasn't in the path of the fire truck. No way she could have gotten hit unless the fire truck swerved wildly...
That google view crap is friggin sick though. :p

And ya, perhaps she should open her eyes for the big red emergency vehicle coming.
all i have to say is...

Grandma got ran over by a firetruck......comin home from my house Christmas eve....
from the looks of it she definitely didn't stop at that stop sign. she was probably jamming on her ipod and forgot to look at the giant fire truck going through the intersection.
lol that's exactly what happened to me. I was going through an intersection early on a Sunday morning on the way to do some volunteer work (yeah), and some guy in a pickup blew through the stop sign and clipped my front tire. The guy had the gall to stop his truck and yell at ME for being in the intersection. He said "Whut dew yew think yer a car!?" Rather than mentioning that bicycles have all the rights on the road as cars-- and that I had stopped at the stop sign and he had simply driven through it, I simply screamed obscenities at him. He drove away, either because he was scared of me or because he was probably drunk and didn't want a DUI. I probably should have called the police but I was so full of adrenaline that all I wanted to do was knock him out and slash his tires, which was probably the wrong reaction, but oh well. It would have felt so good kicking the ass of some 45 year old half-drunk redneck...
there isnt a stop sign for either party, however the fire truck was on the junction first(you can tell from the first picture) the granny should of stopped, she has and BAM! on the floor! truck doesnt look like it hit her.
It's funny, and with all due respect to hardocp and who ever wrote that she was hit by a truck but ... it's really hard to judge what really happened. I learned long ago to never take someones story at face value.

Another thing, I've actually been in my car and have seen a few times, people on bikes come to a slow stop, lose their balance and fall over. And yes, they were near my car and other peoples cars. And no, no one hit them.

Had someone been near with camera in hand, depending on the angle, it could very well look as if someone knocked the person on the bike over.

This is more of a lesson than a story to me. Never ever take a picture at face value or headline for that matter.
yeah, fire truck didn't stop, but did google car stop to help her or did they just take a picture and drove off too?
yeah, fire truck didn't stop, but did google car stop to help her or did they just take a picture and drove off too?

I hope drove up next to her, rolled down the window and gave the old Nelson "HA HA" and pointed. Then they should have burned some rubber and took off..
Looks like she just ran out of Raisin Bran and fell over waiting for the firetruck to pass.
had she been hit by the truck there would be blood, and the bike looks intact. She probably fell.
Not only does it look like the fire truck was already past by the time she reached where she hit the ground, and she hit the ground outside the path of the fire truck, meaning the truck never touched her...
There is no mention of where on google streets this is... therefore no way to confirm it is legit...

I can only reach one conclusion. This really was taken from a google maps car, but the pictures were subsequently doctored up afterwards. What you don't see is that the Google Maps driver got out of the car, ran over and pushed Granny over. Upon realizing that the deed was caught on video, he removed all traces of himself before uploading the picture, and refused to disclose the location for fear of an investigation...

This story is a little more plausable.
maybe she thought there was a fire and decided to "stop, drop and roll"?