Post your monthly bandwidth usage

Fairly light month for February.

This month im under 50gigs because my server has been down for most of it since my 1TB was dying and I haven't made my way to the city. I don't have a graph either because least week I replaced my pfsense box with a wrt54g with dd-wrt.
Had a nice little download spike of about 80gb in one day there.. lol.

lol, I definitely posted once. Forum is a piece of shit FTW. LOL.
Whatever that means....:D

Oh yeah, save the piracy speech for my shuetti balls bitch
 eth0  /  monthly

   month         rx      |      tx      |   total
  Oct '08      65.43 GB  |     8.77 GB  |    74.21 GB   %
  Nov '08     202.78 GB  |    44.23 GB  |   247.02 GB   %%%:
  Dec '08     169.41 GB  |    79.20 GB  |   248.61 GB   %%%:
  Jan '09     921.81 GB  |   283.88 GB  |     1.18 TB   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:::::
  Feb '09     428.14 GB  |   276.07 GB  |   704.22 GB   %%%%%%%::::
  Mar '09       1.04 TB  |   252.52 GB  |     1.29 TB   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%::::
  Apr '09     461.47 GB  |   276.19 GB  |   737.66 GB   %%%%%%%%::::
  May '09       1.20 GB  |     8.66 GB  |     9.86 GB
 estimated     46.88 GB  |   339.15 GB  |   386.03 GB

Nov & Dec '08 = Comcast w/ me staying under their gay 250GB limit.
Jan '09 onwards = My money going to AT&T.
I have already done 274GB in the past 20 days on my main machine. There are 2 other machines that download as well, and I think they are probably 50GB and 100GB.
I really hope they don't cap our service.
Im missing the beginning of it because I reinstalled on my firewall and didn't back it up.

Most of that is from my centos and ubuntu mirror I have locally that I just setup using rsync so It had to download a crap load of files.
Jesus crist im stupid, I forgot this thread and I just gave my old firewall away a couple days ago because im going to run it in a vm. It was over 500GB total..
Jesus crist im stupid, I forgot this thread and I just gave my old firewall away a couple days ago because im going to run it in a vm. It was over 500GB total..

my daily is easily 5-10 gigs on a light day, and over 50 on a higher load day.
July 2009.


Weak month. I'm rebuilding my server and stuff. =/ It's funny though, I almost did a symmetrical data month up/down. :p

The 14th and 15th are pretty much blank because some genius decided it was a great idea to cut a tree down and drop it on the main cable box for our neighborhood. Here's hoping AT&T or Verizon come to my town so I can get away from this retarded Comcast cap I go over every month.
 eth0  /  monthly

   month         rx      |      tx      |   total
  Oct '08      65.43 GB  |     8.77 GB  |    74.21 GB   %
  Nov '08     202.78 GB  |    44.23 GB  |   247.02 GB   %%%:
  Dec '08     169.41 GB  |    79.20 GB  |   248.61 GB   %%%:
  Jan '09     921.81 GB  |   283.88 GB  |     1.18 TB   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:::::
  Feb '09     428.14 GB  |   276.07 GB  |   704.22 GB   %%%%%%%::::
  Mar '09       1.04 TB  |   252.52 GB  |     1.29 TB   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%::::
  Apr '09     461.47 GB  |   276.19 GB  |   737.66 GB   %%%%%%%%::::
  May '09       1.20 GB  |     8.66 GB  |     9.86 GB
 estimated     46.88 GB  |   339.15 GB  |   386.03 GB

Nov & Dec '08 = Comcast w/ me staying under their gay 250GB limit.
Jan '09 onwards = My money going to AT&T.
What software are you using to show that output, please?

I'm one of these weird characters who find it much more intuitive to use the command line than look at colourful graphs.

Server is back up this month. I had some synchronizing to do after replacing a bunch of hard drives.

My FiOS lines tops out at about 30/30, and I probably could maintain a contant full speed upload if I torrented more, but I usually only seed for a few days.

Between 200 and 400 GB (Tx and Rx combined), depending on how many Linux distros I download that month ;)

I have legit unlimited bandwidth because I'm grandfathered into a defunct plan, but it's 5/512 DSL so it's slow :(
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
That must make you feel like you're in a strait jacket. Don't browse too many photos by going through the show us your PC gallery thread. haha. Just general web browsing activities get me over 120GB or so per month of activity. The rest comes from my remote storage and file server syncs.