Difference between a XGA +,SXGA or UXGA displays on Dell Inspiron laptops

Nov 26, 2005
Hi there.

Im about to buy a 1501 laptop for my studies and some music programs. I was wonder about the difference between those type of displays. The 1501 Dell Inspiron model came with a 15.4" xga wide display, but maybe I should ask for a better one.

I don´t know the difference that much. Should I ask for a better one? :confused:
Hi there.

Im about to buy a 1501 laptop for my studies and some music programs. I was wonder about the difference between those type of displays. The 1501 Dell Inspiron model came with a 15.4" xga wide display, but maybe I should ask for a better one.

I don´t know the difference that much. Should I ask for a better one? :confused:

If it's free, yes.

If the cost doesn't bother you, yes.

If you can't see well up-close, then probably not.
My wife's new Thinkpad has an XGA. My son's Z61m is WSXGA. Many people dislike XGA as being low lez and perhaps a bit clunky. It's true that the Z61 display fits a lot more on the screen. OTOH, for general applications and readability the XGA display isn't really that bad. It depends a lot on your eyes. High rez screens certainly look better, but if you need to squint to see things that's not so great....
From NotebookReview.com
a. XGA -1024x768 - Large and easy to read text + graphics icons, but you fit less stuff on the screen.
b. SXGA - 1400x1050 - Compromise resolution between XGA and UXGA.
c. UXGA - 1600x1200 - Very small text and graphics icons, you can fit lots of stuff on the screen.

d. WXGA or WXGA+ - 1280x768/800 or 1440x900; Wider viewing version of XGA, good for movie viewing or spreadsheets.
e. WSXGA+ - 1680x1050; Wider viewing version of SXGA, good for movie viewing or spreadsheets.
f. WUXGA - 1920x1200; Wider viewing version of UXGA, good for movie viewing or spreadsheets.Very small text and icons.
1920x1200 is awesome, not to mention it's perfect for 1080p viewing...

Mmmm when blu-ray discs start packing VC-1 Main High settings it'll be beautiful

Main Low 2 Mbit/s 320 x 240 / 24 (QVGA) Medium 10 Mbit/s 720 x 480 / 30 (480p)
720 x 576 / 25 (576p) High 20 Mbit/s 1920 x 1080 / 30 (1080p)
1920x1200 will be able to display max resolution 1080p... mmmm delish
Here's a commonly used image that shows exactly how the different screensizes relate to one another:

The one size that image doesn't cover, interestingly enough, is WXGA which is 1280x800, the most common resolution for widescreen laptop LCDs today. But then again, WXGA can be a lot of different resolutions itself.

gophn: Just curious but... gonna advertise NBR with each post? :D