Old guild looking for new players.


Nov 14, 2005
I've seen a few people a few people on here post that they look for either a gaming community or just a group of people to game with. I am the leader of an old guild that has died down quite a bit, but am looking to get more peeps back in. Currently the big thing the few of us are playing is CoD4 and jumping around random games.

If you're interested send me a private message. I would give my email address but last time I did that, I became a wonderful subscriber to viagra and other wonderful med spam. We play pretty much anything from 360 - pc games (mainly pc games) everyone who is interested is welcome. Guys love to have fun and goof around. (website is currently underway as it was hacked some time ago and I just never got around to goofing with it. Teamspeak is used, vent server will be up soon.)

Sorry admins if this is some how against the rules, but I've seen plenty of posts of people looking for other gamers to game with.
I've been a guild leader/assistant in games like Lineage 2, WoW, BF2, BF2142, CS:s (pretty much whatever valve game we felt like playing), goofed around with RS: vegas (nothing special). Mud (old multi user dungeon tbg), halo 2, and a lot of other console based games.

I personally play a lot of games. As I said my member population has dropped a whole lot since Lineage 2 days, which was around 60 something members at that time, to just a handful now of players who aren't too busy with the real world to drop in on a weekend or weeknight and game till their eyes bleed.

I in no way want or require anyone to play the same game as myself or any member actually, but I do and would like to have people who are fun to game with, who can be competitive and loyal in whatever game they choose to play whether it be with me or any member.

Right now, when I'm not trying to push my way into this university I'm trying to goto and setting up my website as well as I possibly can, I and a few people are playing in CoD4. Crysis, and gears of war once everything settles down with those two games will probably be looked into.

The website for anyone interested is www.deathsfate.com ...
I joined the Something Awful forums because they're a huge/huge/massive gaming guild/community. Unfortunately that hasn't happened here yet.
I've heard of the something awful forums but I've never paid any attention to it. I have a few communities that I'm affiliated with, but they're nothing special. At least they are a community, I have a guild ;)...
Still looking!

CoD4 players might be a little more interested right now. I have a 24 man server up! Other players are still welcome! The few that messaged me sorta disappeared off the face of the earth :p