$340 Component or Coax digital cable 3 for $40!


[H]F Junkie
Jan 7, 2005

These are for real. I am using one of the three I received for my laptop to usb/coax converter to my receiver and speakers.

Result is that it sounds better. More detail, sound stage, bass notes are more defined and slammin-er.

Please do flame me disbelievers but I swear that I hear a positive change from my previous radio snack digital coax.

Just trying to help.
If I spent $40 on a cable like that, I'd swear I could hear a positive change too.

And I'd still be a moron.
Then allow me to be helpful :)

Result is that it sounds better. More detail, sound stage, bass notes are more defined and slammin-er.
Without properly administered double-blind A/B testing, this statement should be disregarded!

And I will of course suggest that, in all reality, these are $3 interconnects for $40, not $340 interconnects for $40.
If I spent $40 on a cable like that, I'd swear I could hear a positive change too.

And I'd still be a moron.

You get three so try $10 each plus shipping and thanks for the EXPECTED compliment.

These items always have two sides. Those who know b/c they tried the item and those who don't and prefer to just run their mouth b/c "scientific studies" provide nothing on a scope to show a difference.

My ears tell me something different. There is more extension and detail in the music compared to my other digital coax. I did sit my wife down and she noticed it too. Sitting facing the other way instead of a blindfold but hey I tried right?


FLAME ME!!! go ahead. see what it gets you to run your mouth with no regard for another posters integrity.

These are for real. I am using one of the three I received for my laptop to usb/coax converter to my receiver and speakers.

Result is that it sounds better. More detail, sound stage, bass notes are more defined and slammin-er.

Please do flame me disbelievers but I swear that I hear a positive change from my previous radio snack digital coax.

Just trying to help.

No, you're right - it's this new magical wire that takes 1's and 0's, converts the to TENS and ELEVENS, then blows your ear drums out.

You get three so try $10 each plus shipping and thanks for the EXPECTED compliment.

These items always have two sides. Those who know b/c they tried the item and those who don't and prefer to just run their mouth b/c "scientific studies" provide nothing on a scope to show a difference.

My ears tell me something different. There is more extension and detail in the music compared to my other digital coax. I did sit my wife down and she noticed it too. Sitting facing the other way instead of a blindfold but hey I tried right?


FLAME ME!!! go ahead. see what it gets you to run your mouth with no regard for another posters integrity.

I don't doubt that your ears tell you something different. That's the beauty of the placebo effect.
I don't doubt that your ears tell you something different. That's the beauty of the placebo effect.


Go ahead. OOOOOOOOOOOld argument. Not worth your time. These are way better built than monster for one. Regardless of sonic qualities, they are nicely made.

There is a reason that people on head-fi are not even allowed to use the word placebo. :)
Because the placebo effect is scientifically documented psychoacoustic phenomenon (there's no debating this)?

You know, not long ago some guy came here asking what the best sounding power supply was. Some of us were confused at the question, thought it was a little weird, and I eventually did a little digging. Turns out this particular guy spent all of his money (and I mean all of it -- his house was in shambles judging from the pictures I saw) on high-end audio equipment. He claimed that sliding his silver speaker cable into toilet paper rolls made his system sound perceptibly better. He documented this over at some other forum, claiming that covering the toilet paper rolls with different kinds of tape yielded different audible results. Subsequently, I told him to have his mental health evaluated. Hopefully he took my advice, but it's more than likely he didn't. Maybe the guy's in a ditch somewhere clinging to his $6,000 interconnects, I don't know.

Eventually, if you let yourself dismiss science and reality for a long enough period of time, there's a good chance you'll wind up like toilet paper roll guy.

Just a thought.
Because the placebo effect is scientifically documented psychoacoustic phenomenon (there's no debating this)?

You know, not long ago some guy came here asking what the best sounding power supply was. Some of us were confused at the question, thought it was a little weird, and I eventually did a little digging. Turns out this particular guy spent all of his money (and I mean all of it -- his house was in shambles judging from the pictures I saw) on high-end audio equipment. He claimed that sliding his silver speaker cable into toilet paper rolls made his system sound perceptibly better. He documented this over at some other forum, claiming that covering the toilet paper rolls with different kinds of tape yielded different audible results. Subsequently, I told him to have his mental health evaluated. Hopefully he took my advice, but it's more than likely he didn't. Maybe the guy's in a ditch somewhere clinging to his $6,000 interconnects, I don't know.

Eventually, if you let yourself dismiss science and reality for a long enough period of time, there's a good chance you'll wind up like toilet paper roll guy.

Just a thought.

Sad story (serious).
$40 for cables is the top limit of what I'd pay if the cables were custom made by someone and they were to do a good job of it (sort of like Bluejeanscable, typically between $20-40 for a cable). Then again, I don't like doing the DIY work. In fact, now that I think of it, my speaker cables are DIY from Bluejeanscable (yes, they were too expensive this time) with locking jacks, my DAC->receiver cables were from Bluejeanscable, and so is my subwoofer cable as well as my soundcard->DAC cable.

Spaceman said:

Go ahead. OOOOOOOOOOOld argument. Not worth your time. These are way better built than monster for one. Regardless of sonic qualities, they are nicely made.

There is a reason that people on head-fi are not even allowed to use the word placebo.

If they're nicely made, then it's not too bad a price.
All I see is component, link to digital coax? I'd like to replace some of my cables with these for testing.

Go ahead. OOOOOOOOOOOld argument. Not worth your time. These are way better built than monster for one. Regardless of sonic qualities, they are nicely made.

There is a reason that people on head-fi are not even allowed to use the word placebo. :)

That, sir, is precisely why I am flaming you instead of trying to reason with you. Why you insisted on starting this topic -- despite knowing the history of such arguments and their inevitable outcome -- I'll never know.
It is $40 for 3 digital coax or component video cables (they can be used either way). They are a step up from bjc which I also use. If you think, for even a second, that I am a fan of audio snake oil forget it. These do sound more extended than the radio shack coax which I have. Big deal.

Sigh. Forget it. Fuck me for even trying. I know damn well that there is a placebo effect. I also know that I have had much better dacs than I do now and the sonic difference b/w the cables sounds like different dacs. Believe me or please just stop it already. They are inexpensive. Nobody is getting ripped off here.

Good morning!
Yeah this is the number one reason I don't ask about audio/video cables anymore...I have some really thin cables with minimum shielding and then some really nice ones with a little better shielding, it does get rid of a little noise in that aspect but comparatively I probably couldn't tell the difference unless I made it my life goal.
For $40 I can make 2 dozen cables of equal/better quality, and have custom lengths to boot. BUT, I do get the stuff in bulk. For retail, that price ain't THAT bad.
For $40 I can make 2 dozen cables of equal/better quality, and have custom lengths to boot. BUT, I do get the stuff in bulk. For retail, that price ain't THAT bad.

Right. That is true. By the time you buy the material, spend the time making them etc it is just easier to buy these. It is the same price for 4M as it is for 1M btw.

I think the main benefit is that more of the signal makes it to the dac. This is due to better shielding and conductivity? Not sure. I do not claim to know jack about this beyond what I hear.

Looks like they are sold out? I dunno that is what their print magazine says but not online? Hmmmm. Must be that placebo effect. I guess there might be two or three other people who share my opinion? No? I am just some moron? ok

I think the main benefit is that more of the signal makes it to the dac. This is due to better shielding and conductivity? Not sure. I do not claim to know jack about this beyond what I hear.

Looks like they are sold out? I dunno that is what their print magazine says but not online? Hmmmm. Must be that placebo effect. I guess there might be two or three other people who share my opinion? No? I am just some moron? ok

So you admit to having no idea what you're talking about, but you must be correct because other people are buying them too? Wow, I'm sold.

Look, it has nothing to do with shielding, conductivity or any of that, because you're dealing with a digital signal. It's not like analog where resistance and interference can alter the waveform. You have 0s and you have 1s, and that's it. Even if you somehow managed to lose some (unlikely), they would be reconstructed at the other end, thanks to CRC error checking.

So yes, your cable is snake oil, at least as far as digital signals are concerned. Analog is another argument entirely.

lol your words mean nothing to me. the fact is that these are not overpriced, are of better build quality than normal and do have better shielding allowing for more of the signal to make it through.

So bite me and go play in traffic you sour assed grumpy mumper! lol jk btw do not go play in traffic. it has a placebo effect.

still morning!
So you admit to having no idea what you're talking about, but you must be correct because other people are buying them too? Wow, I'm sold.

Look, it has nothing to do with shielding, conductivity or any of that, because you're dealing with a digital signal. It's not like analog where resistance and interference can alter the waveform. You have 0s and you have 1s, and that's it. Even if you somehow managed to lose some (unlikely), they would be reconstructed at the other end, thanks to CRC error checking.

So yes, your cable is snake oil, at least as far as digital signals are concerned. Analog is another argument entirely.

I agree with Auric. Digital cables should not make a difference, unless your original digital cable was fucked up, so saying that they sound better sounds kind of wrong. That said, the cables could still be worth it, just not sound any better,
spaceman said:
This is due to better shielding and conductivity? Not sure. I do not claim to know jack about this beyond what I hear.

the fact is that these are not overpriced, are of better build quality than normal and do have better shielding allowing for more of the signal to make it through.!

Does not compute.
agree to disagree or just go away. regardless, this is my last post here. feel free to continue your triumphant march!

the fact is that these...have better shielding allowing for more of the signal to make it through.
In the case of digital signals, the shielding protects the conductor from physical damage and makes the cable appear more expensive. It has no other real purpose. With optical interconnects, I can sort of understand the need (because fiber optic threads are pretty fragile), but not for copper-conductor coaxial cables.

From my understanding, digital signals transmitted by metal conductors are susceptible to electromagnetic interference, but the amount of EM required to actually cause signal degradation is higher than you'd see in any real-world environment, and cable length plays a part here. I'd guess that if you had an electromagnet powered by an array of car batteries sitting right next to a 100 foot coaxial cable, you just might have a problem.

So, spaceman, the real fact is that you don't know whether or not your "$340" interconnect is "allowing more of the signal to make it through". That's just pure conjecture.
Lets face is. Audiophiles like us have been arguing the question whether exotic actually work for years.

Forget science for a moment.

Does it sound good to you? Does it make an audible difference enough to justify this purchase?

I've demoed stupid expensive high end AudioQuest/Transparent, etc in my home system. These replaced BJC and Monoprices cables I current had in my systen. Does it make a difference? YES it did. Enough to justify the cost? Absolutely not. If you really want to improve your system buy a better DAC or speakers or another component.

Cables in my opinion should be saved for your last final touchup and tuning.

As far as this deal is concerned, at this pricepoint, why argue? Try it yourself.

EDIT: I totally just realized on AA those are digital coax lol. I fail.
My ears tell me something different. There is more extension and detail in the music compared to my other digital coax.

How old are you? If you are over 40 I doubt you can tell the difference between these cables and coat hanger wire with no shielding at all. :)
How old are you? If you are over 40 I doubt you can tell the difference between these cables and coat hanger wire with no shielding at all. :)

34. Not deaf.....yet. I am getting a subwoofer array for my HT room though.

yay for MFW 15s!!!
Hey spaceman, hopefully i can give the layman's explanation a little more civilly than our [H] brothers :), and pardon me since i'm basically preaching to the choir here.

Like other's here were trying to explain, The beauty of a digital signal is it's simplicity. A digital signal will basically only sound three ways: 1) it'll sound perfect 2) or you'll get no sound at all 3) or you'll get that annoying digital "jitter" (at varying levels).

Analog on the other hand was/is an entirely different animal, cable construction and shielding often made a difference....to a certain degree of course.

Unless i'm missing something here and there's some analog signal involved in your setup?
thanks for being civil but there really is no other explanation to give other than they just get the signal across better or just different. one cable is copper and the other is silver. I am cool.

I just like the I/C and firmness of these cables. I got a good deal regardless of whether or not you can measure a difference. I hear one so that is all I need.

there's no benefit in terms of video transfer either? I see more vibrancy with these over my BJC components in 1080i. Same settings for each there is more color and brightness with the new guys.
thanks for being civil but there really is no other explanation to give other than they just get the signal across better or just different. one cable is copper and the other is silver. I am cool.

I just like the I/C and firmness of these cables. I got a good deal regardless of whether or not you can measure a difference. I hear one so that is all I need.

If you're happy with your sugar pills, more power to you, but by coming here and posting it like a Hot Deal thread, you're now the one hawking snake oil.

there's no benefit in terms of video transfer either? I see more vibrancy with these over my BJC components in 1080i. Same settings for each there is more color and brightness with the new guys.

That is at least theoretically possible -- if unlikely -- because component video is an analog connection. When the cable is passing a digital signal, there is no possibility -- theoretical or otherwise -- that its construction is influencing the quality of the sound.
thanks for being civil but there really is no other explanation to give other than they just get the signal across better or just different. one cable is copper and the other is silver. I am cool.

I just like the I/C and firmness of these cables. I got a good deal regardless of whether or not you can measure a difference. I hear one so that is all I need.

there's no benefit in terms of video transfer either? I see more vibrancy with these over my BJC components in 1080i. Same settings for each there is more color and brightness with the new guys.

? component aint digitall now is it?.

To explain the "digital advantage" thing another way.. do MP3's sound better if they are stored on a Seagate-branded harddrive, or a Western Digital harddrive? Does the MP3 sound any different if you downloaded that MP3 via a DSL connection, as opposed to a cable internet connection?

No, because it's the same data. Same principle applies to digital audio cables.
Yay of course.

I am tone deaf and have a very hairy set of

tennis balls.

Thanks again. Keep up the good work. I know that I will continue to aggravate the solid minds. Fear that which does not compute suckers!
Yay of course.

I am tone deaf and have a very hairy set of

tennis balls.

Thanks again. Keep up the good work. I know that I will continue to aggravate the solid minds. Fear that which does not compute suckers!

Not a very good gimmick poster, now are you? :(