Hour of Victory: Worst. Game. Ever.


Sep 5, 2001
On 360 at least. This game is so bad, I wanted to write about it, just so I could be rude and scathing.

On a scale of 1-10 this game doesn't rate. I suppose if "1" was equal to "functional and able to be placed into the console and played" then it would be a /10.

Ign gave it just south of a 6, and apparently Gamespot gave it a 2.

I personally don't know how something like this game makes it past playtester approval, or how a company like Midway places it on a shelf in the state it was in. If I was n-fusion, the developer of the game, I would have fought to have my name removed from the title if for some reason it was rushed by the publisher and thats the excuse for why it ended up the way it is. If they knowingly pushed this thing through their collective sphincter knowing it played the way it does, then shame on them. They should feel bad, and go develop cell phone titles or something.

What story? You are 3 guys picked by high command to go and do... something. Turns out by the end of the game it was something to do with Germany having a nuclear reactor, and for some reason, it was in Berlin, in the bottom of a Library.

The in game progression of the checkpoints also suffer from a lack of cohesion. Some of the stuff makes no sense whatsoever, and seems cobbled together in an ADHD manner.

They even have the balls to throw a poorly scripted boss battle at you as the conclusion to the game... then they have the audacity to not give you the ability to skip the credits when you finish. I had to go to dashboard to stop watching them. Oh, and I forgot to add, the boss? Yeah, he teleports. From one side of the room to the other. You shoot him, and he runs out the door on one side, and appears on the totally opposite side of the room. Repeats until you kill him. You can watch him disappear as he hits the door, it's actually rather humorus,

Awful. You know how they used to use pre-rendered backgrounds as the backdrop in combination with real time graphics on the older generation consoles? They did this here. I'm pretty sure I've seen better pre-rendered sequences in Final Fantasy 9. I'm not even hamming this point up. Also the backgrounds are so blurry in parts of the game it will hurt your eyes if you look too long. The main graphics look like something from the original Xbox, slightly better geometry with pre-rendered cutscenes and backgrounds torn from the PS1 days of yore. This game would have been an awful value as a $10 budget release on the PS2 or Xbox.

Like an N64 game. Clunky, un-predictable, and slow. The movement speed suffers from an acceleration curve, and when you zoom or use iron-sights it exacerbates things incredibly. I found myself looking straight up many times when zoomed in and trying to track a target. The tank driving level drove me into fits of apoplectic rage. I almost foamed at the mouth.

Also, you can sprint very fast, and you can literally sprint through 50% of the game, at least. So it's got that going for it, I suppose.

Multiplayer: Couldn't tell you, nobody is playing this turd.

Summation: Again, I do not understand how something like this makes it to market. I really don't. It's a shameful effort, and in all honesty the fact they charged $60 for this title is damn near criminal. I weep for the kids who might have errantly received this as a gift for a birthday or something.

Offensively bad, it's so bad. Bad bad bad. I was going to replay a couple of the levels with the different characters just to farm some achievements, and because I was bored but I got disgusted with myself and with how bad the game was and decided that I should be playing CoD4.

Every copy of this game should be recycled. If anybody anywhere donated this to Child's Play or any form of charity they will most likely burn in hell for it.

Thank god I only rented it as a "can it really be that bad?" kind of experiment.
Thank god I only rented it as a "can it really be that bad?" kind of experiment.

I bought a used copy. Got my achievement points and got rid of it.

Honestly, if you think it was shitty, go play blacksite. It feels like an alpha version.
I bought a used copy. Got my achievement points and got rid of it.

Honestly, if you think it was shitty, go play blacksite. It feels like an alpha version.

Oh wow.

You can't mean that. it's worse than this?

I was planning on renting that when I took this back, just for shits and grins. Tell me this: Are the controls as bad, and, do you get stuck on things just walking through the levels and corridors?

I can handle shitty graphics, and bad story, those two don't doom a game for me. what I can't stand is poor collision detection and the inability to aim because the game won't allow me fluid control. The one thing that really burns me is when you are required to hide behind cover and whatnot, then you get stuck, and can't move, and you have to restart a level, or do the push-every-button-and-wiggle-the-stick combo to break loose.

Nothing jars me from a gameplay experience quite like that. That happened a lot in this game.
Maybe you should give The Golden Compass, Yaris, or Bomberman: Act Zero a chance. They all scored lower.
Maybe you should give The Golden Compass, Yaris, or Bomberman: Act Zero a chance. They all scored lower.

Yaris. lol. I forgot about that one, but it's free, so it can be as shitty as it likes. Bomberman I've forgotten, but I would totally buy it for "the lulz" if I ever came across it for $5 or less.

The Golden Compass, thats a movie game (shudder) and we should all know better than to touch those with a 10 foot pole. Plus I doubt any of us fall in the age demographic that title was most likely out for.

I wonder at what age we became able to determine if something was crap or aweomse when it comes to licensed games relating to movies. For me it was during the SNES days when they released crap like "Home Alone", and "Batman Forever"

Batman Returns was ok, it was like a batman final fight.

I'm still renting Blacksite ;), I've got about 8 more days off, so I'll need something to do in my downtime.
How did you manage to stomach your way through it? I never got through COD2 or COD4 on PC, I just couldn't waste my life like that. My friend played COD4 through the Chernobyl level and I was asleep the whole time on the couch. I'd rather spend my time cleaning the house than playing some games, many of which I never even come close to beating.
Well in all honesty, we just had a baby, and I've got 14 days off from work. Theres been a lot of downtime. Currently, our sleep schedule is wrecked, I spent an entire day cleaning the house before my wife left the hospital, and I'm one of those people who spends between 45 minutes and an hour everyday keeping crap picked up. It's been wet and around 29 degrees so working outside is out.

When the baby is napping he either naps on me, on my chest as I sit with my feet up on the desk playing games, or he sleeps in his huge pillow-bed thing right beside me on the desk.

It's worked out awesome in so many ways. 14 day vacation during Christmas, new baby, lots of time for games in between, quality time with family.

Oh, and literally, you can beat the game in about 2-3 hours. Less if you sprint through most of it (I did)
I am watching an IGN preview with the developers comments. I want to vomit. It looks like it should have come out on Xbox indeed. They are basically summing the game's unique appeal as the "you can use different characters". I don't even know if I am going to make it through this game.

Sorry that you bought it. You could have bought a fair bit of anti-freeze to splash into your eyes instead of wasting it on that game.

EDIT: I am going in for an MRI after watching that video of the developers half-heartedly trying to make the game sound like it isn't total shit. I bet I have a brain tumor.
Worst game ever? Sure it plays like an early build of COD3 (the weak link of the series) but to say it is the worst game ever puts it in a rare category of all time stinkers...I don't think it deserves that kind of honor.:D
I am watching an IGN preview with the developers comments. I want to vomit. It looks like it should have come out on Xbox indeed. They are basically summing the game's unique appeal as the "you can use different characters". I don't even know if I am going to make it through this game.

Sorry that you bought it. You could have bought a fair bit of anti-freeze to splash into your eyes instead of wasting it on that game.

EDIT: I am going in for an MRI after watching that video of the developers half-heartedly trying to make the game sound like it isn't total shit. I bet I have a brain tumor.

Probablly have a Brain tumor from all of that OCD cleaning of the house and chemical fumes. LOL
Worst game ever? Sure it plays like an early build of COD3 (the weak link of the series) but to say it is the worst game ever puts it in a rare category of all time stinkers...I don't think it deserves that kind of honor.:D

You really have to see the cutscenes to get on board with me, but I promise you, it's one of the all time stinkers.

If you gave a group of 4th graders the concepts "war", "germans", and "nuclear", they could write a better story than the one someone got paid to come up with for this game.

Whoever wrote it should feel bad.

and I rented it, thank god.