Sleeper hits


[H]F Junkie
Jun 12, 2004
Now it doesn't even have to be a sleeper, but we've all had that one game that we were so obsessed with that left our friends/family scratching their heads. Maybe even the general public didn't like it, but you gave it time, and somehow were charmed.

For me, I had a helluva time with Mad Dog McCree when I was a kid, Lords of the Realm 2, Lords of Magic, and Grandia (confused my dad because I only played FPS/RTS up until that point). Any sleepers you guys know of?

...and while you're at it, what's your favorite gamer snack. :p
Good times :)

My pick is Aegis: Guardian of the Fleet. It was a pc game in the early 90s.

Yet PC Gamer gave Mad Dog McCree one of their worst ratings ever, 5% or something, right? :(

Aegis, haven't heard of it. Gonna look it up on IGN.

Just remembered one though... Outpost. Must have played it when I was 12 or something. Difficult RTS-ish game, felt rewarding when you finally accomplished something like not having your population die. And here's some info for those other games:

Lords of the Realm 2

Lords of Magic

Both RTS/turn-based strategy games. These games built me up to the awesome-ness that is the Total War franchise.

And just noticed these are all Sierra games..
pitfighter. i thought it was terrible and i played it a lot anyway because it was the only fighting game on the computer at the time that I could get a hold of.

i remember I was stoked that the characters were digitized. DIGITIZED WOW!
I dont think destruction derby was a sleeper hit was it? That game was amazing!
Call of Juarez.

I love the multiplayer. Going on two years and hasn't gotten old one bit. Exactly what I was looking for in a Western FPS!
Final Fantasy XI(heh its a really good mmorpg. i tried WoW for a year and didn't like it when compared to FFXI), Viva Pinata, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Dragon Force, and Klax(some old ass puzzle game).
Psychonauts ftw!

Deserved much more attention.

Also, I think Garry's Mod was/is the most amazing sandbox ever.
Max Payne for me. I dont know why more people didnt like this game but it was so refreshing having such an awesome story to go with all of the killing.
This is an old one from Microprose: Darklands. It took a while to get into it (took place in medieval Germany/France if I recall). It crashed - often. However, it was an original game.
I think M.U.L.E. was a sleeper...simple, old game but was a lot of fun.Also Masters of Magic was a lot of fun although it wasn't really marketed heavily. Hopefully it will be redone eventually.
Auto Assault - It had potential but they took you our of the car for no good reason and did it poorly. Not to mention some of the mechanics were pretty lame. It was a great idea that needed to stay in the oven a bit longer.
Some games of yore that I enjoyed, and people look at me like I'm dumb:

Subterrania (Gen)
Ranger-X (Gen)
Project:IGI (PC)
Three Dirty Dwarves (Sat)
Toy Commander (DC)

They're sleepers to me as no one else I knew played them.
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

I thought it was the best FPS of 2004, but it got overshadowed by Doom 3, Half-Life 2 and Far Cry. Of course, EVERY game released in 2004 was eclipsed by those big 3.
Some games of yore that I enjoyed, and people look at me like I'm dumb:

Subterrania (Gen)
Ranger-X (Gen)
Project:IGI (PC)
Three Dirty Dwarves (Sat)
Toy Commander (DC)

They're sleepers to me as no one else I knew played them.

Project:IGI was freakin awesome. Didnt they make part 2? I thought I remembered something about it but it sucked or something.
Warzone 2100, it was one of the first 3d RTS games, still old-school c+c in gameplay dynamic though, I'd say it was a solid 7/10, maybe higher if you're felling kind, other than the 3d'ness and a nice unit customization system it didn't really have anything that made it spectacular, but man, I couldn't put it down, I played it solidly for like a year.
Driver 2, that game was the game that tought me that computers have graphics cards. I put the game in my moms computer thinking it would work like a PSone. Nope, sure didnt I had to go to Electronics Boutique and buy a Voodoo 2. Oh yeah!!!
How about Monster Rancher 2 for the PSX. Friends made fun of me because I enjoy it so much.
Ground Control. Still my favorite RTS game of all time. Dawn of War is close but this game was great. No resource management. You pick your units for the given mission and rock and roll. Make a dumb move and lose your tanks? Too goddam bad. Scout, artillery, send in the tanks / apcs / infantry.

Hidden and Dangerous 1 and 2. Both games had their flaws but I have never played a game that felt so authentic. Both games were tough and required planning, sneaking, etc. Playing H&D1 coop with a friend while on the phone (didn't have voip) was awesome.
I played the shit out of the project IGI MP demo, had that huge map, i think it had a bridge, and some fun weapons.

That was a good good game. It had a bridge, yeah. And also that building you can run into.. good times!

Holy shit, I remember that game. I had a demo of it on a Activision sampler disc that I got with Interstate '76. That was an pretty awesome game.

Just reminded me of Time Commando. I was soo addicted to that game. Add it to the list :)
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Never gets mentioned along with the other predictable "games you should get for PS3" games, but I think it's better than most, if not all of them.

BTW: The first time I played Resistance: Fall of Man was a couple weeks ago, cause a friend got it for cheap. What a shitty game. I can't believe it got the scores it got when it came out.
For PC:
Magic Carpet

I used to love this game. The tons of different spells and the morphable landscape. Damn I used to play this on my Gateway Pentium 90Mhz and it ran like a dream. (16mb ATI too!). I wish I could find the disc.
Soldiers of Anarchy

I agree with Project IGI. That game was awesome. Thinking about it makes we want to reinstall it.
Holy shit, I remember that game. I had a demo of it on a Activision sampler disc that I got with Interstate '76. That was an pretty awesome game.

Just reminded me of Time Commando. I was soo addicted to that game. Add it to the list :)

I had a wonderful time with Interstate 76. Loging online and battleing other peoples cars was freaking awesome.
Ground Control. Still my favorite RTS game of all time. Dawn of War is close but this game was great. No resource management. You pick your units for the given mission and rock and roll. Make a dumb move and lose your tanks? Too goddam bad. Scout, artillery, send in the tanks / apcs / infantry.

Hidden and Dangerous 1 and 2. Both games had their flaws but I have never played a game that felt so authentic. Both games were tough and required planning, sneaking, etc. Playing H&D1 coop with a friend while on the phone (didn't have voip) was awesome.

Werd on Ground Control! Logged many hours on that game, prepped me for the likes of Company of Heroes. Good one.
Everything by Nippon Ichi I've been able to get my hands on. Well, the Disgaea series can't really qualify as sleepers, but Atelier Iris and such, yeah.