"Push" installs


Aug 21, 2001
I'm trying to figure out how to remotly install a program to a client machine in Windows 2000.

The machines run Windows 2000 and the server is Windows 2000. I thought I would be able to use a Group Policy object but I have since found out that all that does is add the program to the Add/ Remove programs of the control panel.

Some programs we have (such as our virus scan) allow the admin. to "push" it out via the administrator console of the virus scan.

Is there any way built into windows to do the same?

I have created a MSI package for a simple program that I am trying to send throughout the network but I don't know how to make it install automaticly. Thanks
The reason it added it to Add/Remove is because you did it wrong, and made it optional. Do it at the computer level (not the user-level) and it'll be mandatory.
You need to use SMS to push it to the computer or create a logon script that installs the software when a user logs on.
Werid. I just went over to the other machine and restarted it. When I came back about 15 minutes later and logged on as the user it was installed.

How could I have done it wrong? I didn't have many options. When I went to "Software Instatllation" and selected new package, I select the *msi file and then it gives me another screen, with Select Deplymoment method. Published is grayed out, then I have assigned and advanced, I select Assigned. Those 2 are the only options I have.

Please tell me how to do it properly. Thanks
If you do 'Software Installation' from under 'User Configuration' then it will be per-user, and the user must choose to install it (it'll be in Add/Remove)

If you do 'Software Installation' from under 'ComputerConfiguration' then it will be per-machine and the software will install when the PC boots up.

You will likely find it helpful to read through a MCSE book before playing with AD too much.
Fint said:
You really should at least glance thru a MCSE book before playing with AD too much.

When throwing around rude and pointless insults, you should probably at least nail down the grammar so you don't appear exceedingly foolish.
Its ok, I did plan on looking through a book. I went to the library the other day and picked up a book but it hasn't been that helpful because it turns out it is a traning guide for a MCSE test (and doesn't go in depth).

We have had this server for a few years but never decided to use any of the more indepth features which we are just beginning to use.

thanks for helping
Write a batch file and use the AT command and schedule a task on all your remote workstations to install the application at a specific time.
I 'assigned' .. Publish was grayed out (i.e. i couldnt click it)

This is where i did it
If you do 'Software Installation' from under 'ComputerConfiguration' then it will be per-machine and the software will install when the PC boots up.