Call of Duty 4 and 8800GT


Mar 8, 2007
I am researching for a friend who has a Core2Duo with 4MB cache at around 3.0Ghz. I am wondering how well the 8800GT performs in Call of Duty 4.

He plays at 1024 x 768 resolution. Can anyone link me to benchmarks that show how this games runs on the 8800GT at that resolution with anti-aliasing enabled?
at that resolution it will be absolutely fine. you wont even need to look at a benchmark. he will be pulling 100+ fps
E6600 stock and 8800GT @ 1680x1050 everything on except for AA. Didnt notice frame-skipping of any sort.
8800GT and e6700 @ 3.0...1680x1050....every single setting up or on, 4x AA, Vsync enabled, never below 40ish, so 1024x768 would be fine.
See sig. Runs just fine with everything maxed in the game and that's at 1680x1050.
1024x768? What does he play on? A 15inch CRT?


Some people (unlike us [H]ard cultists) don't play on the native resolution of a monitor, whether it be a CRT or LCD.

Don't assume. That makes an ass out of you and, um, him. :p

@ 1024x768, an 8800GT should be able to max everything in almost any game (save maybe Crysis). I might suggest a higher resolution if at all possible as this card is capable of quite a bit higher resolutions at max settings.

Some people (unlike us [H]ard cultists) don't play on the native resolution of a monitor, whether it be a CRT or LCD.

Don't assume. That makes an ass out of you and, um, him. :p

@ 1024x768, an 8800GT should be able to max everything in almost any game (save maybe Crysis). I might suggest a higher resolution if at all possible as this card is capable of quite a bit higher resolutions at max settings.'ll run smooth as a baby's bottom...just try and convince him to bump up the res to actually take advantage of the awesomeness that is the 8800GT. :D
Why is everyone jumping V99's ass? It dont matter how people outside of [H] play thier games an 8800GT at 1024x768 is massive overkill.

Buying a high end $250+ card to play at 1024x768 is naturally going to raise some eyebrows Dont be surprised when people question the reasoning.
Pfunkman's got a point. I would've said the same thing, but...
But what? This quote makes no sense, get a clue, then try again!

Blackstone, Fel and Red Falcon, relax, v99 was neither trolling or insulting the orginal poster. He asked a question, a really good one too.
Gt's in sli and COD4 maxed out eye candy 1650x 1080= the perfect storm. I just started the multiplayer game and I have been getting my ass handed to me cuase i am so distracted by the eye candy :D
I always thought playing at lower resolutions puts the workload on the cpu. By going to higher resolutions you take the load off the cpu & put it on the gpu. It would seem the OP is dissing the 8800GT by playing at low resolutions.
I always thought playing at lower resolutions puts the workload on the cpu. By going to higher resolutions you take the load off the cpu & put it on the gpu. It would seem the OP is dissing the 8800GT by playing at low resolutions.

ding ding ding!

You should have a balanced system, that includes the monitor. Or is he going for e-peen with a crazy system but no monitor?
But what? This quote makes no sense, get a clue, then try again!

Blackstone, Fel and Red Falcon, relax, v99 was neither trolling or insulting the orginal poster. He asked a question, a really good one too.

I never said he was trolling. Now YOU are assuming. Reread my original post before you go and troll it. :)
I have no control over what resolution my friend plays at. I would convince him to go up to 1680 if I could but I don't think he wants to. When he sees how fast the 8800 is he might realize he is wasting a lot of the power.

But that isn't the point, the question was about performance at that resolution. It was not about the merits of the resolution itself. I have the expertise to make those arguments to him myself. Thanks.

Edit: One reason why he won't go up is that on his CRT, going up in resolution means a lower refresh rate, and he wants to keep it high.
More people play at 1024 x 768 than you think. I'm not one of them, but a lot of people do play at that resolution.

Me personally, I'd rather be drawn and quartered than go back to 1024 but then again I sprung for one of the best LCDs on the market.
Well then, it will play very well, but not much better than cheaper graphics cards. Tell him to overclock his cpu even higher instead, because at that resolution, the cpu is doing most of the talking.