Socket 939 Alliance Recognition


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I am posting this so you know it is official. The following post is from AMD[H]unter.

Great news! The 939 Alliance has been recognized by AMD. They saw what we started want to thank us for being passionate about our AMD and 939 systems. As Chris Aarons, Community and Influencer Relations at AMD, said in his note to me, "it is people like the members of 939 Alliance that are at the heart of what AMD is all about."

Also, I want to thank Chris and AMD for making this possible. Without AMD, the 939 Alliance would never have been started, and we would all be stuck using Intel ( :p ) Here's a big thanks to AMD for making this possible!

And, best of all, they have given me (as your president) five 939 motherboards/FX-55 processors packages and a few t-shirts to giveaway any way I see fit. I will make a list of the members that have posted in this thread before this post, and I will have a third party randomly pick the names out for the giveaway. You will be notified if you are a winner.

Hunter sent me the list of Socket 939 Alliance members. We randomized the list and picked 11 members to receive the following.

1.) FX-55+Mobo: Calis
2.) FX-55+Mobo: computerpro3
3.) FX-55+Mobo: Unknown-One
4.) FX-55+Mobo: best [486]
5.) FX-55+Mobo: pobolycwm

1.)XL T-Shirt: Occidio
2.)XL T-Shirt: strikeout
3.)L T-Shirt: aquaragia
4.)L T-Shirt: digiram
5.)L T-Shirt: Grimdj
6.)M T-Shirt: Captain Slow

You should be getting a PM from AMD[H]unter shortly as he will need your shipping address.

HardOCP will be paying for shipping your schwag to you....please be patient and give AMD[H]unter a few days to get everything out to you.
Wow, that is cool. I think that AMD should hook up the officers of the Socket 939 Alliance as well.. :cool:
DAMN! thats awesome :D

if anyone forfeits for some crazy reason, i call dibs if they dont decide to randomly pick a new person :p

Congrats all, and props to AMD for being [H]ard
[H]arddddddd!!! lol congrats to winners, ftw AMD! they won me over XD
*runs in the thread to flash his brisbane*



The sisoft benchmark was only done at 2.8 ghz

*sniffle i'm so proud of it*

Amd = [H]ardcore

Congrats winners! Now let's see how those babies OC. hehe
two people picked for FX 55 + Mobo prizes were last active over a month ago, heres to hoping they get alerts... if they have a not popular webmail, heres hoping theyre accounts havent shut down from being unused 0_0 this is a wicked thing for AMD to do... maybe more in the future? :D *crosses fingers*

AMD[H]unter, how long has this been in the works? :p
Maybe I'll have to be more active in the alliance. Ever since I started playing for both teams I have generally steered clear of the Processor subforums.
AMD[H]unter, how long has this been in the works? :p

About a month.

If you are a winner, please email me with you name, address, and phone number so I can get this stuff out to you. I will also PM you but it would be nice to get an email...

[email protected]

Thanks for the participation, guys, and most of all, thanks to AMD!
computerpro3, please clear your Inbox. I need your shipping info. Kyle, if you could email him, that would be great.
Just found this, what is the 939 Alliance.
I have a 939 Board and it seems as though it has finished before it even started. Am I wrong?
where is the 939 group?

I am still using my 4200X2 939.
My gigabyte board just died.
I just bought a asus deluxe sli 939 and a XfX 7900gs on saturday.
second non sticky as of this post. you guys are too late, its been drawn already, but youre welcome to join the largest group here :p :D

[H]unter, can i get Car Nut as my title in the group? heheh
Now let's see Intel pony up for the members of the slot 1 club. :p

It's incredibly nice to see AMD recognizing the enthusiasts crowd. Congrats to the winners.
thats so freaking cool......

kudos AMD

nice to see some companies appreciate their customers business and loyalty :D
Well it definitely sucks to be an Intel user right now .. I woulda liked to join the AMD 939 alliance but I couldn't get a 2nd hand motherboard and CPU to replace my damm S478 and IC7-G :rolleyes:

oh well ...

I'm surprised we haven't heard from any of the winners ...
I'm surprised we haven't heard from any of the winners ...
Just found the PM in my inbox. :D

I can't belive they actualy gave away five Athlon FX's :eek:.
As usual, AMD rocks!

If I may ask, exactly what model motherboards are these?
awww man why didnt i join the alliance
thouigh very nice of amd to give away t-shirts and fxs
Wow. That's awesome. Good to see them recognizing a large consumer base (even in the hardcore market) is still out there.
939 is great, hope Mushkin keeps producing ddr500 redline so if my set craps out, I won't have to rebuild.
Just found the PM in my inbox. :D

I can't belive they actualy gave away five Athlon FX's :eek:.
As usual, AMD rocks!

If I may ask, exactly what model motherboards are these?


It's not all that great for OC'ing (AMD gave me one too...), but it's great for stock speeds.
Yeah the 754 Alliance is too secretive to get any goodies lol ;)

Wish I could get an upgrade :(

Guess I'll have to enjoy the extra Dell 20.1" 207WFP they sent me on mistake after I got my 2007WFP LOL
you know, i will say my AMD is running dam good, never would of thought they would be systems. i built my brother a Athlon XP 2600+ back when they were still decent systems and i had nothing but problems with it and at that time i was using the Intel P4 3.2ghz Prescott on a Abit IC7-G Max2 and it ran circles around my brothers system. but i then decide to go on the AMD Bandwagon to give them a try for myself. and you know other that asus not putting there raid drivers on a dam floppy, that has been the only trouble ive had with my AMD. so i guess i can say im a proud member of the AMD family.

Oh and Congrates to the Winners of the Free Gifts from AMD. thats awesome how they were nice enough to give away free products. guess Intel hasnt thought of thinking of the countless hours peeps use there old and new products. i still got one of there 386's and i havent won anything from them. bastards, here i was going to build me a new Core 2 Duo system and they dont give away any free stuff.

One thing i can say is its about time ATI gets someone to show them the way of Techsupport, cause they have suffered over the years with not providing good tech support also.

ok, ill stop im just rambling on. :D again congrates to the WINNERS. :cool: :D
so did they actually mention making some 939 processors... or is this just a cheap cop out for amd?
so did they actually mention making some 939 processors... or is this just a cheap cop out for amd?

I too was wondering about this. Yes they decided to give some free stuff to a few people, but it doesn't help us get new cpus that are socket 939. They were probably just trying to clean off some shelf space in the warehouse.