Free Flexible Keyboard


great for new builds when you need a spare keyboard and you can tuck it away somewhere when your through with it.
woohoo! Thanks TTP! I was actually going to buy one of these not too long ago for my workbench so I could just wad it up and throw it in a drawer, but decided I would hold off. Well, it looks like waiting finally paid off. :p Hopefully it comes.
wow, awesome! Thanks TTP!! Hopefully this comes through cause this would be really awesome and useful for me to have.
heh this is pretty unique in terms of free stuff, i signed up for one, Thanks!
Put your last name + Inc.

i.e. Smith Inc.

or you can be creative, it's up to you. I never got my fold out speakers from Adobe when I applied for something like this, so I really hope we get our keyboards.
hope it comes, i actaully could use one of these in my lan bag as my larger one doesnt fit in the box
The_Site said:
Only those who have received the paper mail offer from WatchGuard are eligible for the free flexible keyboard. Valid priority code is required. Recipients may also use the business reply card attached to the mailer.

Only those who have received the paper mailing from WatchGuard are eligible for the keyboard. An accurate priority code is required and is located above your name on the address panel. If you've received the mailing and are having trouble, please mail in the attached business reply card from the mail piece.

quasimodem said:
Only those who have received the paper mailing from WatchGuard are eligible for the keyboard. An accurate priority code is required and is located above your name on the address panel. If you've received the mailing and are having trouble, please mail in the attached business reply card from the mail piece.


Man, that bites. I was really hoping to get this.