BenQ V2400W User Reviews @ [H]Forum

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
The window for entries has now closed.

If you have been picked, you should get a PM before the end of Monday if not before.

BenQ has recognized the tremendous amount of valuable feedback here in our [H]Forum Displays forum and BenQ now wants to put YOU to work.

We will be selecting five [H]Forum Display members that have shown to be worthy additions to our community to write reviews of BenQ’s new V2400W LCD monitor.


Please post only once in this thread telling us why we should pick you to review BenQ’s V2400W LCD monitor using 100 words or less. The 5 [H]Forum community members selected by [H] and BenQ will have the option of keeping the V2400W, if they so desire after posting their user review, and pay only US$149. MSRP on the V2400W is US$499.

If you want to know more about the V2400W and the engineers behind it, you can check out BenQ’s V2400W Demo page and find the V2400W specifications here.

We have started a new BenQ V2400W discussion thread; please use it to discuss this new display. Thanks! And go green!
I think you should pick me because i have really only used budget displays so if there is a difference between the budget displays and fancy ones i will be able to tell. And i would like to be able to give back for the great [H] reviews that i read and learned so much from.

-Nick Leo
Why me? I suffer from analysis paralysis (read: critical eye but price conscious), I've purchased and returned a few of BenQ's competitors, I run both Mac and PC, and I represent a LARGE percentage of the [H]Forum community (appreciative lurkers). I'm addicted actually, and CAN'T WAIT for [H]Forum to make up my mind for me!!!

But most importantly...
I'm smack dab in the center of the V2400W's target market cross-hairs. Who wouldn't want a great looking monitor, elegant enough to sit next to my Apple Mac hardware? With quality to please a novice photo editor who treasures his digital family albums? And the ease-of-use required by my wife and 3yr old? I'll answer these questions and more.

P.S. Did I mention I know how to take low light and macro digital photos? That should be a prerequisite! Either way, I look forward to the reviews. Thanks [H]Forum!!!
If you pick me, I promise to do a completly subjective, biased, non-scientific review. I also promise to use words like "precarious" and "transcendent" if/when they apply. Also, one or more of the pictures in my review will be completely unrelated to the review, and may or may not contain a duck.
Do Canadians have a crack at this? If so here is why you should pick me:

I spend more time examining and discussing monitor issues than any other piece of gear by far. I am very observant of small details and you can expect me to be critical/fair and to follow up the review.

I have owned all three major types of panels (TN, VA, IPS) and understand the trade offs for each, that go beyond simple specifications.

Finally. A close sibling of this monitor ( G2400W ) is on my shortlist of monitors I am considering. I would be very interested to examine it's more stylish counterpart (which is as yet unavailable here).
I think I would be a good choice because while I am not an image professional (there are plenty of those here, I'm sure), I can review things from a "Joe User" point of view. I also like talking hardware.
Good candidate here :)

I spend countless hours using my current monitor for gaming, so I'm always looking for a monitor that can perform and at the same time, is nice on the eyes. Thanks to AoC, I would be spend plenty of time staring at it. Anything good or bad, I would notice for sure and it would reflect in my review.
I think I'd be good at reviewing - I use my computer for everything, which would give the monitor a nice workout. We'd be looking at performance at office tasks, gaming, web design, and web browsing.
I live in Hawaii,
I can check out how it handles the sun and surf.

Wait, is this one water proof? *giggles*
I myself already have a 24in LCD but having 2 would be able to compare these two. Benq have always been a excellent company. I am sure your LCD is better than what I bought.
I've been using different versions of Dell's 24" LCD for a while, so I'm familiar with the pros and cons of some of the competition. My primary uses for my monitor are PC gaming, TV, internet browsing, and I use it for my XBOX 360 as well. My review would not involve technical tests of color reproduction, but rather the more subjective "how black is the black?", "does it look good?", and "is it a pain to get it to work with multiple connections at different resolutions easily.
You should pick me because I have two 24" and a 30" dell monitor to compare it to. I also do a lot of gaming on top of the every day office applications.

Dead pixels drive me nuts...
Bad image quality is the devil!!!

I volunteer!
We do it all on our monitors...graphic design, gaming, watch movies(BR).
So we can give a great overview of it's performance in most usages
While our current monitors are adequate, I'd love an opportunity to try a BenQ after all the raves I've read at HardForum.
Our current monitors are a Dell 2001FP, Soyo 24" and a Samsung 191T.
I’m currently very active on the AVSForum under the name bpmurr which many [H] readers know is an audio/video enthusiast site. I’ve owned a large variety of LCD and Plasma displays over the past couple years. I’ve been known to be a straight shooter when it comes to displays pointing out the good and bad. I’d like to share my experiences with [H] readers and what better then to start with a review of the Benq V2400W.
After experienced several 24" monitors such as Dell 2407-HC and the Gateway 2400FHD I believe I can provide a detailed report on the different aspects of the BenQ monitor that separates it from similar competitors. As a software developer in the entertainment software industry I understand visual quality is quite important and I can provide my view as to whether the monitor is suitable for technical usage. As a consumer I understand the the importance of performance to value ratio and what consumers expect out of their hard earned money. As a [H]ard forum goer I believe I have what it takes to provide an enthusiasts' view in hardware quality. All in all I believe I'm a good candidate for the BenQ V2400W User Reviews.
Pick me because I have a P-MVA and S-IPS panel to compare it against.

Let's see how this TN panel really fairs against the competition :D
Why me? As the owner of a Dell 2407WFP, 2005FPW, and 1907FP, I am in the position to write a relative comparison between the various LCDs. I have a sharp eye for quality, and use my computer for more than a single purpose and can evaluate the V2400W from multiple perspectives: gamer, movie enthusiast, web designer, application developer, and more. I possess the other necessary equipment – input devices of high quality – to review the V2400W without handicap, and my unassisted 20/20 eyesight is equally up to the task. Thank you for your consideration.

Pick me because I use both a Mac and a PC, and so I can check it out in XP, Vista, OSX, and Linux. I game, I watch movies, I map, and I write code, which should put the monitor through just about every environment it might be used in. I also can compare it directly to an Apple display and two nice flat panels.
I would absolutely love to check this one out and report/review if the "stealthy" design translates into monitor utopia

But I won't bomb any one with it. I promise :)

Nothing like a good workout with the PS3, PC, Xbox 360 and HD cable boxes in my arsenal to expose the true mettle of this new product.

Me too please!


Hello, I'm an reader [H], computer repair tech, gaming enthusiast and full time geek/jock. Sometimes it's hard to pass up a good offer like this one, I'd probably have to keep the screen for 149$ if it lives up to it's expectations.

One the one hand, the avid gamer in me looks for the response time, ghosting effect and constrast ratio in the screen while the repair tech examines the build quality and value for the money.

You can expect a bias review of anything that I like and an objective review of anything I dislike !

- Eric
For the last 7 years I've been coming to [H] for my tech news, reviews, and other oddities. If you were to pick me to review your monitor I think it would be the best opportunity for a long time reader, though a little quiet most of the time, to really show that our community knows how to explain ourselves so that others can learn from our mistakes (or triumphs!).
I have a wide range of purposes I use my computer for. Ranging from typical gaming to watching videos to editing photographs. You can be sure that every aspect of the monitor will be covered.

Not to mention that I love photography and writing, I can show off this monitor in all its glory. Just be aware I call a spade a spade. If its great then the angels will sing its praises and if it is sub par then expect a cold, harsh, berating death. But this is BenQ. I expect only the best!
Being a graphic artist in my free time every bit of color counts. What might look great on my current 700:1 contrast ratio monitor but it might be a dark muddy mess on a CRT or a higher contrast LCD such as the BenQ V2400W.

A heads up comparison with my current 22” LCD and my old trusty 19” CRT would really help other graphic designers choose which LCD to go with if they are gun shy about abandoning their CRT’s like I was.
I promise to directly compare the image quality of this monitor to that of pie, pie which is home made and readily shipped to China. mmm pie.
I've used a ton of different monitors in this size class, but have yet to fine the "one". Dell, Gateway, HP, Hanns-G...I'll have a fairly good benchmark of comparison. Not to mention, the monitor is sexy as hell, and will likely improve my street cred if I'm seen with it.
I got the Dell 2407 WFP and happy with it. TN panel maybe on this BenQ so you might as well select someone above since I cannot think it would be better then what I got. Yes, mine cost $600.00 over this $450 or so monitor but is it really worth it if it cannot compete ?

Good luck to those that want to review this monitor. Just make sure its an honest review. Test the heck out of it with games, photos, and the other stuff...
You should pick me because I have long standing experience with 24" displays ranging from LG to Gateway to Dells, from Twisted Nematic to MVA/PVA and even IPS panels of varying type. I have the ability to test the display with Windows Vista Ultimate and even Linux. I am an unbiased person and will provide clear and concise feedback. I have a DSLR camera equipment that would help in my review, as well as a multitude of devices that could be attached to demonstrate the displays flexibility.
You guys should pick me because I'm actually in the market to buy a 24" LCD right now. I'm now in the process of reading everything I can on these displays, and seeing all of them in store that I can.

I have both a PC and a Mac, and I do semi-professional photography work. I actually need an IPS panel, but can really only realistically afford a TN panel.
Why pick me?

I use my monitor for everything, gaming, movies, work etc. I spend on average 12-14 hours per day looking at a monitor. I have an eye for detail and would provide a subjective review. I'm not a "guru" by any means, just someone who spends countless hours in front of a monitor. I have a fair amount of knowledge on whats available and the benefits/drawbacks of different technologies. I'm a straight shooter and not afraid to express my opinion.
I used a BenQ monitor over in Iraq with a shuttle system for my LAN gaming during 2 deployment's (first deployment was a Sager Laptop). I have previously owned the Dell 2407 rev. 3. I would run it through 10 different PC games, and a slew of monitor tests. Also, I would get quick 1-2 sentence quotes from other service members and take pictures of the testing process with a well written review to go along with it. I would run everything from TV/Cable, 1080p content (Blu-Ray), to the Xbox 360 (component, HDMI, VGA).

Personally, I'm broke and can't afford a new PC monitor. Well not a nice one anyway lol :D
You should pick me because I own 2 of the LG 246WP monitors which I settled on after a long and exhaustive LCD search. I am currently a 4th year Mechanical Engineering student with a borderline excessive attention to detail. I do CAD, hires gaming, bluray and have a PS3 all on my current monitors. If you will pick me you will receive an unbiased review down to the most minute detail as well as answer any questions the the [H] community might have. Thank you for the opportunity.
I am probably one of the many people on this board who are drooling over the possibility of reviewing this monitor. In my work, I'm a coder, document writer, support technician and Jr. DBA. I spend a lot of time staring at monitors and doing everything from data manipulation, to design work, to high graphics gaming. I have written extensive documentation for the support department in which I work and for customer consumption, so I know how to write to multiple audiences. I could use a really sharp, clean monitor for my home office/gaming rig and I would love to write a review on it.

Let alone if I'm good at it maybe Kyle will let me do more stuff!
Reasons to pick rsiggs:
1- I already have a 24", a 20.1", 2 19"s and a plethora of 17" monitors to compare it against.
2- I work from home, using these monitors on average at least 8 hours a day, 6 days a week.
3- I've done a fair amount of technical writing and editing, so the end product is of a higher level, for almost free!
4- I game a lot, watch a lot of stuff via the big monitor, and am currently doing a lot of web design/graphic design for my business

Reasons not to pick rsiggs:
1- I'm a pompous arrogant ass. (ok, maybe that's not a 'con' always, but I throw that up to get it out of the way)
2- I'm relatively new to [H] as a poster. I've been reading [H]ardOCP forever though, so I'm at least more than passably familiar with the testing methodology.
3- this space intentionally left blank
Don't pick me... I already own a Samsung 305T and have no need for such a small screen ;)
My family has three individual users on our singular computer system. The computer is used so much that we bumped the Vista Ultimate hibernation to two hours as it never sat longer than an hour between uses. The level of work runs from school/email/web surfing to detailed Photoshop adjustments to prolonged gaming. With one monitor at our house, you will be receiving an amalgam of three different view points, thus maximizing your review expenditure.

Thank you for the consideration.
I own a Mitsubishi 37" 1080p LCD that doubles as a PC monitor simply because I haven't decided which LCD monitor to buy. I work from home about 50% of the time and am in the market for two 24" LCD's. Of course, I'd be using them for play as well.

In the office, I have two Dell LCD's at my desk and have quite a few different model LCD's at other stations that I can borrow for "official IT business...none of your business" use.

If I were to test one of these new BenQ monitors, I feel that I could give a thorough and unbiased review. Also, because I'm in the market for two monitors, I'd be buying a second at full retail price. :)

In any event, I'm anxiously awaiting this review because I've had my eye on this monitor for a while.
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