change windows vista basic color scheme ???


[H]F Junkie
Feb 26, 2006
im running home premium x64 i turned off aero and put my scheme to vista basic and i kinda like it but i dont like the blueish theme. is there anyway to change the color of this?
Right-click desktop -> Personalisation -> Window Color and Appearance?

Doesn't that work in Basic theme?
Ah! OK then, just sussed it out for you.

You CAN'T do what you're describing within Windows settings. Vista Basic theme is exactly what it says - Basic! If you use 'Classic' theme you can change colours for the various elements - settings accessible via the 'Advanced' button.

If you have 'Vista for poverty stricken or third world countries' you can get color changes within the Vista theme by using a registry edit + command line instruction which enables Aero.

But YOU, my friend, need to simply enable Aero again. If you don't like the transparency effect then deselect the box where it's enabled. That's about the only visual difference of Vista Basic theme anyway! :)
im running home premium x64 i turned off aero and put my scheme to vista basic and i kinda like it but i dont like the blueish theme. is there anyway to change the color of this?

You do realize, with the specs in your sig, Aero likely offers better performance in comparison to Basic.
I think there is a way. Try this and let us know.

When I apply msstyles in Vista, I get a window that looks like the old XP appearance tab. It seems to be hidden until you attempt to mess with the msstyles file directly. In there is a customize button I believe ,which may let you mess with the basic colors.