Logo Critique


Jun 29, 2006
Alright everyone, just looking for some feedback on this logo a friend of mine asked me to design for him for a ticket brokerage (see the site needaticket.net). All suggestions good or bad, improvements etc. are welcome. If you feel the need for a total redesign go ahead as it would be interesting to see what others interpretations are. To be honest it was thrown together pretty quickly as I'm quite busy and only had a few minutes to come up with it and haven't had the chance to get back and improve on it! I reckon the font could be bulked up for sure, anyway heres the image:

I say it looks good. I think alot of people think a complicated logo with lots of crap in it will look better and in alot of cases it doesn't.

Simple and unique are keys to a good logo (IMO). The only reason I could think for you to change the logo is if your friend wants to have it go all the way across the top of the page (since theres alot of white space).

I say keep it though. ;)
hmm... i think that the N looks a little like an H so i think you should change that...
other than that the logo looks great! :D
change the 'n' it does look more like a 'h', i think the text could do with some enlarging, and maybe slightly chnage the tone between the 'ticket' and the text.
That's an "N"??? I sort of deduced it should be to make the web site make sense, but it looks nothing like an "N".
it looks like a guy on one knee (the part sticking to the back is the other leg) holding up a 'ticket', the white circle obviously is the head

you need to look at it to realize it's a man holding a ticket, but if you're having a quick look it does in fact look like an 'h'

in general though it looks nice, if you can work on it a bit more to remove the idea of 'h' it would look better, play with the angle on the back to make it look like an actual 'n'

good job overall
yes. the "n" is too hard to recognize, although I regret to say that I have no ideas on how you could improve its readability :(
Ok i bulked up the text significantly. Due to the fact that i had been working on it i hadn't really seen the problem with the 'n' being regarded as an 'h', thats the beauty of these forums you can get objective views on things that you are often too close to to see. Put a line through the figures torso to lend more distinction to the 'n'. I prefer the image of the figure kneeling down as a stand alone logo, but the one where it appears to be standing obviously works better in the context of the overall word. Thanks for your comments.
Original Logo:

Revised Logo: